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Colon Cancer Screening in Patients with Family History Referral Guideline

Colon Cancer Screening in Patients with Family History Referral Guideline Diagnosis/Definition Simple family history: One or more first degree relative(s) with colon cancer (but not meeting criteria for familial syndromes as below); relative
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CEREBRO-SPINAL MENINGITIS  OR SPOTTED FEVER     Cerebro-spinal meningitis is not a very common disease. In years gone by (fifty or sixty), when man's eating was far more irrational and environments more crude than they are
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The Approach to the Adolescent With Leg Pain

The Approach to the Adolescent With Leg Pain The Approach to the Adolescent With Leg Pain Extremity pain is a common problem in all age groups. It may be difficult to distinguish between bone, muscle, joint or referred pain. A younger ch
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POISONOUS PLANTS Successful use of plants in a survival situation depends on positive identification. Knowing poisonous plants is as important to a survivor as knowing edible plants. Knowing the poisonous plants will help you avoid sustain
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Uncomplicated MI Approach

Uncomplicated MI Approach.. Here is my management for an uncomplicated MI: So->presentation of chest pain suggestive for MI: P/E-chest,abdomen,extremities=3 minutes 1)Aspirin chewing 2)O2 mask 3)IV line 4)ECG 12 lead 5)ECG monitor
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General Care of Children - CARE AT BIRTH

General Care of Children CARE AT BIRTH     IF THE labor has been hard--if the mother has been in labor from six to twenty-four hours, and is quite worn out the baby should be anointed with some bland oil, like olive or cot
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Evaluation of the Chronic Cough

Evaluation of the Chronic Cough Most common causes in order of frequency. Postnasal drip/chronic sinusitis, asthma, including postviral reactive airways, GE reflux disease. Consider also medication (ACE inhibitors), CHF, pertussis, TB. Pe
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DISEASES OF THE GENITAL ORGANS CIRCUMCISION     Circumcision is an operation that is seldom, if ever, necessary in very young children. Sometimes a tight prepuce has been neglected for five to ten years, and, as cleanline
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ROBOTIC RADIOSURGERY; Gamma Knife vs. Cyberknife

ROBOTIC RADIOSURGERY; Gamma Knife vs. Cyberknife What is steriotactic radiosurgery? Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a non-surgical (no incision) treatment that delivers an ultra-precise high doses of focused radiatio
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INJURIES facts(source CDC) Males Males are at least four times as likely as women to die from suicide. Men 65 and older have the highest suicide rate. More than three-quarters of school homicide and suicide victims were males. Com
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Functional Organization of the Human Body and Control of the 'Internal Environment'

Functional Organization of the Human Body and Control of the 'Internal Environment' The goal of physiology is to explain the physical and chemical factors that are responsible for the origin, develo
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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Hyperbaric oxygen is a mode of therapy in which the patient breathes 100% oxygen at pressures greater than normal atmospheric (sea level) pressure. In contrast with attempts to f
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Cushing's Syndrome

Cushing's Syndrome Cushing's syndrome (the clinical effects of increased glucocorticoid hormone) is most often iatrogenic, due to therapy with glucocorticoid drugs. ACTH-secreting pituitary microadenomas (Cushing's disease) account for 80%
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HERNIA     Hernia in children is not difficult of management. If a well-fiitting truss is adjusted and looked after carefully to keep it in place, the tendency in all cases is to recover. Where the hernia is not very large,
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GASTRO-ENTERITIS AND COLONITIS     What is in a name? Gastritis is inflammation or catarrh of the stomach. When the inflammation is of the small bowels, it is called enteritis, and when the inflammation is of the large bowe
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What are the current treatment guidelines for syphilis in HIV-related disease

What are the current treatment guidelines for syphilis in HIV-related disease? There has been much discussion of what constitutes adequate chemotherapy for syphilis in HIV-infected patients. The present recommendation is to use 2.4 million
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RICKETS--RACHITIS (RA-KI-TIS)     It is difficult to write on the subject of rickets without including all deficiency diseases. And are there any so-called diseases that are not deficient in some way?    
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Hypertension 1. htn + ccf = ace inhibitor 2. htn + DM= ace 3. htn + angina = b blocker 4. old african american = ca channel blocker + diuretics 5. young african american = diuretics 6. htn+ asthama= ca channel blocker 7.HTN += peripheral
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BONE AND JOINT INJURY - Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains

BONE AND JOINT INJURY You could face bone and joint injuries that include fractures, dislocations, and sprains. Fractures There are basically two types of fractures: open and closed. With an open (or compound) fracture, the bone protrud
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Nonphysiologic Hyperbilirubinemia

Nonphysiologic Hyperbilirubinemia Those with primarily elevated direct bilirubin. Direct bilirubin >15% of total and therefore conjugated by the liver. Infections including sepsis, perinatally acquired viral infections including hepatit
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