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Reversing the Diseases of Civilization

Reversing the Diseases of Civilization  We are not concerned with diseases but with mistakes . . . of living. Get rid of the mistakes and the diseases will disappear of their own accord.    Dr Are Waerland   &n
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Cancer: Civilization's

Cancer: Civilization's No. 2 Killer   There is no disease in existence which is, most assuredly, easier of prevention than cancer; yet there is no malady which, when once it has established its presence, is so difficult to subdue.
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SURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS After having solved the problems of finding water, shelter, and animal food, you will have to consider the use of plants you can eat. In a survival situation you should always be on the lookout for familiar wild food
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Fetal pulse oximetry: the end of a nice idea

Fetal pulse oximetry: the end of a nice idea *Associate Professor and Director of Research ** Professor and Chair Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of Texas Houston
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SURVIVAL MOVEMENT IN HOSTILE AREAS The 'rescue at any cost' philosophy of previous conflicts is not likely to be possible in future conflicts. Our potential adversaries have made great progress in air defense measures and radio d
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The Myth of the AIDS Virus

The Myth of the AIDS Virus  Necessity is the mother of invention. Anon. from old Latin      In democratic law a suspect is held to be innocent until proven guilty. A suspect may be held for questioning by police
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The Immune System

The Immune System For twenty-one years I was able to study the reaction of well-fed animals to epidemic diseases, such as rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, septicemia and so forth, which frequently devastated the countryside. None of my ani
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Dieting for Health

Dieting for Health and Longevity  The Art of Living consists of dying young, but as late as possible.    Anon.      Dieting for health and dieting for longevity are not necessarily the same thing.
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Modern Medicine:

Modern Medicine: A Snare and a Delusion   Futile but otherwise harmless medical care is the least important of the damages a proliferating medical enterprise inflicts on contemporary society. However, the pain, dysfunction, disabili
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Fluoride & Genetic Damage

Fluoride & Genetic Damage As pointed out in Chapter 4, all animals, including humans, are made up of cells. Each cell contains a nucleus, which is separated from the remainder of the cell by a nuclear membrane. Within the nucleus exist chro
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The Milieu interieur (The Environment Within)

The Milieu interieur (The Environment Within) Bernard was right, the germ is nothing-- the milieu is everything. Louis Pasteur      There is great concern these days about the environment. We are at last realizing
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Toxemia and the Diseases of Civilization

Toxemia and the Diseases of Civilization I know of nothing so potent in maintaining good health in laboratory animals as perfectly constituted food; I know of nothing so potent in producing ill-health as improperly constituted food. This, t
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Aging the Bone: The Degenerative Effects of Skeletal Fluorosis

Aging the Bone: The Degenerative Effects of Skeletal Fluorosis Now let's look at the bone. Unlike the ameloblasts, and odontoblasts of teeth whose regenerative activity stops after tooth development, osteoblasts continue to actively lay down co
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SMON - How Ciba-Geigy scared the daylights out of Japan

SMON How Ciba-Geigy scared the daylights out of Japan      In 1955 a mysterious disease, in some respects resembling polio, made its appearance in Japan. The symptoms were a combination of diarrhea, internal bleeding a
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Heart Disease: Civilization's No

Heart Disease: Civilization's No. 1 Killer   With a cholesterol level of 150 [3.9 mmol/1] or less, plaque reversal in two years is possible.    Dr Robert Wissler, Chicago Medical School, June 1977    
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Health - Your Birthright

Health-- Your Birthright There is no cure for birth or death save to enjoy the interval. George Santayana      Health is the birthright of all living things in their natural environment. It is guaranteed by the laws o
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The Drug Business

The Drug Business    The disgrace of medicine has been that colossal system of self-deception, in obedience to which mines have been emptied of their cankering minerals, the entrails of animals taken for their impurities, the po
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Sexuality and Homosexuality

Sexuality and Homosexuality      Sexual inadequacies and distortions take their inevitable toll in epidemic proportions: impotence, frigidity, pornography, masochism, sadism, promiscuity--and homosexuality.   &
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Human Errors and Human Ills

Human Errors and Human Ills If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger? Thomas Huxley (1825-95)      When assessing any situation it should always be remembered that
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Germs and Viruses

Germs and Viruses For three centuries bacteria have been considered to be alien and awe inspiring, even by sophisticated professors and dedicated students. Most of us still think that these tiny living beings are primarily germs and pathogens.
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