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Cele mai ciudate statui din lume


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World's Most Bizarre Statues

Who said statues can't be fun? From a statue of Optimus Prime, to a Mona Lisa made of computer chips,

here are 27 of the most bizarre statues of the world.

In front of the Ernst & Young building (Los Angeles)

Optimus Prime (Southern China)

The 'Magic tap' (found in 'Aqualand' of Cadiz, Spain), which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water.

Actually, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water that holds the whole structure.

A Mona Lisa made of computer chips (ASUS headquarters)


(Oslo, Norway)

Car park markings continue up the wall of the building where a Morris Mini is parked. The head- and taillights light up at night. (Westenbergstraat, Netherlands)

Statue in the Guadalquivir river, near La Mezquita, (Cordoba, Spain)

(Santa Fe, New Mexico)

(Potsdam, Germany)

(Springfield, Missouri)

(The Institute for Microbiology, Tbingen University, Tbingen)

'The Shark' (Headington, Oxford)

'Iron Lady', in front of the building Regentes (Netherlands)

(Salt Lake City)

This one is on the banks of Singapore River
When I got this email from a friend it didnt have a location listed for this picture
but I recognised it from honeymoon world trip (see our photo below - Brent & Carol - Australia)

(Fulda, Rabanusstrae)

Keukenhof (Lisse, Holland)

In front of the Bukcheon Museum (Seoul, Korea)

'Fluegelauto', on top of the historic armoury 'Zeughaus' (Cologne, Germany)

A contemporary representation of Charles La Trobe in central Melbourne (This temporary installation was removed at the

end of June 2006 and has been acquired by La Trobe University).

Mazinger Z (near Tarragona, Spain)

Bronze statue of writer Franz Kafka (Prague)

Statue of a giant piece of shit (Ponta Grossa, Brazil)

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