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The following text is about cultural diversity. Read it through once and decide which of the three statements (A, B or C) given below the extract offers the most accurate summary.
1. The Impact of Culture on Business
Take a look at the new breed of international managers, educated according to the most modern management philosophies. They all know that in the SBU, TQM should reign, with products delivered JIT, where CFTs distribute products while subject to MBO.
(SBU = strategic business unit, TQM = total quality management, JIT = just-in-time, CFT = customer first team, MBO = management by objectives.)
But just how universal are these management solutions? Are these truths about what effective management really is, truths that can be applied anywhere, under any circumstances?
Even with experienced international companies, many well-intended
universal applications of management theory have turned out badly. For
example, pay-for-performance has in many instances been a failure on the
African continent because there are particular, though unspoken, rules about
the sequence and timing of reward and promotions. Similarly, management by
objectives schemes have generally failed within subsidiaries of multinationals
in southern
Even the notion of human-resource management is difficult to translate to other cultures, coming as it does from a typically Anglo-Saxon doctrine. It borrows from economics the idea that human beings are resources like physical and monetary resources. It tends to assume almost unlimited capacities for individual development. In countries without these beliefs, this concept is hard to grasp and unpopular once it is understood. International managers have it tough. They must operate on a number of different premises at any one time. These premises arise from their culture of origin, the culture in which they are working, and the culture of the organization which employs them.
In every culture in the world such phenomena as authority, bureaucracy, creativity, good fellowship, verification and accountability are experienced in different ways. That we use the same words to describe them tends to make us unaware that our cultural biases and our accustomed conduct may not be appropriate, or shared.
SBU = strategic business unit = unitate comerciala, economica strategica
TQM = total quality management = managementul total al calitatii
JIT = just-in-time = livrare exact la momentul potrivit
CFT = customer first team =
MBO = management by objectives = managementul pe obiective
pay-for-performance = plata pentru munca depusa
human-resource management = managementul resurselor umane
at any one time = in fiecare moment
premises = premise, locatii
grasp = a pricepe, a intelege (in text)
accountability = raspundere
bias tendinta, orientare
A. There are certain popular universal truths about management which can successfully be applied in various cultural contexts.
B. Cultures are so varied and so different throughout the world that management has to take account of differences rather than simply assume similarities.
C. Effective management of human resources is the key to everyone achieving their full potential.
Language Checklist
Cultural diversity and socializing
Welcoming visitors
Welcome to
My names
Hello. My names from
Ive an appointment to see
Sorry Im a little late / early.
My plane was delayed
Introducing someone
This is He/shes my Personal Assistant.
Can I introduce you to He/shes our (Project Manager).
Id like to introduce you to
Meeting someone and small talk
Pleased to meet you.
Its a pleasure.
How was your trip? Did you have a good flight / trip / journey?
are things in (
long are you staying in (
I hope you like it.
Is your hotel comfortable/
Is this your first visit to (the Big Apple)?
Offering assistance
Can I get you anything?
Do you need anything?
Would you like a drink?
If you need to use a phone or fax, please say.
Can we do anything for you?
Do you need a hotel / a taxi / any travel information / etc.?
Asking for assistance
There is one thing I need
Could you get me
Could you book me a car / taxi / hotel / ?
Could you help me arrange a flight to?
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Id like to book a room for tomorrow night.
Can you recommend a hotel?
Cultural diversity and socializing
Before meeting business partners and fellow professionals from other countries, you could find out about their country:
The actual political situation
Cultural and regional differences
The role of women in business and in society as a whole
Transport and telecommunications systems
The economy
The main companies
The main exports and imports
The market for the industrial sector which interests you
You might also want to find out:
Which topics are safe for small talk
Which topics are best avoided
If you are going to visit another country, find out about:
The conversations regarding socializing
Attitudes towards foreigners
Attitudes towards gifts
The extent to which public, business and private lives are mixed or kept separate
Conventions regarding food and drink.
You might also like to find out about:
The weather at the relevant time of the year
Public holidays
The conventions regarding working hours
Leisure interests
Body language
Make a dialogue based on the following flow chart. If you need help, look at the Language Checklist
Introduce yourself
Say you have an appointment
with Sandra Bates. Welcome visitor.
Explain that SB will be
along shortly. Offer a drink / refreshments.
Decline ask if you can
use a phone.
Say yes / Offer fax as well.
Decline you only need
the phone.
Show visitor to the phone.
Thank him/her.
(a few minutes later)
Thank assistant.
Reply offer any other help.
Ask how far it is to station.
Two miles ten minutes
by taxi.
Offer to book one.
Accept offer suggest a time.
Promise to do that say that SB is free now.
Offer to take him/her to SBs office.
About small talk
If you ask a question you should comment on the answer or ask a supplementary question.
Often the first words are the most difficult. Below are some suggestions for breaking the ice. Which of the sentences could be said by a visitor, and which by the person receiving the visitor?
a. Sorry, Im a little early. I hope it is not inconvenient.
b. Is the weather the same in your country?
c. Sorry to keep you waiting. I was rather tied up just now.
d. Im pleased to be here, after a trip like that!
e. Is this your first visit? What do you think of the city?
f. People are very helpful here. On my way to meet you
g. Isnt it cold today?
h. You found us without too much difficulty, then?
i. Its good of you to spare the time.
j. Its kind of you to come all this way.
k. I like your offices. Have you been here long?
l. Did you have a good trip?
m. Would you like a cup of coffee?
If the small talk continues too long, you may want to change the subject to business matters. Here are some ways of doing it.
A. With someone you know well:
Lets get down to business. Or lets get started.
B. With someone you dont know well:
Perhaps we could talk about the subject of our meeting.
Perhaps we could talk about the reason Im here.
Which expressions would you use in the following situations?
a. On a sales visit to a potential customer.
b. At a weekly planning meeting with colleagues.
c. At your first meeting with the new group auditors.
d. At a meeting to obtain finance from a bank.
Before making a speech at an office party.
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