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Pimentos Grilled Chicken With Raspberry Butter Sauce
Yield: 4 Servings
4 boneless,skinless chicken
1 breasts (approx 1 1/2 lbs)
5 T butter,Unsalted
1/2 sm shallot,chopped
2 T pesto
1/4 t tarragon
3 T raspberry wine vinegar
2 t raspberry jam
1 T red wine
1 salt and pepper
1/4 c fresh raspberries
1 (optional)
Print Source:
Source: Pimentos, 120 Brock St.N,
Cook the chicken on a grill or under a very hot broiler in the oven for
about 3 to 5 minutes on each side, depending on their thickness and the
intensity of the heat. (The chicken can also be sauteed in a frying pan.
Set aside.
In a large frying pan over moderately low heat, melt butter and saute
shallot until translucent, but not browned. Add pesto, tarragon,
jam and wine, season with salt and pepper, and stir to combine well.
the chicken and raspberries and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes,
turning the chicken occasionally, to heat through and blend the flavors.
Serve accompanied by pasta.
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