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Do you need the mom's consent to test the BABY for HIV

Do you need the mom's consent to test the BABY for HIV? Baby must have HIV test Mr Justice Wilson made his ruling at the High Court in London A baby at high risk of having HIV will have to be tested for the virus even though her pare
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PETIT MAL  - A LIGHT FORM OF EPILEPSY     Petit Mal is a slight epilepsy, characterized by momentary loss of consciousness. Sometimes the child will be standing on its feet, and drop heavily to the floor as if sitting down
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Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Cause. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) rarely affects men <40 years of age, with symptoms generally beginning between 60 to 65 years of age. Clinical Presentation. Signs and symptoms include decrease
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Poisoning Millions of poisoning exposures occur each year in the United States, resulting in nearly 900,000 visits to emergency departments. About 90% of poisonings happen in the home, and more than half of them involve children under age s
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Electrical Injuries

Electrical Injuries Electrical injuries are infrequent but eventually are encountered by most practitioners of emergency medicine. These injuries encompass various diagnostic and treatment modalities. Generally, they may be classified as l
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Adrenal crisis

Adrenal crisis Adrenal crisis with hypotension must be treated immediately. Patients should be evaluated for an underlying illness that precipitated the crisis. 1. If the diagnosis of adrenal failure is known, hydrocortisone, 100 mg IV q
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GENETIC CONTROL OF SUSCEPTIBILITY TO TESTICULAR CANCER Human germ cell tumours comprise a heterogeneous group of neoplasms. Testicular germ cell tumors can be divided into three groups (infantile/prepubertal, adolescent/young adult
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Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Work-up Physical examination. Standing. Examine for obvious defects. Palpate for tenderness or muscle spasm. Test the mobility of the lumbar spine with flexion, extension, and lateral flexion. Observe the patient's g
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SORE THROAT     Sore throat is quite common in children. When the tonsils are involved, it is called tonsilitis; when the larynx is involved, the child's cough will be croupy--this is named catarrhal croup; and when the pha
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SNIFFLES--COLDS--CORYZA     Cold in a baby is not different from a cold in grown people. All colds rest upon a basis of Toxemia plus indigestion. The child becomes enervated in various ways. It is not necessary for me to en
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IS CRYING INJURIOUS?     This is a question asked by many mothers. Crying is not nearly so injurious as its causes. And what are the causes? Too much attention, too much coddling; educating the child into believing that it
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EARACHE     Earache may be due to a reflex irritation from teething, or to catarrh of the stomach extending to the throat, nose, and ears. Most earaches in children are brought on from catarrh. Many children have enlarged t
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Which immunizations are routinely recommended for HIV-infected patients

Which immunizations are routinely recommended for HIV-infected patients? Live virus or live bacteria vaccines, with the exception of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR), should not be given to HIV-infected individuals. Although it is a
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Tension pmeumothorax

Tension pmeumothorax oxygen abg needle thoracostomy chest tube confirmatory cxr chem7 keep pt overnight in intensive care and monitor abg transfer next day to the ward if stable discahrge after two days or after the removal of the c
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when should antiretroviral therapy be initiated in an asymptomatic HIV-infected individual

when should antiretroviral therapy be initiated in an asymptomatic HIV-infected individual? This is new. The latest edition of the DHHS guidelines, published in February 2001, proposes that treatment should be delayed until the CD4+ cell co
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PRICKLY HEAT     Prickly heat, or miliaria, is an inflammatory skin derangement affecting the sweat-glands.     Symptoms.--Prickling, stinging, and itching of the skin. Hot weather has but little to d
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Anthrax - a guide for doctors and patients

ANTHRAX-a question may come from area Anthrax - a guide for doctors and patients Introduction: Anthrax is a bacterial disease. It is caused by a bacteria that belongs to the same family as E. coli. called Enterobacteraciae. It is not a
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Aortic Dissection

Aortic Dissection history/vitals/focused exam; cardia/abd/lung/CNS DD:Unstable angina, MI, Aortic aneurysm CXR poratble EKG 12 lead Echo(Trasn Esophageal) would be reasonable test to be done after CXR (ER setting, getting a CT is di
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Nonbilious Vomiting in a 26 day-old

Nonbilious Vomiting in a 26 day-oldmanagement? Chief Complaint: Vomiting History of the Present Illness: A 26 day-old white female presents with a history of nonbilious vomiting for the past two days. The mother states that th
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Cellulitis Definitions Cellulitis is a spreading acute infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues characterized by erythema, warmth, swelling, and tenderness. It may be classified as mild and uncomplicated, severe, high risk, or necro
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