Statistica |
SCRISOARE DE AUTORIZARE SI DESPAGUBIRE (pentru transmisii prin fax) |
LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION AND INDEMNITY (for facsimile transmission) |
numele intreg Client: |
full name Client: |
Avand in vedere ca EGNATIA BANK (ROMANIA) S.A. ("Banca") ne permite transferul de fonduri din conturile noastre de la Banca si/sau efectuarea de plati pentru si in numele nostru pe baza instructiunilor noastre catre Banca, fara a prezenta originalul ordinului de plata sau al altor documente, suntem de acord prin prezenta, confirmam si ne obligam dupa cum urmeaza: Suntem de acord prin prezenta ca, de fiecare data cand intentionam sa intreprindem o tranzactie in modul mentionat mai sus, vom trimite Bancii prin fax instructiuni scrise conforme cu cerintele in vigoare ale Bancii, semnate corespunzator de persoana(ele) autorizata(e) cu specimenele de semnatura date pe Cardul(rile) cu Specimenul de Semnatura de la Banca. Prin prezenta, autorizam Banca, si toate persoanele autorizate de Banca, sa efectueze tranzactiile mentionate mai sus, sa ia in considerare oricare si toate instructiunile trimise prin fax semnate de noi si date Bancii, dupa cum am mentionat mai sus, ca pe o cerere si instructiune oficiala cu privire la tranzactiile relevante si sa efectueze aceste tranzactii in numele nostru. Acceptam prin prezenta dreptul Bancii de a respinge instructiunile trimise prin fax daca Banca le considera insuficiente sau incorecte in orice fel. Autorizarea de mai sus este valabila (bifati varianta corespunzatoare) T fara conditii suplimentare sau T cu conditia ca fiecare instructiune trimisa sa poarte o cheie (un cod) conform unui acord separat incheiat intre Banca si Client. Suntem de acord si ne obligam ca, daca nu trimitem Bancii toata documentatia ceruta conform practicilor bancare si legile in vigoare referitoare la aceste tranzactii si/sau pentru operarea in conturile respective, Banca poate, in orice moment, sa refuze acceptarea oricareia dintre instructiunile noastre transmite in maniera aratata mai sus, fara nici o notificare si nu vom ridica nici o obiectie sau pretentie impotriva Bancii in legatura cu acest lucru. Suntem de acord prin prezenta si ne obligam sa despagubim Banca impotriva oricaror si a tuturor raspunderilor, pierderilor, costurilor si cheltuielilor de orice fel care pot fi suportate sau facute de Banca si care rezulta (i) din faptul ca noi nu am furnizat Bancii documentatia la timp sau (ii) din orice tranzactie realizata conform acestei scrisori. Nu ne asteptam ca Banca sa faca investigatii sau sa puna intrebari in legatura cu autenticitatea sau valabilitatea oricarei instructiuni date si/sau transmise dupa cum am mentionat mai sus. Autorizam in mod expres Banca, si toate persoanele autorizate de Banca, sa efectueze tranzactiile mentionate mai sus, sa se bazeze pe deplin pe caracterul adevarat, corect si original al continutului si al semnaturilor care apar pe instructiunile trimise de noi catre Banca prin fax. Eliberam Banca de orice raspundere fata de noi in legatura cu consecintele care ar putea apare din folosirea unei astfel de metode de comunicare si, in special, din folosirea frauduloasa sau afectarea in orice fel a identitatii noastre, ca si datorita transmiterii de mai multe ori a aceleiasi instructiuni. Suntem de acord si ne obligam in mod irevocabil sa nu formulam nici o aparare sau sustinere cu privire la caracterul adevarat, corect si autentic al instructiunilor transmise Bancii in acest fel si acordam Bancii dreptul, dar nu o obligam, sa ceara in orice moment clarificari sau confirmari suplimentare intr-un mod satidfacator pentru Banca pentru toate aspectele relevante legate de orice tranzactie realizata in baza prezentei. Aceasta scrisoare de autorizare si garantie va intra in vigoare la data semnarii ei. Semnaturile persoanelor autorizate sa reprezinte Clientul si stampila societatii, daca Clientul foloseste o astfel de stampila: Data: Semnaturi: |
Whereas EGNATIA BANK (ROMANIA) S.A. (the 'Bank') allows us to transfer funds from our accounts with the Bank and / or to effect payments for and on our behalf based on our instructions to the Bank, without presenting the original of the payment order or other documents, we hereby agree, confirm and undertake that: We hereby agree that each time we intend to undertake a transaction in the manner referred to above, we shall deliver to the Bank by facsimile, a written instruction according to the Bank's requirements from time to time, duly executed by our authorised person(s) with signature specimens provided on Signature Card(s) placed with the Bank. We hereby authorise the Bank, and all persons authorised by the Bank, to conduct the transactions listed above, to treat any and all such fax instructions executed by us and delivered to the Bank as referred to above as our formal request and instruction for the relevant transactions and to effect such transactions on our behalf. We hereby accept the Bank's right to reject fax instructions if the Bank deems these insufficient or inaccurate in any way. Above authorisation is valid (please tick as appropriate) T without additional conditions or T provided that each instruction sent will bear a test key pursuant to separate agreement concluded between the Bank and the Client. We further agree and undertake that if we fail to deliver to the Bank all documentation as required under the banking practice and applicable law for such transactions and/or for operation of the relevant bank accounts, the Bank may, at any time, refuse to accept any of our instructions delivered in the above‑described manner, without any notice to us and we shall not raise any objection or claim against the Bank in relation thereto. We hereby agree and undertake to indemnify the Bank and hold the Bank harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be incurred or sustained by the Bank and arising (i) from our failure to deliver the required documentation to the Bank promptly or (ii) otherwise in connection with any transactions carried out in accordance with this letter. We will not expect the Bank to make any investigation or ask any question about the authenticity or validity of any instruction given and/or conveyed as aforesaid. We expressly authorise the Bank, and all persons authorised by the Bank, to conduct the transactions listed above, to fully rely on the trueness, correctness and genuineness of the contents and signatures appearing on the facsimile instruction dispatched to the Bank by us. We relieve the Bank of any responsibility or liability to us as for consequences that could arise from the use of such a communication method and especially from a fraudulent use or from an usurpation of our identity, as well as from multi-transmission of the same instruction. We irrevocably agree and undertake that we shall not raise any defence or argument as to the trueness, correctness or genuineness of such instructions so dispatched to the Bank and we entitle the Bank, but not obligate it, to ask at any time for clarification or further confirmation to the Bank's satisfaction or and all relevant aspects in connection with any transaction hereunder. This letter of authorisation and indemnity will come into force on the date on which we complete the signing thereof. Signatures of persons authorised to represent the Client and company's seal, if such seal is in use by the Client: Date: Signatures: |
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