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CCS- Acute Cholecystitis

CCS- Acute Cholecystitis Ř      Investigations: > plain abdominal X-ray > abdominal USG > abdominal CT > oral cholecystogram > MR cholangiography > hepatobiliary scan with Tc-99m-IDA > CBC
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PARASITIC DISEASES     There are many kinds of parasitic derangements of children. When we are enlightened enough to separate children and animals--dogs and cats--and keep them from intimate association with each other, the
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PNEUMONIA--BRONCHITIS     Children with ''colds,'' if fed and otherwise maltreated, will often develop pneumonia or bronchitis. What is pneumonia? It is a catarrhal state of the lungs brought on from putrescence in the
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Hypothyroid case

Hypothyroid case orders : cbc for anemia, ua, cxr, esr, ecg, serum electrolytes(hyponatremia), tsh which is elevated, t4 which is low, resin t3 or t4 uptake(low) riu : low s. cholesterol, creatine kinase, LFT: increased, b sugar: hypoglycemia,
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MEDICAL EMERGENCIES Medical problems and emergencies you may be faced with include breathing problems, severe bleeding, and shock. Breathing Problems Any one of the following can cause airway obstruction, resulting in stopped breathing:
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INHERITING DISEASE     I AM frequently asked concerning inheriting disease. There is no such thing as inheriting disease. Nature has safeguards in every way possible through gestation and birth. Mothers may be abusing thems
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Diarrhea: Approach (Harrison)

Diarrhea: Approach (Harrison) The decision to evalute acute diarrhea depends on its severity and duration and on various host factors Most episodes of acute diarrhea are mild and self-limited, and they do not justify the cost and potential
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Hospital Admission Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus

Hospital Admission Guidelines for Diabetes Mellitus These guidelines are to be used for determining when a patient requires hospitalization for reasons related to diabetes. Inpatient care may be appropriate in the following situations: L
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TONSILITIS     Tonsilar surgery is one of the little fads indulged in by the profession. In lieu of knowledge of how properly to advise parents to feed their children so as to avoid building the so-called disease tonsilitis-
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prognosis of Breast cancer - Prostrate cancer

prognosis of Breast cancer - Prostrate cancer Tamoxifen and prognosis in breast breast cancer..prognosis Prognosis is frequently defined in terms of 5-year survival—the percentage of people alive 5 years after diagnosis. Although
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            LOSE UP TO 200 POUNDS (or even more) AND KEEP IT OFF FOREVER Caution: Fitness, diet and health are matters that vary from individual to individual. We recommend that you speak with you
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PROCEED TO A CASE OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Watch Pt's vital sign If in offic P/E:HEENT/Ht/Lg/General Do Peak flow <300 send Pt ER 1.PulseO2 2.100% O2 3.Peak flow [Low] 4.Nebulised Ventolin 5.CXR{exclude chest infection] 6.ABG-[If puls
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Evaluation and management of the comatose patient

Evaluation and management of the comatose patient The initial steps are to control airway and ventilation, administer oxygen, maintain body temperature, and monitor vital signs, including oximetry and continuous ECG.
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Hyperthermia Hyperthermia. Hyperthermia results from an imbalance in heat production, dissipation. Predisposing factors include dehydration, chronic illness, old age, alcohol, alteration in skin function (scleroderma etc.), drugs including
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VACCINATION     It is now the endeavor of scientific medicine to educate people into believing that, if they are inoculated with all kinds of prevention, and often enough, disease will be made impossible for them. Doctoring
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CONVULSIONS     This, in truth, is a gruesome, discouraging physical derangement, which, if not overcome, in time weakens the mind.     The rule is that children recover from acute intestinal attacks,
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APPENDICITIS     Symptoms.--There is discomfort in the right anterior abdominal region. There may be a slight sensitiveness on pressure near the navel. The discomfort may have been coming and going for some time, and one do
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Spleen rupture

Spleen rupture serum glucose and rapid bedside glucose determination, cbc, serum chemistries, amylase, lfts, ua, coagulation studies, blood type and match, abg, blood ethanol, urine drug screens. Bedside u/s, DPL(for unstable), CT(for stable)
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Various Types of Headaches

Various Types of Headaches Primary headaches. Migraine without aura (common migraine). Must have at least 5 attacks that meet the following criteria: Headache attacks last 4 to 72 hours. Headache has at least 2 of the following: Unil
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Principles of Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Respiratory Infections

Principles of Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Respiratory Infections Principles of Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Respiratory Infections The CDC recently convened a multi-disciplinary expert panel to produce evidencebased prac
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