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Grammar in a nutshell - Morphology/Morfologia
I.1. Articolul (The Article) Definition, examples and tasks
I.2. Substantivul (The noun) Definition, examples and tasks
I.3. Verbul (The verb - tenses of the indicative mood) Definition, examples and tasks
I.4. Adjectivul si gradele de comparatie (The adjective and the degrees of comparison) Definition,
examples and tasks
I.5. Pronumele (The pronoun) Definition, examples and tasks
II. Negation and illocutionary acts
II.1. Illocutionary acts - definition
II.2.Sentence - definition - 1 negation example
II.3.Sentence negators: categories:
a. particle no
b. adverbs
c. pronouns
d. any
e. affixes
II.4. Degrees of negativity
a. week vs. strong negation
b. emphatic negatives
c. semantic changes
II.5. Lexical negativity
II.6. Sentence negation - syntactic function
II.7.The negation of the verb in expressing / using tenses at the indicative mood
II.8.Tests of negativity
II.9.question tags
II.10. yes/ no questions
III. English for Law
III.1. Translation exercises from English into Romanian
III.2. Translation exercises from Romanian into English
III.3. Creative writing
Recommended sites
Cursul de fata se adreseaza studentilor din anul I si al II-lea de studiu din cadrul Facultatii de
Drept. Obiectivele didactice vizeaza:
1. familiarizarea studentilor cu limba engleza daca acestia sunt la nivel de incepator, prin
explicarea cunostintelor de baza ale morfologiei, respectiv: articol, substantiv, verb, adjectiv,
2. aprofundarea notiunilor de gramatica limbii engleze, negatia in limba engleza avand aspecte
de morfologie si sintaxa
3. cunoasterea si intelegerea conceptelor fundamentale de drept civil, penal, comunitar si
international exprimate in limba engleza
4. asimilarea vocabularului de specialitate prin studiul textelor juridice din domeniile de interes
5. redactarea in limba engleza a textelor de specialitate
La incheierea cursului, studentii vor avea urmatoarele abilitati:
- vor avea capacitatea de a citi un text de specialitate si de a-l intelege
- vor putea redacta texte in limba engleza
- se vor putea exprima fluent
Teme de specialitate pentru anul I
1. The judiciary and the legislative in the UK
2. Courts in the UK
3. Criminal Law
4. Prosecutions; treatment of offenders in the UK
5. The Geneva Conventions
6. Criminal Law in the UK
7. Government employment services in the UK
8. The role of local education authorities in England and Wales
9. The European perspective on justice, freedom and security
Teme de specialitate pentru anul al II-lea
1. Criminal proceedings. Powers and mode of arrest
2. Crime in the USA. Corruption. Principles of criminal liability.
3. Warrants. Types of warrant in the UK.
4. Powers of entry, search and road checks. Identification of suspects.
5. European police cooperation
6. Offences against public justice and against person
7. Firearms, armed forces and bomb hoaxes
8. Legal aid. Procedure
9. Summoning and term. The Geneva Conventions
I. MORFOLOGIA (Morphology)
Prezentare generala
Cele doua parti constitutive ale gramaticii traditionale sunt morfologia si sintaxa. Morfologia cuprinde
regulile privitoare la forma cuvintelor si la modificarile formale ale cuvintelor studiate pe parti de vorbire;
sintaxa cuprinde regulile privitoare la imbinarea cuvintelor in propozitii si fraze.
Unitatea de analiza in gramatica traditionala este cuvantul.
Gramatica traditionala grupeaza cuvintele din punct de vedere morphologic in zece parti de vorbire:
1. articolul
2. substantivul
3. verbul
4. pronumele
5. numeralul
6. adjectivul
7. adverbul
8. prepozitia
9. conjunctia
10. interjectia
Partile de vorbire se disting dupa ceea ce exprima, numele unui obiect - (substantivul), un numar sau o
determinare numerica (numeralul), o actiune sau o stare (verbul), o caracteristica a unei actiuni, stari sau
insusjri (adverbul), exteriorizarea unui sentiment, a unei stari fizice, a unui act de vointa sau imitarea unui
sunet (interjecfia).
I.1. Articolul (The article)
Articolul este partea de vorbire care constituie un mijloc de individualizare a obiectelor si fenomenelor intr-
un context lingvistic sau situational; nu are forme flexionare, fiind neflexibil din punct de vedere
morfologic; indeplineste functia de determinant. Articolul este redat prin articolul hotarit the, articolul
nehotarit a sau an sau prin articolul zero. Aceste articole se folosesc pentru a realiza: 1) referinta unica
(unique reference) 2) referinta individuala (individual reference).
Articolul hotarat este folosit pentru a exprima referinta unica.
The earth moves round the sun. Pamintul se invirteste in jurul soarelui.
Articolul nehotarit poate fi folosit pentru introducerea in comunicare a unei notiuni care nu a fost
mentionata anterior.
A. Fill in the blanks with the, a, an or no article:
"Do you see _____ man standing near ______ door? He works as _____ assistant in ____ same shop as I
do. Well, I saw him the other day and he was driving ______ red Porsche. And do you see ______
expensive clothes he's wearing? Where does he get ____ money to pay for it all? ______ month ago he
hadn't got _____ penny. I told you about ______ burglary that we had at ________ shop, didn't I? Do you
think I should go to _____ police?
B. Fill in the gaps with a or one: last year - it was...very hot afternoon in June - I was hurrying to get home. I was
about...... hour late - well, to be precise, exactly...... hour and ten minutes: I had taken the
train that arrived at the station at 6.15. Anyway, there was..... woman standing under the trees, and
there were several children with her. I saw.... child clearly - she was ....lovely dark-haired girl
- but I only heard the others. Suddenly... strange thing happened. The girl took some stones and
leaves out of her pocket, and threw.... stone after another into the air.
C. Insert a or an if necessary:
My neighbour is...photographer; let's ask him for...advice about colour films.
We and...chips for....lunch.
That doesn't sound......very interesting lunch.
I had a very bad night. I didn't sleep ....wink.
We'd better go - if we can get at such .....hour as 2 a.m.
I.2. Substantivul (The noun)
Substantivul denumeste obiecte in sens foarte larg, adica fiinte, lucruri, fenomene (man, chair, snow, walk,
wisdom); are categoriile gramaticale de gen, numar si caz; poate indeplini in propozitie functiile de subiect,
nume predicativ, atribut, apozitie, complement, element predicativ suplimentar, sau poate fi echivalentul
unei propozitii sau fraze.
Numarul substantivelor (Number of Nouns)
Substantivele in limba engleza au categoriile gramaticale de gen, numar si caz.
Numarul este categoria gramaticala care se recunoaste cel mai usor, datorita desinentei -s, specifica pentru
forma de plural a substantivelor. Din punct de vedere al ideii de numar, substantivele in limba engleza se
impart in numarabile (Count nouns) si nenumarabile (Mass nouns). Substantivele numarabile sunt de obicei
variabile ca forma (Variable nouns), avand atat singular cit si plural, iar cele nenumarabile sunt de regula
invariabile ca forma (Invariable nouns), avand forma numai de singular sau numai de plural.
A. Use these collective nouns to complete the sentences that follow: audience, crew, enemy, family,
gang, government, media, public, staff, team
1. Take cover. The ........ are attacking.
2. Do you think Liverpool are the best ......... in Europe?
3. Dad is out but the rest of the ............ are at home.
4. The............ has decided to increase taxes.
5. The ship sank but the ........... are safe.
6. The office is closed. The .... are on strike.
7. The house was surrounded and the ......... were arrested.
8. The ............ is much bigger than at last night's performance.
9. The railways should provide a better service for the traveling ..........
10. Some sports stars are very badly treated by the newspapers and other ........
B.Write the plural of the following nouns:
1. address 4. witch 7. face 10. man
2. reply 5. box 8. tomato 11.child
3. toy 6. fish 9. deer 12. tooth
I.3. Verbul (The verb)
Definitie. Verbul este partea de vorbire care exprima actiuni, procese sau stari; are categorii gramaticale de
persoana si numar comune cu alte parti de vorbire si categoriile specifice de timp, mod, aspect si diateza;
indeplineste functia sintactica de predicat.
I..3.1. Categoriile gramaticale ale verbului
In limba engleza, verbul are forme gramaticale determinate de categoriile specifice de timp, aspect, diateza
si mod si de categoriile nespecifice de persoana si numar. In functie de prezenta sau absenta categoriilor de
timp persoana si numar, formele verbale in limba engleza se impart in forme personale si nepersonale.
Formele personale ale verbului (Finite Forms of the Verb) sunt modurile indicativ si subjonctiv. La aceste
forme, verbul este marcat pentru a exprima categoriile de timp, mod, diateza, aspect, persoana si numar, iar
din punct de vedere sintactic, ele pot forma singure predicatul si se acorda in numar si persoana cu
Formele nepersonale ale verbului (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb) sunt infinitivul, Gerund-ul (Gerunziul),
participiul prezent si participiul trecut. Aceste forme nu au categoriile de timp, persoana si numar si nu pot
forma singure predicatul propozitiei.
I. 3.2. Timpul (Tense)
Categoria gramaticala a timpului (Tense), categorie specifica verbelor, se refera la ordinea evenimentelor in
timp, asa cum este perceputa aceasta de vorbitor in momentul vorbirii.
Momentul in care are loc actul de vorbire este momentul prezent (now). Fata de acest moment, care
constituie axa de referinta a prezentului, unele evenimente sunt:
anterioare, cand ele au loc inainte de momentul vorbirii (evenimentele sunt amintite de vorbitor):
Present Perfect;
posterioare f ata de momentul vorbirii (evenimentele fiind anticipate de vorbitor, deoarece vor
avea loc intr-un moment posterior momentului vorbirii Future;
simultane cu momentul vorbirii (avand loc in acelasi timp) Present.
Considerand momentul vorbirii punctul prezent, vorbitorul isi poate aminti un eveniment care a avut loc la
un moment anterior momentului vorbirii (then). In raport cu acest moment amintit then, care se refera la
trecut, alte evenimente pot fi:
anterioare momentului trecut then: Past Perfect;
simultane cu then: Past Tense;
posterioare: Future in the Past.
De asemenea, in momentul vorbirii (now), vorbitorul poate anticipa anumite evenimente (posterioare
momentului vorbirii). In raport cu un anume eveniment posterior momentului prezent (axa de referinta a
viitorului). Alte evenimente pot fi:
anterioare: Future Perfect;
simultane: Future;
posterioare: engleza nu are marca formala pentru aceste evenimente.
In analiza timpului trebuie astfel luate in consideratie urmatoarele elemente:
momentul vorbirii
momentul actiunii;
axa sau momentul de referinta.
In f unctie de cele trei elemente - momentul vorbirii, momentul actiunii si momentul de referinta - limba
engleza cunoaste urrnatorul sistem de timpuri:
pe axa prezentului: Present, Present Perfect, Future;
pe axa trecutului: Past Tense, Past Perfect, Future in the Past;
pe axa viitorului: Future, Future Perfect
I.3.2.1. Timpul prezent simplu (Present Tense Simple)
Definitie. Prezentul simplu desemneaza un eveniment (o actiune sau stare) care se intampla simultan cu
momentul vorbirii (prezentul instantaneu) sau care include momentul vorbirii (prezentul generic si
Forma. Din punct de vedere al formei, prezentul simplu este identic cu infinitivul, la toate persoanele
singular si plural, cu exceptia persoanei a III-a singular, care adauga -(e).s: Ex: I learn/ You learn/ He, She
learns/ We learn/ You learn/ They learn
A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets at the present simple tense:
He (live)... in Belgravia in London's West End. He's very rich, and he (own)..... the company
Office Blocks International. Every morning the young Lord (have)..... breakfast in bed and
(read)... the newspapers. He (get)..... up at ten o'clock and usually (go)... for a walk in
Hyde Park. He (have).... lunch at his club. He sometimes (meet)... the directors of OBI, and they
(talk).... about the company's plans. In the afternoon, Lord Stonebury and his friends (play).. golf.
Then they (have).... a few drinks. Or sometimes, he and his girl friend (go)...for a drive in his
sports car. After dinner Lord Stonebury (go).... to a night club or a casino with one of his friends. They
(get)..... home at about two o'clock.
B. Find and correct the verbs in the present tense that are mistaken in the text below:
Dear John,
Thank you for your very interesting letter. I am very pleased to be your pen friend. Are you really have a
swimming pool in the garden? It sound wonderful. As you know from my advertisement, I have 17 years
old and came from Cartagena in Chile. I've got two sisters and they is both older than me. My father own a
small factory paper but my mother don't work. We living in a house outside the city. I enjoying playing
football and I am like science-fiction films.
I. Look at this learner's text. Match the teacher's ticks and corrections 1-10 to rules a) - f) below
C. Put the verbs into brackets into simple present or present continuous tense:
1. What Tom (think)..... of the Budget?
2. He (think)..... it most unfair.
I (agree)....... with him.
3. How much... this one (cost)....?
It (cost)..... forty pence.
4. Look at that crowd. I (wonder)...... what they (wait)..... for.
5. This story is about a boy who (make).. friends with a snake which he (find).....
in the garden. Then he (go).... away but he (not forget)... the snake and some
years later he (return)... and (look)..... for it.
6. He (find).... the snake who (recognize)..... its old friend and (coil)....
round him affectionately. But, unfortunately, the snake is by now a full-grown boa-
constrictor and its embrace (kill).... the poor boy.
The snake (feel)..... sorry about this?
I (not know).... The story (end)....... there.
7. How (end).... a letter that (begin)....., "Dear Sir?"
I always (put)....., "Yours truly", but Tom (prefer)..... "Yours
D. Look at this learner's text. Match the teacher's ticks and corrections 1-10 to rules a) - f) below
My name is Kim and I'm Korean. My family is living in lives..b)
an apartment near the centre of Seoul, and they all 1........
1 love the city except me. They 2 are thinking that 2 think...
cities are exciting, but 3 I'm not agreeing with them; I 3 don't agree
4 am preferring quieter towns or villages. Anyway, 4 prefer.....
just this month I 5 work for a small travel agency; I 5 'm working..
6 want to go traveling in Europe next month but 7 I'm 6 ......
needing to earn some money first. 8 I'm thinking of doing 7 need....
a course when I come back from Europe - my English 8.......
9 gets better so maybe I can study abroad next time. 9 is getting...
That's very expensive, of course. Perhaps that 10 is 10 depends..
depending on how much I can earn - and my parents!
a) use the present continuous to talk about changing situations
b) use the present simple to talk about a permanent situation
c) use the present simple with a "thought" or "feeling" verb
d) use the present simple with verbs describing what things are, what they are like and what they
e) use the present continuous for a temporary situation
use the present continuous for a temporary thought
f) use the present continuous for a temporary thought
I.3.2.2. Timpul trecut simplu (Past Tense Simple)
Definitie. Past Tense, aspectul simplu, desemneaza un eveniment definit care a avut loc pe axa trecutului
(evenimentul este amintit in momentul prezent). Past Tense simplu este folosit pentru a exprima o actiune
savarsita si incheiata intr-un moment trecut:
Forma. Marca timpului Past Tense simplu este, la verbele regulate, -ed.
We listened to the concert last night. Am ascultat concertul aseara.
In cazul verbelor neregulate este folosita forma a II-a. I wrote the letter to Mary. Am scris scrisoarea
Verbe neregulate
Infinitiv Past Tense
be was/were
beat beat
a fi
a bate
become became
begin began
blow blew
break broke
breed bred
a deveni
a incepe
a suf!a, a bate
a (se) sparge
a creste, a educa
a construi
dra w
fly .
bo Ugh I
a cumpara
a prinde
a alege
a veni
a costa
a taia
a trata, a se
ocupa de
a face
a trage, a desena
a visa
a bea
a mina, a sofa
a locui
a manca
a cadea
a hrani
a (se) sirati
a (se) lupta
a gasi
a zbura
a interzice
a uita
a ierta
a ingheta
R. dreamed - in spe-
cial in engleza ameri-
drunken - adj.
R. dwelled (rar)
in engleza americana
engl. britanica,: ate
(et); engl.
americana: ate (eit)
a primi, a obtine engl. americana:
get, got, gotten
a da
a merge
a creste
a avea
a auzi
a (se) ascunde Partioipiul trecut si
hid (rar)
a lovi
a |ine
a lovi, a rani, a
a |ine, a pastra
a ti, a cunoasjte
a pune, a aseza
a conduce
a invata
, a pleca, a lasa
a da cu
a lasa, a permite
a aprinde
R. learned -
americana; adj.:
a learned [k:nid] man
R. lighted
a zacea, a se afla R. lie, lied = a min|i
a pierde
a face
a insemna
a (se) intilni
mown, mowed a cosi
a plati
a punt
a citi
a suna
a fugi
a spune
pers. Ill singular says
a vedea
a vinde
a. trimite
a arata
a include
a einta
a sedea
Uneori ortografiat
shew, shewed,
s melt
a dormi
a mirosi
a vorbi
a grabi, a
a ortografia
a cheltui; a
a (se) intinde
R. smelled -
engleza americana
i R.: speeded
R. spelled - engleza
a fura, a se furisa
a lipi
a inota
a lua
a invafa (pe
altui), a preda
a spune, a
a (se) gindi
a arunca
understandd understood understood
a intelege
a purta
a plinge
a uda
a cistiga
a scrie
si R. wetted
A. Fill in each gap with a verb from the box in the past tense simple. (The text below describes an
unsuccessful driving test.)
be feel move pay push say run say stop try
On my first test, I 1..... out of petrol. Shortly after the restart from the emergency stop, the car
2..... again, although I 3.... five times to restart.
"No", I 4...... to the examiner. "It won't start." The examiner 5...... into the driving seat,
and I 6....... the car to the nearest service station, where I 7...... for the petrol. "This is
not your fault and will not affect whether you pass the test", he 8......., but I 9.......
terrified and 10..... not surprised to fail for lack of observation.
B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
1. Ann sees Paul putting on his coat and says: Where you (go ) , Paul?
2. I (go ) to buy some cigarettes. You (want) an evening paper?
3. Mary ( see ) Peter standing at the bus stop.
4. What bus you (wait ) for?
5. I usually (go ) to work by car, don't you?
6. Yes, but the car (belong ) to my mother and she sometimes (want ) it.
7. She ( use ) it today to take Tom to the dentist.
C. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past continuous:
I ( walk ) along the Piccadily when I (realize ) that a man with a ginger beard,
whom I had seen three times already that afternoon, ( follow ) me.
To make quite sure, I (walk ) on quickly, (turn ) right, then left and (stop ) suddenly at a
shop window.
In a few minutes the man with the beard (appear ) and (stop ) at another shop window.
I.3.2.3. Viitorul simplu (Shall/Will Future)
Definitie. Viitorul simplu desemneaza un eveniment posterior fata de momentul vorbirii. Viitorul simplu
este un viitor pur, indicand doar ca actiunea are loc 'intr-un moment viitor, mai apropiat sau adeseori mai
indepartat de momentul vorbirii.
Forma. In structura viitorului simplu intra verbul auxiliar shall la persoana I singular si plural, will la
persoana a II-a si a Ill-a singular si plural si infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat:
I shall go to the seaside tomorrow./ Vom merge la mare maine.
Decide if the underlined verbs in the sentences below refer to present time (p) or future time (f):
1. I'm spending a few weeks with an uncle in the States this summer. _f_
2. I can't find Barbara. Maybe she's meeting the others for lunch. ___
3. When you see her, could you tell her to give me a call? ___
4. The show starts at 8.30 every day except Monday. ___
5. I hope everyone's ready. We leave first thing in the morning. ___
I.4. ADJECTIVUL (The Adjective)
Definitie. Adjectivul este partea de vorbire care exprima o calitate a unui obiect (an interesting lecture, an
old man); are categoria gramaticala a comparatiei: He is taller than his brother.; indeplineste functiile
sintactice de atribut, apozitie, nume predicativ, element predicativ suplimentar.
Adjectivele monosilabice formeaza comparativul si superlativul in mod sintetic. Ele primesc -(e)r la
comparativ si the -(e)st la superlativ:
small -smaller -the smallest
short - shorter - the shortest
Adjectivele formate din d o u a sau mai multe silabe formeaza comparativul si superlativul analitic cu
ajutorul lui more si the most:
careful - more careful - the most careful
difficult - more difficult - the most difficult
A. Write the comparative and superlative for the following adjectives:
1. thin -
2. beautiful -
3. nice -
4. good -
5. bad -
B. Fill in the blanks with you, your, they or them
"_____ 've put the price of stamps up again."
"Oh, ______ haven't, have ______? ________ seem to do it more and more often. ______ can buy more
than a few stamps at a time, or else ________ have to buy extra 1p stamps to add to all 7 letters."
"I know. And it's got so expensive! Nowadays_____ think twice before _______ write a letter. Of course
___'ve got special rates for businesses - it's only ordinary people that pay the extra."
"I know. It makes ______ wonder why we keep electing ______."
C. Fill in the blanks with like or as :
1. He died ....he lived, fighting.
2. It's mended, can see.
3. In Paris, Rome, traffic is heavy.
4. His eyes are .... knives.
5. My brother isn't at all... me.
6. She left... she came, silently.
7. You're shy, .. me.
8. Your smile is..... your sister's.
9. ... I said, you're too late.
D. Choose between all and everything:
a. I hurry to laugh at .. for fear of having to cry.
b. I can resist .... except temptation.
c. You can only have power over people so long as you don't take... away from
d. They say .... in the world is good for something.
i. Life is like nothing, because it is......
E. Insert a, an, the, my, his, her, our, your, their:
1. He took off ........ coat and set to work.
2. Why are you standing with ........hand in ........pockets?
3. At most meeting people vote by raising.........right hands.
4. He tore ........trousers getting over a barbed wire fence.
5. She pulled.........sleeve to attract his attention.
6. He stroked .........chin thoughtfully.
7. If you are too hot why don't you take off.........coat?
8. He pointed to a woman in..........her green dress.
9. You'll strain .......eyes if you read in .........bad light.
10. Leave......coats in .....cloakroom; don't bring them
F.Insert a, an, the, or my, his, her, our, their if necessary.
1. At most meetings ... people vote by raising... right hands.
2. There was a shot and a policeman came out with... blood running down .. face.
3. We shook ... hands with .. host.
4. You'll strain .. eyes if you read in ... bad light.
5. He is .. throughly selfish man; he wouldn't lift.. finger to help anyone.
6. He was ...very tall man with ... dark hair and... small beard, but I couldn't see ...
eyes because he was wearing ... dark glasses.
7. He stroked..chin thoughtfully.
8. He pointed to a woman in ... green dress.
9. He has .. horrible job; I wouldn't like to be in ... shoes.
10. Brother and sister were quite unlike each other. He had .. fair hair; .. hair was dark
and straight.
11. I saw him raise.. right hand and take ... oath.
12. I have .. headache.
G.Insert the necessary capital letters in the following passage:
professor arnold smith, who has spent a lifetime studying prehistoric remains, claims that the bones he
unearthed in the californian desert area last may are those of a man-like creature existing millions of
years ago, probably at a time when the pacific ocean covered much more of the surface of this part of
the american continent . professor smith is to give a talk on the subject on bbc television on Monday,
4th april, in the series "where did we come from?" this is to be followed by a discussion with members
of the lost atlantic society whose president, colonel arthur stone, contends that california is in fact a
part of the legendary city, the remainder of which lies hidden under the sea.
1. Illocutionary acts - definition
2. Sentence - definition - 1 negation examples
3. Sentence negators: categories:
f. particle no
g. adverbs
h. pronouns
i. any
j. affixes
4. Degrees of negativity
d. week vs. strong negation
e. emphatic negatives
f. semantic changes
5. Lexical negativity
6. Sentence negation - syntactic functions
7. The negation of the verb in expressing / using tenses at the indicative mood
8. Tests of negativity
a. question tags
b. yes/ no questions
9. Tasks
Illocutionary acts - definition
The English language is used for specific communication purposes, in various registers, such as: the
English used for business, finance, journalism, advertising, psychology, sociology, etc.
Definition: The illocutionary or communicative acts are those represented by the process of making
statements, asking questions, giving directives with the aim of getting the hearer to carry out some
action, making an offer or promise, thanking or expressing an exclamation.
Ex: I saw Susan in London last year.
1. Sentence
Definition: The basic unit for the expression of interpersonal and experiential meanings is the
independent clause, equivalent for the traditional "simple sentence". It is also connected with the idea
of predication.
Ex: Your English seems to be very good.
Sentence negation is given by the use of negators such as the particle "no/not", negative adverbs or
Ex: The readers did not believe that the story was true.
The readers never believed that the story was true.
The readers hardly believed that the story was true.
None of the readers believed that the story was true.
Few of the readers believed that the story was true.
Inherent negation with stylistic function:
Ex: The readers were unable to believe that the story was true.
The readers were too smart to believe that the story was true.
The readers did not believe that the story was true.
Forms of negative sentences:
A. Declarative negative: I won't buy any cakes.
B. Interrogative negative: Won't you buy some cakes?
C. Imperative negative : Don't buy any cakes!
2. Sentence negation - syntactic functions
Subject: Nothing is ever expected of him.
No one saw him.
Object: We saw no one.
We heard nothing.
I lend my car to no one.
Adverbial: We drove to nowhere.
3. Sentence negators. Categories
Forming negative statements - when you want to say that something is not true, is not happening or is
not the case, you normally use a negative statement
a. Negative adverb - not
ex: Not many people were present at the wedding.
Not anyone who writes poems is a poet.
Not a single man was killed.
"All that glitters is not gold."
"All men are not born to reign."
"Reason is given to all men but all men do not know how to use it."
b. Negative Adverb/ indefinite place adverb (nowhere)
Ex: There's almost nowhere left to go.
I never knew what she meant. (never + verb = emphatic use)
c. General determiner - NO - which is used in front of singular and plural noun groups to
state that something does not exist.
Ex: There was no money for an operation.
We had no union.
He has no ambition.
I could see no tracks.
d. Negative Pronouns (none)/ Indefinite pronouns (no one, nothing, nobody)
ex: I waited for comments but none came.
None of as a quantifier
None of the townspeople had ever seen such weather.
None of this has happened without our consent.
Nobody in her house knows any English. Nobody knew the truth.
There's nothing I can do. Nothing happened.
e. Any; anybody anywhere, anyhow
Ex: He didn't say anything.
No one said anything.
He didn't want to go anywhere.
Jane wasn't so pleased to listen the lecture anyhow.
f. Affixes - prefixes: A, Anti, Counter, De, Dis, Ex, Il, Ir, Im, In, Mal, Mis, Non, Un
A prefix such as un-, dis- can be added to the beginning of some words to give them the
opposite meaning
Ex: Jane was unhappy. She unpacked.
The footpath was invisible.
There's enormous inefficiency in the system.
He has reached an illogical conclusion.
I disliked change of any kind.
He gave a look of disapproval.
It was a peaceful, non-violent protest.
The match was a non- event.
They were completely helpless.
Many of them were speechless.
Broad negatives - adverbs: barely, scarcely, rarely, and seldom
If they are put in initial position in the sentence this process triggers subject - predicate inversion - in
formal or literary English
Ex: I could scarcely believe my eyes. Scarcely could I believe my eyes.
Examiners were seldom unkind.
The new pressure group is barely six months old.
The office was hardly ever empty.
The lagoons are rarely deep.
The results were scarcely encouraging.
4. Degrees of negativity
a. week vs. strong negation
ex: I didn't miss anyone.
I missed no one.
b. emphatic negatives that triggers syntactic change subject - predicate/ auxiliary verb
ex: Never (before) have I met anyone so strange.
I haven't ever met anyone so strange.
5. Lexical negativity
The process of negation is given by the use of one category of negators (particle "no/not" attached to
the auxiliary verb or the use of a negative adverb or pronoun):
John isn't too smart, in fact anybody in their family is so.
I don't know what has become of her, I haven't seen her in years.
Help me, please! I can't budge this rock.
They say that this doctor has never studied anything anywhere.
Nobody told us anything to any of us.
I'm sure that Mark didn't lift a finger to call me.
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
I didn't touch a drop ever since I have this ulcer.
The negation of the verb in expressing / using tenses at the indicative mood
Negatives of tenses
For the simple present tense negative we use does not + infinitive for the third person and do not +
infinitive for the other persons.
Both are usually contracted in speech: he doesn't work; you don't work
The simple past tense makes its negative with did not (didn't) + infinitive: he/ we/ / they didn't work
All other tenses are formed with auxiliaries, and the negative is formed by putting not after the auxiliaries.
Contractions are usual in speech:
I haven't seen him.
It won't be easy.
I shan't be here tomorrow.
He won't drink wine.
They hadn't applied for visas.
The present continuous tense and the perfect tenses can be contracted in two ways:
He is not coming./ He isn't coming. / He's not coming.
I have not seen it./ I haven't seen it. / I've not seen it.
The future tense is normally contracted to won't but I'll is also possible.
He'll not see you tomorrow./ He won't see you tomorrow.
In English a negative sentence can have only one negative expression in it. So, never, no, none, nobody, no
one, nothing, hardly, hardly ever etc. are used with an affirmative verb.
He ate nothing. He didn't eat anything.
He never complains. He doesn't ever complain.
We have seen no one. We haven't seen anyone.
They hardly spoke at all. They hardly ever spoke. They didn't speak much.
Double negation - Unlike some languages, standard national forms of English (British, American,
Canadian, Australian) do not favour multiple negation that is a succession of nuclear negative items in one
clause, although this is a feature of some dialects of English. Instead, the first negative item is followed
throughout the rest of the clause by non-assertive forms (any-)
Ex: not many Spaniards have any knowledge of bull-fighting.
Most Spaniards have some knowledge of bull- fighting.
Neighbours should not be uncooperative.
Neighbours should be cooperative.
Tests of negativity
In question tags - these are short addition to sentences asking for agreement or confirmation
A. After negative statement we use the ordinary interrogative
Ex: You didn't see him, did you?
Ann can't swim, can she?
Peter doesn't smoke, does he?
Bill didn't want to go, did he?
James wasn't driving the car, was he?
There wasn't enough time, was there?
Ann hasn't got colour TV, has she?
B. After affirmative statements we use the negative interrogative
Ex: Peter helped you, didn't he?
"You are going to do this, aren't you?" "Yes."
"David's is quite a nice school, isn't it?" "Yes, it is."
Mary was there, was she?
Note that statements containing words such as: neither, nor, none, no one, nobody, nothing,
scarcely, barely, hardly, seldom are treated like negative statements and followed by an
ordinary interrogative tag
Ex: None of your friends liked the film, did they?
Nothing was said, was it?
Peter hardly ever goes to parties, does he?
When the subject of the sentence is no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, none, neither we use the pronoun
THEY as the subject of the tag
Ex: I don't suppose anyone will volunteer, will they?
None of the bottles are broken, are they?
Neither of them complained, did they?
INTONATION: When question tags are used, the speaker doesn't normally need information but merely
expects agreement. These tags are therefore normally said with a falling intonation, as in statements.
Sometimes, however, the speaker does want information. He is not quite sure that the statement is true, and
wants to be reassured. In this case, the question tag is said with a rising intonation and the important word
in the first sentence is stressed, normally with a rise of pitch.
yes/ no questions
A. Questions requiring the answer yes or no In these questions the auxiliary comes first
Ex: Do you smoke? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
The answer without the auxiliary is less polite
Do you understand my question?
Didn't you meet George in France?
Am I wrong?
Hasn't she got a car?
Agreements and disagreements with remarks
Ex: Tom drinks too much. Yes, he does.
Disagreements with negative remarks
Ex: I'm not getting fatter. Yes, you are.
Agreements with negative remarks
Ex: It wouldn't take long. No, it wouldn't.
Disagreements with affirmative remarks
Ex: We have plenty of time. No, we haven't.
Indicative Mood / Tense
Simple/ Affirmative
Simple/ Negative
Continuous/ Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
He works
He does not work
He is working
He is not working
Perfect/ Affirmative
Perfect/ Negative
Perfect continuous/ Affirmative
Perfect continuous/ Negative
Simple / Affirmative
Simple/ Negative
Continuous / Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
Perfect / Affirmative
Perfect/ Negative
Continuous / Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
Simple / Affirmative
Simple/ Negative
Continuous / Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
Perfect / Affirmative
Perfect/ Negative
Perfect continuous / Affirmative
Perfect continuous / Negative
He has worked
He has not worked
He has been working
He has not been working
He worked
He did not work
He was working
He was not working
He had worked
He had not worked
He had been working
He had not been working
He will work
He will not work
He will be working
He will not be working
He will have worked
He will not have worked
He will have been working
He will not have been working
Indicative Mood / Tense Aspect
Simple/ Affirmative
Simple/ Negative
Continuous/ Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
He works
He does not work / He doesn't
He is working / He's working
He is not working / He's not
working / He isn't working
Perfect/ Affirmative
Perfect/ Negative
Perfect continuous/ Affirmative
Perfect continuous/ Negative
He has worked / He's worked
He has not worked / He hasn't
worked / He's not worked
He has been working/ He's been
He has not been working/ He
hasn't been working/ He's not
been working
Simple/ Affirmative
Simple/ Negative
Continuous/ Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
Perfect/ Affirmative
Perfect/ Negative
Continuous/ Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
Simple/ Affirmative
Simple/ Negative
Continuous/ Affirmative
Continuous/ Negative
Perfect/ Affirmative
Perfect/ Negative
Perfect continuous/ Affirmative
Perfect continuous/ Negative
He worked
He did not work / He didn't work
He was working
He was not working / He wasn't
He had worked
He had not worked / He hadn't
He had been working
He had not been working / He
hadn't been working
He will work / He'll work
He will not work / He won't work
He will be working/ He'll be
He will not be working / He
won't be working / He'll not be
He will have worked / He'll have
He will not have worked / He
won't have worked / He'll not
have worked
He will have been working /
He'll have been working
He will not have been working /
He won't have been working /
He'll not have been working
Note: In speech, auxiliaries are normally contracted in affirmative and negative.
's may mean is or has: he's going = he is going ; he's gone = he has gone
'd may mean had or would : he'd paid = he had paid ; he'd like to come = he would like to come
Auxiliaries are normally unstressed. The stress falls on the main verb.
Explain the type of negation in each of the sentences in italics:
"Don't you know the actual name of the firm or association that employed her?"
"No, I don't, I'm afraid."
"Did she ever mention relatives?"
"No. I gather she was a widow and had lost her husband many years ago. A bit of an invalid he'd been, but
she never talked much about him."
"Didn't she mention where she came from - what part of the country? "
"I don't think she was a Londoner. Came from somewhere up north, I should say."
"Didn't you feel there was anything - well, mysterious about her?"
Lejeune felt a doubt as he spoke. If she was a suggestible woman - but Mrs. Coppins did not take
advantage of the opportunity offered to her.
"Well, I can really say that I did. Certainly not from anything she ever said. The only thing that perhaps
might have me wonder was her suitcase. Good quality it was, but not new."
Adapted from Agatha Christie, The Pale Horse
actual (adj.) = real, existing in fact: at the time being
to mention (v.) = to notice briefly, to remark, to name
to gather (v.) = to learn (know) by inference, to collect, to assemble
widow (n.) = a woman who has lost her husband and has not married again
a bit (n.) = a bite, a small piece
suggestible (adj.) = capable of being influenced by suggestion
to take advantage (v.) = to have a profit
suitcase (n.)= an easily portable oblong traveling - bag for carrying suits or clothes
Turn the following sentences from the affirmative to negative by using for each situation three types of
negation: the particle no/not; a negative adverb; a negative pronoun:
1. The readers believed that the story was true.
2. They had applied for visas.
3. You saw him.
4. Mary was here.
5. You know the name of the firm.
6. She mentioned the address.
7. I can really say that.
8. He mentioned something about his relatives.
9. I think she was a Londoner.
10. They knew all about him.
Turn the following sentences from the affirmative to negative by using for each situation three types of
negation: the particle no/not; a negative adverb; a negative pronoun, if the case:
1. I have seen something like that before.
2. You would better tell me the truth.
3. The barrister was the best in town.
4. There are limits in everything.
5. Everything that glitters is gold.
6. See you soon!
7. Mother told me that she was at home.
8. You should learn all the chapter.
9. The students were nice.
10. John has been lately in that pub.
7. The right to a domestic remedy for the violation of human rights is widely recognized in international
human rights law. A brief look at the wording of this guarantee in universal and regional instruments of
human rights protection will allow for some comparative remarks concerning Article 13 of the European
Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR). The latter Article provides:
Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an
effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by
persons acting in an official capacity.
8. The origins of the right to an effective remedy can be found in Article 8 of the Universal Declaration on
Human Rights of 1948, which stipulates:
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts
violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Although not legally binding, the Universal Declaration has had an enormous impact on all human rights
instruments adopted after 1948. The ECHR refers to the Declaration explicitly in its Preamble.
(Council of Europe, The Memorandum on the Implementation of the Right to an Effective
Remedy, October, 2003)
2. "All criminal trials are held in open court. Because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the
accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, every possible step is taken to deny to the
prosecution any advantage over the defence. No accused person has to answer the questions of the police
before trial; if he does make a statement, this cannot be used in evidence at his trial unless he has been
cautioned in the proper terms, and he is not compelled to give evidence or to submit to cross-examination
in court."
(from Criminal Law Update, by Solicitor Anthony Edward, in the Gazette 90/3, 20 Jan 1993)
3. The Union's Local Solicitor was instructed on a member's behalf in connection with an assault
committed upon him by three youths. The youths alleged that the member had punished one of their
friends. In consequence of the assault, he received severe bruising to his side and hip and right temporal
region, his eye and right jaw, and was unable to resume his professional duties for a week. A Summons for
assault was served and duly issued upon those responsible. At the hearing, the defendants appeared in
person and elected to be dealt with summarily, each pleading "not guilty". After retirement, the Justices
found each defendant "guilty" and imposed fines of 58 pounds plus costs.
4. In 1864 governments were invited to send representatives to a diplomatic conference. As a result 12
European nations signed a treaty stating that in future wars they would care for all sick and wounded
military personnel, regardless of nationality. They would also recognise the neutrality of medical personnel,
hospitals and ambulances identified by the emblem of a red cross on a white background.
The treaty was called the Geneva Convention. This Convention was concerned only with soldiers
wounded on the battlefield. Over the years, however, it has been expanded to cover everyone caught up in
conflicts but not actually taking an active part in the fighting.
5. The main pattern of local government organization in Britain (outside the Greater London area) is a
division of the country into a number of local authority areas, as follows: administrative counties
(subdivided into county districts) and county boroughs in England and Wales and Northern Ireland; and
counties, large and small burghs and districts in Scotland. Greater London, a unique administration area, is
subdivided into 32 London Boroughs and the City. Each of these areas has its own elected council (local
authority) which runs many of the public services, including the major services of local health and welfare,
education, child care, town and country planning, fire fighting, the provision and upkeep of certain roads,
traffic management, and a share in the administration of the police, as well as services concerning local
order, amenity, and public health. In carrying out their duties, local authorities must act in accordance with,
and within the limits of, powers conferred on them by Parliament; they are also subject to a certain amount
of supervision by the central Government. Nevertheless they remain independent bodies and discharge their
responsibilities in their own right.
6. On the basis of the foregoing detailed examination of the merits of the case, the Court finds that Iran,
by committing successive and continuing breaches of the obligations laid upon it by the Vienna
Conventions of 1961 and 1963 on Diplomatic and Consular Relations, the Treaty of Amity, Economic
Relations, and Consular Rights of 1955, and the applicable rules of general international law, has incurred
responsibility towards the United States. As to the consequences of this finding, it clearly entails an
obligation on the part of the Iranian State to make reparation for the injury thereby caused to the United
States. Since however Iran's breaches of its obligations are still continuing, the form and amount of such
reparation cannot be determined at the present date.
7. At the same time the Court finds itself obliged to stress the cumulative effect of Iran's breaches of its
obligations when taken together. A marked escalation of these breaches can be seen to have occurred in the
transition from the failure on the part of the Iranian authorities to oppose the armed attack by the militants
on 4 November 1979 and their seizure of the Embassy premises and staff, to the almost immediate
endorsement by those authorities of the situation thus created, and then to their maintaining deliberately for
many months the occupation of the Embassy and detention of its staff by a group of armed militants acting
on behalf of the State for the purpose of forcing the United States to bow certain demands.
8. Tim Weekes finds specialist child care solicitors alarmed by recent proposals to reform the
representation of children: The mood among solicitors specialising in children law is grim. Their day-to-
day work involves the most vulnerable and powerless members of society, often children who are at risk of
abuse or violence in the home. They offer a vital conduit for children's views about the actions of parents,
social workers, local authorities and others. Yet despite the importance of their work, they see signs that the
government is preparing to remove children's rights to representation by solicitors.
9. Every accused person has the right to employ a legal adviser to conduct his defence; if he cannot afford
to pay, he may be granted legal aid at public expense. If he is charged with murder, and has insufficient
means, he must be granted legal aid.
10. The emergence of the idea of nationhood, in the current sense of the term, is intrinsically linked to the
important ideological revolution that began during the 18th century and transferred legitimate sovereignty to
the people. A nation differs radically from a population group defined by its subjection to a common
sovereign. The nation pre-exists and survives its monarch, even if, depending on the vicissitudes of history,
it may be oppressed or divided.
11. The Geneva Conventions are long and complicated, but they are essentially a series of 'do's' and 'don'ts'
to apply during conflict to protect vulnerable and defenceless individuals. Their underlying principles can
be simply stated.
The human dignity of all individuals must be respected at all times. Everything possible must be done,
without any kind of discrimination, to reduce the suffering of people who have been put out of action by
sickness, wounds or captivity whether or not they have taken direct part in the conflict.
The First Protocol extends the Conventions, taking into consideration modern means of warfare and
transport and aiming to give further protection to civilians. The Second Protocol provides a code of
minimum protection for the combatants and the civilian population during civil wars
12. One of the most common Immigration Act offences is knowingly entering the UK in breach of a
deportation order or without leave of an immigration officer - commonly known as illegal entry. An
example of someone who will be treated as an illegal entrant is if he or she obtained an entry clearance visa
as a student but on arrival had no intention of studying, never enrolled at college and started working
instead. Clearly that person deceived the entry clearance officer or Immigration Officer as to his or her real
intentions on coming to the UK and hence entered the country illegally. Other less common offences such
as failing to comply with a restriction imposed on entry, e.g. residence at a particular address or
employment in a specified job are not often prosecuted.
13. A member took a party of 29 children and staff to stay for two weeks at a School Holiday camp in
Scotland. When the party arrived in Scotland, the beds and bedding were in bad condition; one of the
chalets was leaking and the windows in another were open - resulting in the beds nearest the window being
damp. In view of the poor conditions, the member obtained accommodation elsewhere for the rest of the
holiday. Subsequently he applied for legal assistance in order to obtain compensation for the expense
The Solicitor of the Union took the matter with the travel agency concerned on behalf of the member. An
offer of 100 pounds was made by them and this was accepted in settlement.
14. One of the basic features of customs law is the imposition of import duty as a form of indirect taxation.
There is also provision in the EC (European Community) customs code for the collection of export duty,
but in practice these are rarely applied. Advanced economies perceive a charge on exports as a disincentive,
which puts a brake on home industries. However, they have featured in the form of agricultural levies and
other export charges applied under the common agricultural policy of the EC. Duties which are legally
owed to a national customs authority give rise to a customs debt. In all cases within member states these are
based on the customs tariff of the EC. In the UK this takes the form of the integrated tariff of the UK
known shortly as "the tariff".
15. The first Geneva Convention ('for the Amelioration of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces and
Field') and the second Geneva Convention ('for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and
Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea') are similar, covering land and sea respectively. They
embody the main idea which led to the founding of the Red Cross: if a member of the armed forces is
wounded or sick, and therefore in no condition to take an active part in the hostilities, he is no longer part
of the fighting force and becomes a vulnerable person in need of protection and care.
The main points of these two Conventions are: The sick, wounded and shipwrecked must be cared for
adequately. Belligerents must treat members of the enemy force who are wounded, sick or shipwrecked as
carefully they would their own. All efforts should be made to collect the dead quickly; to confirm death by
medical examination; to identify bodies and protect them from robbery. Medical equipment must not be
intentionally destroyed and medical establishments and vehicles must not be attacked, damaged or
prevented from operating even if, for the moment, they do not contain patients.
1. Infractiunile mai putin grave sunt pedepsite cu amenda.
2. Cele mai grave infractiuni sunt pedepsite cu inchisoarea.
3. Helen are doi frati ; fratele mai mare este student la Facultatea de Drept.
4. Judecatorul a cerut martorilor relatii suplimentare.
5. Dintre cei doi martori la accident, primul (the former) era un copil iar al doilea era un
tanar de 25 de ani.
6. Camera Lorzilor este formata din nobili cu rang de pair ereditar.
7. Presedintele Camerei Comunelor - the Speaker- este propus de Guvern dupa consultari
cu Opozitia.
8. Tribunalele sunt in general constituite din doi sau sapte magistrati neangajati.
9. Dupa ce o persoana a fost arestata este acuzata si apoi adusa in fata instantei.
10. Cele mai grave infractiuni sunt pedepsite cu inchisoarea.
11. La intrarea in Marea Britanie, ofiterul de imigrari recomanda sa nu se depaseasca
perioada admisa de sedere in tara.
12. Nu trebuie subestimata depozitia unui martor in anchetarea cazului.
13. Este firesc ca legile sa se schimbe pentru a fi in concordanta cu schimbarile sociale si
economice care au loc in viata societatii.
14. Daca inculpatul nu isi va putea permite sa plateasca un avocat, atunci i se va acorda
asistenta juridica.
15. Este imperativ ca martorul sa se prezinte in fata instantei.
16. Este important ca tarile asociate sa adopte legislatia Uniunii Europene.
17. In toate investigatiile, politia trebuie sa pastreze toate materialele care intra in posesia sa.
18. Este recomandabil ca avocatul sa stabileasca o relatie profesionala cu clientul sau.
19. Principalele functii ale Parlamentului sunt dezbaterea si votarea legislatiei precum si
examinarea actiunilor Guvernului.
20. Majoritatea proiecelor de legi din Parlament sunt masuri care privesc viata publica.
21. In inchisorile pentru infractorii tineri sunt organizate cursuri de reeducare.
22. In cazul in care este arestat, suspectul are dreptul de a consulta un avocat si sa instiinteze
o persoana in legatura cu detentia sa.
23. Suspectul poate iesi din tara, fara a fi audiat de o instanta penala.
24. Un exemplu de infractiune care poate fi judecata in doua moduri este furtul, depinzand de
gravitatea modului in care acesta a fost comis.
25. In general, infractiunile care sunt judecate pe baza unei proceduri sumare sunt pedepsite
cu amenda.
26. Un infractor poate fi pus in anumite conditii in libertate supravegheata.
27. Romania este stat national, suveran si independent, unitar si indivizibil. Forma de
guvernamant a statului roman este republica. Statul se organizeaza potrivit principiului
separatiei si echilibrului puterilor - legislative, executive si judecatoreasca - in cadrul
democratiei constitutionale. Suveranitatea nationala apartine poporului roman, care o
exercita prin organele sale reprezentative. Teritoriul Romaniei este inalienabil. Romania
este patria comuna si indivizibila a tuturor cetatenilor sai, fara deosebire de rasa, de
nationalitate, de origine etnica, de limba, de religie, de gen, de opinie, de apartenenta
politica, de avere sau de origine sociala.
trial; to employ; offence; prosecution; solicitor; to convict; probation; bill; debate; law; judge; magistrate;
Crown; Wales; acquis communautaire ; applicant ; to implement ; the route to accession ; domestic policy;
vocational training; employment; to enforce legislation; to undermine; share; assembly; with regard to;
outcome; currently; concern; welfare; to focus; the right to representation by a solicitor; guardian ad litem;
legal issues; to miss the point; to ascertain the interests of children; abolish; binding precedent; burglary;
code; conspiracy; counsel; defence; domestic; EC; enforce; judicial; ministry; procedure; probation; State
sovereignty; will; writ; to debate; to enforce a law; formally; chairman; assize; cases of first instance;
accession; accomplice; accountancy in bankruptcy; acquis communautaire; Act of Parliament; to debate, to
enforce a law, formally, chairman, to come into operation; assize, deter, probation, youth, placed on
probation, to pass a sentence, to pass a suspended sentence; cases of first instance; domestic proceedings;
offence; trial; bail; beyond doubt; solicitor; sentence; interest
Exercise: Write three or four sentences to say how you feel now. Use some of the following words: cold;
hot; well; sleepy; thirsty; warm; hungry; ill; wide awake.
1. What does the British Parliament consist of?
2. What does the Sovereign formally do?
3. Who forms the Government?
4. What are the main courts of civil jurisdiction in England and Wales?
5. What does Criminal Law presume?
6. What right has any accused person?
7. What is the European Commission's task?
8. What is the European Council's duty?
9. What is controlling state aids important for?
10. How could you define the local self-government in European terms?
11. How independent are the local authorities?
12. Answer the following questions regarding the protection of Human Rights according to the
principles and regulations given by the Council of Europe:
- What is the European Convention of Human Rights' control mechanism?
- If the state's domestic law does not provide a total remedy for the consequences of a
violation, what is the Court's decision?
- Does the Court operate separately from the judicial systems of the States Parties to the
- Did the UK outlaw the corporal punishments in school as a result of a judgment under the
European Convention on Human Rights?
- Give five examples of the rights guaranteed by the European Social Charter.
- Which is the mechanism set up for the European Convention for the Prevention of
- What does the Framework Convention for the National Minorities specifically guarantee?
Which are the conditions for them?
- How is the equality between women and men seen by the Council of Europe?
III.5. Explain the following terms and then make sentences with them: "civic nation"; State territory;
national minority;" Para - State" Venice Commission; home - state; nation-state; confederation; national
identity; ethnic minority; sovereignty; kin-minority; "ethnic nation"; national frontier/ border;
federalization; nationality; OSCE; linguistic minority
N.B. The answers should be given being based on the chapter "National Minorities' Protection in the
Contemporary European State"
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Jeremy Walenn, English for Law in Higher Education Studies, Garnet Publishing Ltd., UK, 2009
Simona Oprescu, Limba engleza pentru studentii facultatilor de drept si
pentru juristi, ed. Oscar Print, 2000
Revista Romana de Drept International, ed. ADIRI, 2003
Nicoleta Molnar Oprea, Marinela Mateescu, Curs de limba engleza pentru
studentii facultatilor cu profil juridic, ed. All, 2000
*** Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press, 2000
David McDowall, Britain in Close-up, An in-Depth Study of Contemporary Britain, Pearson Education
Limited, 1999
J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, Great Britain,
J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 1, Oxford University Press,
Great Britain, 2001
J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 2, Oxford University Press,
Great Britain, 2001
* * * English Grammar, Collins Cobuild, London, 1990
Mark Nettle, Diana Hopkins, Developing Grammar in Context, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2003
Robert O'Neill, Success at First Certificate, Oxford University Press, Great Britain , 1990
Cory, Hugh, 2000, Advanced Writing, Oxford University Press,
Dooley, Jenny& Evans, Virginia, 1999, Grammarway, vol.4, Express Publishing,
Vince, Michael, 1995, Advanced Language Practice, Heinemann Elt..
* * Cambridge Proficiency, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1996
* * Cambridge, Phrasal Verbs, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 2000
* * Cambridge, Idioms, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 2000
Lidia Vianu, English with a Key, Teora, Bucuresti, 1999
Georgiana Galateanu, Ecaterina Comisel, Gramatica limbii engleze, Omegapress, Bucuresti, 2000
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