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Solving a set of simultaneous linear equations is a fundamental problem that occurs in diverse applications. A linear system can be expressed as a matrix equation in which each matrix or vector element belongs to a field, typically the real numbers R. This section discusses how to solve a system of linear equations using a method called LUP decomposition.
We start with a set of linear equations in n unknowns x1, x2, . . . , xn:
A set of values for x1, x2, . . . , xn that satisfy all of the equations (17) simultaneously is said to be a solution to these equations. In this section, we only treat the case in which there are exactly n equations in n unknowns.
We can conveniently rewrite equations (17) as the matrix-vector equation
or, equivalently, letting A = (aij), x = (xj), and b = (bi), as
Ax = b .If A is nonsingular, it possesses an inverse A-1, and
x = A-1 bis the solution vector. We can prove that x is the unique solution to equation (18) as follows. If there are two solutions, x and x', then Ax = Ax' = b and
x (A-1 A)xIn this section, we shall be concerned predominantly with the case in which A is nonsingular or, equivalently (by Theorem 1), the rank of A is equal to the number n of unknowns. There are other possibilities, however, which merit a brief discussion. If the number of equations is less than the number n of unknowns--or, more generally, if the rank of A is less than n--then the system is underdetermined. An underdetermined system typically has infinitely many solutions (see Exercise 4-9), although it may have no solutions at all if the equations are inconsistent. If the number of equations exceeds the number n of unknowns, the system is overdetermined, and there may not exist any solutions. Finding good approximate solutions to overdetermined systems of linear equations is an important problem that is addressed in Section 6.
Let us return to our problem of solving the system Ax = b of n equations in n unknowns. One approach is to compute A-1 and then multiply both sides by A-1, yielding A-1Ax = A-1b, or x = A-1b. This approach suffers in practice from numerical instability: round-off errors tend to accumulate unduly when floating-point number representations are used instead of ideal real numbers. There is, fortunately, another approach--LUP decomposition--that is numerically stable and has the further advantage of being about a factor of 3 faster.
The idea behind LUP decomposition
is to find three n n
matrices L, U, and P such that
L is a unit lower-triangular matrix,
U is an upper-triangular matrix, and
P is a permutation matrix.
We call matrices L, U, and P satisfying equation (20) an LUP decomposition of the matrix A. We shall show that every nonsingular matrix A possesses such a decomposition.
The advantage of computing an LUP decomposition for the matrix A is that linear systems can be solved more readily when they are triangular, as is the case for both matrices L and U. Having found an LUP decomposition for A, we can solve the equation (18) Ax = b by solving only triangular linear systems, as follows. Multiplying both sides of Ax = b by P yields the equivalent equation P Ax = Pb, which by Exercise 1-2 amounts to permuting the equations (17). Using our decomposition (20), we obtain
LUx = Pb .We can now solve this equation by solving two triangular linear systems. Let us define y = Ux, where x is the desired solution vector. First, we solve the lower-triangular system
Ly = Pbfor the unknown vector y by a method called 'forward substitution.' Having solved for y, we then solve the upper-triangular system
Ux = yfor the unknown x by a method called 'back substitution.' The vector x is our solution to Ax = b, since the permutation matrix P is invertible (Exercise 1 -2):
Ax = P- LUxOur next step is to show how forward and back substitution work and then attack the problem of computing the LUP decomposition itself.
Forward substitution can solve the lower-triangular system (21) in (n2)
time, given L, P, and b. For convenience, we represent the permutation
P compactly by an array
[1 . . n].
For i = 1, 2, . . . , n, the entry
indicates that Pi,
[i] =
1 and Pij = 0 for j
Thus, PA has a
in row i and column j, and Pb has
as its ith element. Since L is unit lower-triangular,
equation (21) can be rewritten as
Quite apparently, we can
solve for y1 directly, since the first equation tells us that
y1 = b[1].
Having solved for y1, we can substitute it into the second
equation, yielding
Now, we can substitute both y1 and y2 into the third equation, obtaining
y = bIn general, we substitute y1, y2, . . . ,yi-1 'forward' into the ith equation to solve for yi:
Back substitution is similar to forward substitution. Given U and y, we
solve the nth equation first and work backward to to the first equation.
Like forward substitution, this process runs in (n2)
time. Since U is upper-triangular, we can rewrite the system (22) as
Thus, we can solve for xn, xn-1, . . . , x1 successively as follows:
xn = yn/unn ,or, in general,
Given P, L, U, and b, the
procedure LUP-SOLVE
solves for x by combining forward and back substitution. The pseudocode
assumes that the dimension n appears in the attribute rows[L]
and that the permutation matrix P is represented by the array .
Procedure LUP-SOLVE solves for y using
forward substitution in lines 2-3, and then it solves for x using
backward substitution in lines 4-5. Since there is an implicit loop in the
summations within each of the for loops, the running time is (n2).
As an example of these methods, consider the system of linear equations defined by
and we wish to solve for the unknown x. The LUP decomposition is
(The reader can verify that PA = LU.) Using forward substitution, we solve Ly = Pb for y:
by computing first y1, then y2, and finally y3. Using back substitution, we solve Ux = y for x:
thereby obtaining the desired answer
by computing first x3, then x2, and finally x1.
The process by which we perform LU decomposition is called Gaussian elimination. We start by subtracting multiples of the first equation from the other equations so that the first variable is removed from those equations. Then, we subtract multiples of the second equation from the third and subsequent equations so that now the first and second variables are removed from them. We continue this process until the system that is left has an upper-triangular form--in fact, it is the matrix U. The matrix L is made up of the row multipliers that cause variables to be eliminated.
Our algorithm to
implement this strategy is recursive. We wish to construct an LU decomposition
for an n n
nonsingular matrix A. If n = 1, then we're done, since we can
choose L = I1 and U = A. For n
> 1, we break A into four parts:
where v is a
size-(n - 1) column vector, wT is a size-(n -
1) row vector, and A' is an (n - 1) (n -
1) matrix. Then, using matrix algebra (verify the equations by simply
multiplying through), we can factor A as
The 0's in the first and second matrices of the
factorization are row and column vectors, respectively, of size n - 1.
The term vwT/a11, formed by taking the
outer product of v and w and dividing each element of the result
by a11, is an (n - 1) (n -
1) matrix, which conforms in size to the matrix A' from which it is
subtracted. The resulting (n - 1)
(n -
1) matrix
is called the Schur complement of A with respect to a11.
We now recursively find an LU decomposition of the Schur complement. Let us say that
A' - vwT/a11 = L'U' ,where L' is unit lower-triangular and U' is upper-triangular. Then, using matrix algebra, we have
thereby providing our LU decomposition. (Note that because L' is unit lower-triangular, so is L, and because U'is upper-triangular, so is U.)
An important class of matrices for which LU decomposition always works correctly is the class of symmetric positive-definite matrices. Such matrices require no pivoting, and thus the recursive strategy outlined above can be employed without fear of dividing by 0. We shall prove this result, as well as several others, in Section 6.
Our code for LU decomposition of a matrix A follows the recursive strategy, except that an iteration loop replaces the recursion. (This transformation is a standard optimization for a 'tail-recursive' procedure--one whose last operation is a recursive call to itself.) It assumes that the dimension of A is kept in the attribute rows[A]. Since we know that the output matrix U has 0's below the diagonal, and since LU-SOLVE does not look at these entries, the code does not bother to fill them in. Likewise, because the output matrix L has 1's on its diagonal and 0's above the diagonal, these entries are not filled in either. Thus, the code computes only the 'significant' entries of L and U.
The outer for loop
beginning in line 2 iterates once for each recursive step. Within this loop,
the pivot is determined to be ukk = akk in
line 3. Within the for loop in lines 4-6 (which does not execute when k
= n), the v and wT vectors are used to update L
and U. The elements of the v vector are determined in line 5,
where vi is stored in lik, and the elements
of the wT vector are determined in line 6, where wiT
is stored in uki. Finally, the elements of the Schur
complement are computed in lines 7-9 and stored back in the matrix A.
Because line 9 is triply nested, LU-DECOMPOSITION
runs in time (n3).
Figure 1 illustrates the
operation of LU-DECOMPOSITION. It shows a standard optimization of the procedure in which the
significant elements of L and U are stored 'in place'
in the matrix A. That is, we can set up a correspondence between each
element aij and either lij (if i
> j) or uij (if i j)
and update the matrix A so that it holds both L and U when
the procedure terminates. The pseudocode for this optimization is obtained from
the above pseudocode merely by replacing each reference to l or u
by a; it is not difficult to verify that this transformation preserves
Generally, in solving a system of linear equations Ax = b, we must pivot on off-diagonal elements of A to avoid dividing by 0. Not only is division by 0 undesirable, so is division by any small value, even if A is nonsingular, because numerical instabilities can result in the computation. We therefore try to pivot on a large value.
The mathematics behind
LUP decomposition is similar to that of LU decomposition. Recall that we are
given an n n
nonsingular matrix A and wish to find a permutation matrix P, a
unit lower-triangular matrix L, and an upper-triangular matrix U
such that PA = LU. Before we partition the matrix A, as we
did for LU decomposition, we move a nonzero element, say ak1,
from the first column to the (1,1) position of the matrix. (If the first column
contains only 0's, then A is singular, because its determinant is 0, by
Theorems 4 and 5.) In order to preserve the set of equations, we exchange row 1
with row k, which is equivalent to multiplying A by a permutation
matrix Q on the left (Exercise 1-2). Thus, we can write QA as
where v = (a21,
a31, . . . , an1)T,
except that a11 replaces ak1; wT
= (ak2, ak3, . . . , akn);
and A' is an (n - 1) (n -
1) matrix. Since ak1
0, we can
now perform much the same linear algebra as for LU decomposition, but now
guaranteeing that we do not divide by 0:
The Schur complement A' - vwT/ak1 is nonsingular, because otherwise the second matrix in the last equation has determinant 0, and thus the determinant of matrix A is 0; but this means that A is singular, which contradicts our assumption that A is nonsingular. Consequently, we can inductively find an LUP decomposition for the Schur complement, with unit lower-triangular matrix L', upper-triangular matrix U', and permutation matrix P', such that
P'(A' - vwT/ak1) = L'U' .Define
which is a permutation matrix, since it is the product of two permutation matrices (Exercise 1-2). We now have
yielding the LUP decomposition. Because L' is unit lower-triangular, so is L, and because U' is upper-triangular, so is U.
Notice that in this derivation, unlike the one for LU decomposition, both the column vector v/ak1 and the Schur complement A' - vwT/ak1 must be multiplied by the permutation matrix P'.
Like LU-DECOMPOSITION, our pseudocode
for LUP decomposition replaces the recursion with an iteration loop. As an
improvement over a direct implementation of the recursion, we dynamically
maintain the permutation matrix P as an array , where
[i] =
j means that the ith row of P contains a 1 in column j.
We also implement the code to compute L and U 'in
place' in the matrix A. Thus, when the procedure terminates,
Figure 2 illustrates how
LUP-DECOMPOSITION factors a matrix. The array is
initialized by lines 2-3 to represent the identity permutation. The outer for
loop beginning in line 4 implements the recursion. Each time through the outer
loop, lines 5-9 determine the element ak'k with
largest absolute value of those in the current first column (column k)
of the (n - k + l )
(n k + 1) matrix whose LU
decomposition must be found.
If all elements in the
current first column are zero, lines 10-11 report that the matrix is
singular. To pivot, we exchange [k']
in line 12 and exchange the kth and k'th rows of A in
lines 13-14, thereby making the pivot element akk. (The
entire rows are swapped because in the derivation of the method above, not only
is A' - vwT/ak1
multiplied by P', but so is v/ak1.)
Finally, the Schur complement is computed by lines 15-18 in much the same way
as it is computed by lines 4-9 of LU-DECOMPOSITION, except that here the operation is written to work 'in
Because of its triply
nested loop structure, the running time of LUP-DECOMPOSITION is (n3),
the same as that of LU-DECOMPOSITION. Thus, pivoting costs us at most a constant factor in time.
Solve the equation
by using forward substitution.
Find an LU decomposition of the matrix
Why does the for loop in line 4 of LUP-DECOMPOSITION run only up to n - 1, whereas the corresponding for loop in line 2 of LU-DECOMPOSITION runs all the way to n?
Solve the equation
by using an LUP decomposition.
Describe the LUP decomposition of a diagonal matrix.
Describe the LUP decomposition of a permutation matrix A, and prove that it is unique.
Show that for all n
1, there
exist singular n
matrices that have LU decompositions.
Show how we can
efficiently solve a set of equations of the form Ax = b over the
boolean quasiring (,
Suppose that A is
an m n
real matrix of rank m, where m < n. Show how to find a
size-n vector x0 and an m
(n - m)
matrix B of rank n m such
that every vector of the form x0 + By, for y
is a solution to the underdetermined equation Ax = b.
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