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English Test


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E n g l i s h T e s t 1

Doplňte sprvn tvar slovesa to be.

a/  .. you from London?

No, I ..... from Boston.

b/  .. that your coffee?

c/  They .. very tired.

d/ What .. Tracy doing?

Vyberte sprvnou monost.

2.1/ Are you Czech? - Yes, Im ... Prague.

a/ to c/at

b/ in d/ from

2.2/ Tracy .. the radio.

a/ are listening on c/ are listening to

b/ is listening on d/ is listening to

2.3/ Do you ski or bike?

a/ Im skiing but Im not biking. c/ I ski but I dont bike.

b/ Im ski but Im not bike. d/ I ski but Im not biking.

2.4/ Is there a telephone it that office?

a/ No, it isnt. d/ Yes, it is.

b/ No, there isnt. e/ Yes, there are.

Seřaďte slova tak, aby tvořila větu.

a/ name / is/ sorry / your / what ?

b/ are / where / from / you ?

c/ a / he / nice / got / flat / has .

Doplňte sprvn tvar zjmena.

a/ Wheres Tracy? Is she in .. room?

No, she isnt. She is with George.

She must be in .. room.

b/ Have you got .. walkman with you?

No, Ive got .. radio.

Dejte věty do zporu.

I want to go out this evening.

The football season starts in August.

It is an important client.

Im interested in your offer. .. .

Doplňte a/an nebo the.

a/ Mum, can I have .. orange, please?

b/ Ive got .. (1) new car. I like .. (2) car very much.

c/ Whats her job? I think shes .. sales manager.

Přelote (Vce chyb v jedn větě se počt pro celkov hodnocen jako jedna chyba).

a/ Pojdte dl!

b/ Posaďte se, prosm.

c/ Nechoď tam!

d/  Kolik je hodin?

e/  Um vae sekretřka pst na stroji? Ano, um.

A  S t o r y

Vyberte jednu z uvedench monost.

1. She .... got blue eyes. 

a/ have  c/ does

b/ has  d/ do

2. I think I ..... her.

a/ love

b/ loves

c/ loving

3. But Mike also .. her.

a/ loves  b/ doesnt love

c/ love  d/ is loving

4. she want me or him?

a/ do  c/ is

b/ does  d/ has

5. Maybe she has got ... boy-friends.

a/ every  c/ each

b/ much  d/ many

6. Yes, maybe she ... an honest girl.

a/ is not   b/ not is

c/ are not  d/ does not

7. But I think about . every day.

a/ him   c/ her

b/ she  d/ he

8. Im also ... about her at this moment.

a/ thinking  c/ thought

b/ think  d/ thinks

9. Is she home right now? What about giving her a call?

a/ to   b/ at

c/ do  d/ in

10. Oh no, I know her phone number.

a/ not   b/ dont

c/ am not  d/ doesnt

11. But I know her address. I can .... .

a/ come over

b/ to come over

c/ coming over

After a while:

John (to himself): 'Come on John, dont be afraid, ... the bell!'

a/ you ring   b/ ring

c/ does ring  d/ rings

John: 'Hello, Sue. .... are you?'

a/ How   b/ Do

c/ What  d/ Who

Sue: 'Hi, John. Im fine, thanks.

What a nice surprise . see you again.'

a/ of   b/ to

c/ at  d/ that

'Come in! You know Charles, .... . ?'

a/ dont you   b/ arent you

c/ do you  d/ not

'He is a friend of ... .'

a/ me

b/ my

c/ mine

'Excuse me. I think there is ...... at the door.'

a/ some

b/ anybody

c/ somebody

d/ anything

John: 'You are expecting ... ?'

a/ somebody

b/ anybody

c/ nothing

'Could you . me his name?'

a/ say

b/ tell

c/ speak

Sue: 'Mary. Mary Turner, my sister.

She .. to take Charles to the cinema.'

a/ promised

b/ promise

c/ is promising

Didnt you get

my e-mail?


1. a) Are, am/m b) Is c) are d) is

2. 2.1 d) 2.2 d) 2.3 c) 2.4 b)

3. Sorry, what is your name? Where are you from?

He has got a nice flat.

4. a) her, his b) your, my

5. I dont want to go out this evening. The football season doesnt start in August. It isnt an important client. Im not interested in your offer. (nezkrcen tvary: I do not want to go out this evening. The football season does not start in August. It is not an important client. I am not interested in your offer.)

6. a) an b) (1) a (2) the c) a

7. a) Come in! b) Sit down, please. c) Dont go there! (Do not go there!) d) What time is it?/(Whats the time?) e) Can your secretary type? Yes, she can.

A Story: 1b 2a 3a 4b 5d 6a 7c 8a 9b 10b 11a 12b 13a 14b 15a 16c 17c 18b 19b 20a

Testy slou pouze pro Vai orientaci. Pokud jste v testu udělali mně jak 12 chyb, doporučujeme zařadit se do kurzu ANGLIČTINA 2 pro mrně pokročil, pokud jste chybili 12 a vcekrt, doporučujeme absolvovat kurz ANGLIČTINA 1 pro začtečnky. Doba pro proveden testu je přiblině 45 minut.

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