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Planning your CV


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Planning your CV 

Nudte se v prci? Hledte zaměstnn, kter by vs bavilo?

Are you a student, looking for your first job? This series is here to help you get that job!

In Britain, you will either have to have a CV that's already prepared, or you

might have to fill in an application form

Definitely get a good resume and learn how to say the right things at the interview.

You may want something, but you may land up with a job, and then you may

just realise 'this is not what I want and then I think the whole thing does look scary.

Vyplňovn dost, přijmac pohovory - to nahn tak trochu hrůzu. Pokud jste ale dobře připraveni, nen se čeho bt.

Před tm, ne začnete rozeslat dosti o msto, potřebujete důleit dokument v Britnii znm jen pod inicilami CV:

Hi, my name is Merry - I'm a student in London and I'm doing Economics. I have a CV and I'm looking for a job. I hope to make my CV as perfect as possible to attract as many employers.

Hi I'm Andreas - I'm a student in London. I've been in London for 3 ˝ years. I'm looking for a job at the moment.

CV je zkratka latinskho: curriculum vitae. (V americk angličtině je běn vraz:

resum - Tento vraz pochz z francouztiny a znamen souhrn, shrnut).

Patrice Wareov, kter pracuje na Londnsk univerzitě jako poradce při začleňovn do pracovnho procesu, vysvětluje, v jakm smyslu se rezum a nebo CV v angličtině pouv:

PW: CV stands for Curriculum Vitae which is Latin, it stands for 'the story of my

life' - but CV is the term people use for a business -like document which tells

people what you have done in education, what you've done at work and

possibly some of your interests, so they can decide whether they might offer

you an interview for a job.

Přestoe curriculum vitae je doslova přběh mho ivota, neznamen to, e zasednete a podrobně sepete cel svůj ivotn přběh. Do ivotopisu patř informace o vzděln, praxi a taky zmnka o tom, co vs zajm. kolem ivotopisu je: to persuade employers to hire you.

PW: How long should a CV be? Well there's a debate about this, but the most

important thing about a CV is that it's the person who is receiving the CV that

matters, the reader. So you must consider how long they may have to attend

your details, so two pages we say is maximum. We normally say in England

among the careers community. Sometimes one page is all thats required and

in places like the United States they would like it on one page usually.

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