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Modalitati de exprimare a viitorului - ENGLEZA
2.Boli si dureri - la Doctor, la farmacie
1.Viitorul simplu
Se formeaza astfel:
la afirmativ
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + SHALL/ WILL + Verb (inf.)
la negativ
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + WILL NOT (WON'T) + Verb (inf.)
la interogativ
SHALL / WILL + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + Verb (inf.) ?
Folosirea lui SHALL la toate persoanele are nuanta unei obligatii.
Folosirea lui WILL la toate persoanele lasa la voia vorbitorului aceasta obligatie.
Exemplu: I shall (will) come tomorrow. Trebuie sa vin maine. (Eu am hotarat sa vin maine)
Observatie: SHALL si WILL pot avea si inteles modal (vezi Cursul 4)
SHALL in intrebari exprima o oferta, o propunere, o sugestie; este mai literar iar daca este folosit la persoana a IIa si a IIIa are semnificatia unui ordin sau a unei promisiuni foarte ferme.
Exemplu: The work shall be completed by July 31. Lucrul va fi terminat (trebuie) pana pe 31 iulie.
You shall have a bike for your birthday. Vei primi o bicicleta de ziua ta (iti promit).
Shall I open the window ? Sa deschid fereastra ?
Shall we meet at the stop ? Ne vedem in statie ?
WILL - este foarte frecvent folosit in engleza vorbita acum. Este o forma mult mai politicoasa de a exprima o rugaminte sau o invitatie.
Exemplu: Will you open the window ? Esti amabil sa deschizi fereastra ?
Will you have a cup of coffe ? Vrei o cafea ?
In limba vorbita se folosesc frecvent si formele contrase (prescurtate) :
In intrebarile directe viitorul simplu exprima adesea o cerere directa si se foloseste WILL pentru politete.
Se traduce in romaneste cu viitor.
Utilizarea viitorului simplu
Ca adverbe de timp se folosesc:
- tomorrow, next (week, summer, year)
In acest caz se incepe cu:
I think, I suppose, I guess, I belive (cred ca, presupun ca );
probably, it's possible (e posibil sa)
Exemplu: I suppose he won't refuse you. Presupun ca nu te va refuza.
Probably she will be late Probabil ca ea va intarzia. (E posibil ca ea sa intarzie.)
Exemplu general:
Will you come tomorrow evening ?
Yes I will. I'll come tomorrow evening.
No, I won't. I won't come tomorrow evening.
I don't think so
Vii maine seara ?
Da . Vin maine seara (voi veni).
Nu. Nu voi veni maine seara.
Nu prea cred !
2.Exprimarea viitorului prin prezent (vezi Cursul 2)
Prezentul simplu se foloseste in loc de viitor pentru actiuni oficial programate (vezi avion, tren etc.)
Prezentul continuu se foloseste ca viitor ca aranjamente neoficiale facute de vorbitor.
3.Viitorul apropiat sau viitorul ,,intentie''
In limba engleza se mai numeste Viitorul Going to - Future
Se formeaza astfel:
afirmativ : I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + TO BE (prezent) + GOING TO + Verb
negativ : I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + TO BE (prezent) + Not + GOING TO + Verb
interogativ: TO BE (prezent) + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + GOING TO + Verb
Observatie: Verbul to be se conjuga la prezent la fiecare persoana la afirmativ, negativ si interogativ.
Se traduce prin: urmeaza sa , intentionez sa
- interogativ: Are you going to sell your flat ? Intentionezi sa-ti vinzi apartamentul ?
- afirmativ: Yes, I'm going to sell my flat.
- negativ: No, I'm not going sell my flat.
a.Pentru a exprima actiuni ( intentii) ce se vor intampla intr-un timp f. scurt dupa momentul vorbirii.
Exemplu: I'm going to sell my car. Intentionez sa-mi vand masina.
b.Pentru a exprima presupuneri despre lucruri ce se vor intampla imediat.
Exemplu Look ! It's cloudy ! Priveste ! Este innorat !
If going to rain. Sta sa ploua.
4.Viitorul apropiat (cu alta constructie)
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + TO BE (prezent) + ABOUT TO + Verb (inf.)
going to - intentia
about to - obligatia
Se foloseste pentru a exprima actiunea in viitorul apropiat avand nuanta unei obligatii sau a unei necesitati.
Exemplu: The train leaves at 2.30 I'm about to leave for the station. Trenul pleaca (va pleca) la 2,30. Urmeaza (trebuie) sa plec la gara. (ma obliga ceva sa plec imediat)
You are about to tell her the news. Ii vei spune vestile (urmeaza sa i le spui).
He's about to say something. El este pe punctul de a spune ceva.
Parintii mei urmeaza sa vina si intentionez sa-i duc sa vada cateva castele.
5. Prezentul pe post de viitor
Prezentul simplu cu sens de viitor se folosette pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare oficial programate si anuntate (orare mijloace de transport, conferinte, spectacole etc.) complementul de timp este obligatoriu. Se traduce prin viitor.
Exemplu The plane takes off at 7.30 a.m. tomorrow. Avionul va decola maine dimineata la 7.30.
Prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor se foloseste pentru a exprima aranjamente si planuri pe care le face cineva pentru viitor. Se traduce prin viitor.
Exemplu: What are you doing next week-end ? I'm having dinner with my friends.
Ce vei face in week-endul urmator ? Voi lua masa cu prietenii mei.
6. Viitorul anterior = FUTURE PERFECT
Se formeaza asfel: pentru toate persoanele
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + SHALL / WILL + HAVE + Verb ( - ed pt.verbe regulate )
(forma a III a pt. verbe nereg)
Observatii: Negativul si intrebarea se vad pe SHALL si WILL.
Se traduce prin viitor anterior SHALL si WILL pot fi prescurtate prin ' LL
Se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni care vor incepe si se vor termina inaintea unei alte actiuni din viitor.
Exemplu: I'll have finished my work by 10 o'clock tomorrow.
Imi voi fi terminat treaba pana maine la ora 10.
Many animals will have disappeared by the end of the century.
Multe animale vor fi disparute pana la sfarsitul secolului.
first aid box - trusa de prim ajutor
public health - ocrotirea sanatatii
to fall (to be taken) ill - a se imbolnavi
to feel ill - a se simti rau
to have a fit of - a avea o criza de
to undergo an operation - a fi supus la o operatie
to clean (dress ) up a wound - a curata (a pansa) o rana
to be injured in accident - a fi ranit in accident
to enjoy good health - a se bucura de o sanatate de fier
to sneeze - a stranuta
to faint - a lesina
to cough - a tusi
bloodshot - congestionat
painful - dureros
shivers - frisoane
first aid - primul ajutor
blood transfusion - transfuzie de sange
medical chart (card) - fisa medicala
disease - boala
injury - leziune, rana
medical certificate - C F M
sick (maternity, rest) leave - concediu de boala (maternitate, de odihna)
strecher - targa
physician, doctor - doctor, medic
surgeon - chirurg
VET - veterinary surgeon - veterinar
hospital , emergency - spital, urgente
nurse - asistenta medicala
midwife - moasa
health resort - statiune climaterica
spa - statiune balneo (ape)
dumb - mut
blind - orb
deaf - surd
lame - schiop
squint - eyed - sasiu
humpbacked - cocosat
operating theatre - sala de operatie
sun - stroke - insolatie
Good morning doctor Gray !
Good morning Mr Brown ! You don't look well ! You look pale. It looks as if you were going to faint !
I don't know what's the matter with me. I'm upset with everything. I feel too tired to move. Every bone in my body seems to ache. My appetite has gone. I'm suffering from sleepessness. And I often have giddy turns. My nose is running !
Come here, please ! Draw near and sit down. Let me feel your pulse Yes, the pulse is quick and irregular ! Just as I throught ! Show me your tongue . It is quite furred ! And the uvula is swollen!
What is your oppinion doctor ? I'm dying
Mr Brown ! You aren't a child ! Let me check your lungs and to listen to your heart Breathe in and out deeply ! O.K !
Is this disease dangerous ? Is it catching ?
Mr Brown !! Nothing to worry about ! Keep indoor for a few days. I'll prescribe you some medicine Do not overtire yourself. You'll soon recover completly !
Am I confined to bed ? I be operated on ?
Mr Brown !! I think you have got the flu (influenza) ! A simple flu, don't worry ! You are tired, you smoke too much This is the result of your behavior !
Oh, I feel much relieved, doctor. Thank you ! What is your fee, sir ?
No fee for you Mr Brown ! Free of charge ! Pay attention and take care of you !
Thanks a lot, doctor ! Bye !
Bye and cheer up, Mr Brown !
What's the matter with you pal ?! You look rather seedy (indispus).
I have a terrible toothache doctor ! I suffer much, chiefly at night time !
Why don't you come to me earlier ?
I hate detists !
Everybody hate us but you need our help ! I know, knocking and drilling (sfredelitul) one's teeth is not at all very entertaining but is necessary !
Oh, I'm exaggerating ! You are a painless dentist !
Come here ! Sit down and lean (lasa) your head back ! Sit still please ! Open your mouth !
Oh, it hurts me !
Come on ! The upper (lower) front tooth has a problem, the filling has come out ! You have also a hollow molar in the upper jaw (maxilar) I shall clean out the cavity and fill it ! Rinse your mouth with this antiseptic mouth wash ! OK ! I'm ready. Did it hurt ?
Oh, no ! You are the master !
So, don't eat anything for a couple of hours, sir ! In the tooth keeps aching come quickly. I'll have to kill the nerve. Avoid sitting in a draught (curent). Or you'll get an abscess ! You can have a soothing drug if necessary !
Thank you doctor ! you
I know, I'm the master ! Take care of you ! Bye !
Thanks ! Bye ! I'd like to say "see youz soon'' but I don't want to !
No problem ! You're welcome !
Can I have a prescription made ?
Of course, sir ! Give it to me ! Oh, yes ! But it will take you more than an hour to wait until I get it prepared. Do you mind coming later to collect it ?
OK ! I'm going to collect it !
So, my prescription is made ?
OK, sir ! Do not forget to shake the bottle before using ! Store it in a cool place.
Is this stuff reliable ?
Of course, sir !
How many spoonfuls am I to take a day ? Shall I take the medicine before or after the meals ?
Sir, sir !! This medicine is intended for external use only ! Is a massage lotion !
Oh, that one ! OK ! Thanks !
pachet de vata - a package of cotton wool
alcool (spirt) - alcohol, alcoholic extract
alifie, unguent - ointment, vaseline
antinevralgic - antineuralgic
calmant - sedative, pain-killer
fiola - phial
pilula (pastila) - pill, injection
medicament - medicine, drug
pansament - dressing, bandage, gauze (tifon)
picaturi - drops
plasture - plaster
sirop de tuse - throat syrup
purgativ - purgative, laxative
aspirin, tonic, lotion
prescription - reteta
sleeping-draught - somnifer
a day & night service - farmacie permanenta
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