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in the south - eastern
a 60 km distance from
Ploiesti is also known for the production and exportation of the petrochemical, chemical and petroleum equipment, heavy - duty bearings, cables, detergents, cloths, furniture, as well for the civil and industrial engineering made abroad.
The economic potential of the city is remarkable, due to the tradition and professionalism of the designing companies (PETROSTAR, RAYTHEON ENGINEERS & CONSTRUCTORS, IPIP, COMPROIECT 92, MAAD INTERNATIONAL, in the domain of the chemical and petrochemical equipment, IPCUP S.A. in the domain of drilling and exploitation equipment, ICERP in the domain of petrochemical products, CONSPROIECT in the civil and industrial engineering) due to the activity of some important companies, beginning with the four refineries (PETROTEL - LUK OIL S.A, ASTRA ROMANA, VEGA and S.N.P. PETROM PETROBRAZI), and continuing by the distribution firms for petroleum products (S.N.P. PETROM PECO PRAHOVA, SHELL, MOL ROMANIA), by those in the chemical and petroleum equipment branch (UPETROM 1 MAI, UZUC, UZTEL, 24 IANUARIE, FLINTAB ROMANIA), by the heavy - duty bearings plant that has just been bought by the American company TIMKEN (TIMKEN ROMANIA), by the steel cables plant CABLUL ROMANESC, by the pipeline oil transport CONPET, by the polyethylene products plant POLITEH, by the detergents plant DERO LEVER, by the cloths factory DOROBANTUL, by the ready - made clothes factory MODEXIM, by the furniture plant ANTECO, by the food and drink plants SOCIETATEA DE IMBUTELIAT COCA - COLA, PROLA, EFES PILSNER, EXTRAPAN, DI APOLLO INDUSTRIA CARNII, the tobacco industry - BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO, in the printing industry - MAYR MELNHOF PACKAGING ROMANIA, in constructions (CIPROM, INSPET, UMO, CONTRASIMEX, ASCM., CONSTIL).
The private initiative led to the creation of some important firms in the construction sector (ROOL CONSTRUCT, NOVA - CONS), in the computer manufacturing (SPRINT COMPUTERS, PLATIN SYSTEMS)
As any
At first, the municipality did not have premises of its own, renting various buildings. Later on they afforded to get two buildings constructed. The first one ("THE OLD TOWN HALL"), which used to be situated on the present - day "Prahova" Hotel, housed the Town Hall between 1868 - 1894. It was demolished after 1940.
Between 1894 - 1972 the Town Hall was to be found in
the "
Another legend
speaks about Michael the Brave (1593 - 1601) who, willing to settle a new
borough, asked the chief magistrate of the
legend is only partly true. In fact, the Prince bought the land from two
country squires and gave it to the inhabitants of
all those reasons we can say that Michael the Brave was not only the founder of
the city, but also a huge personality who decided upon the city's future. In
their turn, the inhabitants of
initiators of the project sought abroad and eventually found in France a well -
suited statue, both by theme (the Goddess Minerva wearing the Phrygian cap of
liberty), size (3.5 m), artistical value and technical execution (it was cast
at L. Oudry & C - i.e. in Paris). The statue was bought and brought in the
country in 1876, but it was not immediately put in place because of the war.
The architect Toma N. Socolescu, who had also designed the plinth, got the
statue assembled in
inauguration took place only on
Was also moved from the initial site where it had been unveiled on October 12th, 1897(in a square on the main boulevard nearby the center of the city) to another square close by the Southern Railway Station (1954) and finally in a traffic circle not far from the previous site (1980).
monument conjures up the Grivita Attack (August 30, 1877), the first victory of
the young Romanian army, to which the second Battalion soldiers of
After the war, a group of ex - servicemen joined by a few young enthusiastic people (stimulated by Nicolae Prusanu) initiated the erection of a Memorial to honour the heroes of the Grivita Attack. Within 7 years the initiators of the project gathered funds from over 20,000 people all over the country and gave the project into the charge of the sculptor George Vasilescu.
The monument has two distinct parts: a
stone part, a granite obelisk above an almost cubic plinth over - topping a
stepping platform and a bronze part, both of them being made in
Honour their Memory
The inhabitants of
An initiators committee gathered funds and gave the project into the charge of the great Romanian architect Toma T. Socolescu. It is a solid narthex from which another two smaller lateral spires rise, beside the 60 m high spire.
The facade of the cathedral is embellished by the horizontal alternance of stones and bricks and adorned with finely sculptured ornaments. The high narrow windows complete the harmony of the facade.
The foundation stone was laid on November18th, 1923, and the building works lasted up to 1937. The construction materials were brought from all the areas where the soldiers of the country lost their lives: stone blocks from Oituz, brick from Marasesti, gravel for concrete from Doaga, Valea Susitei etc.
The heroes are also paid homage in a graveyard near the "Bolovani" cemetery. The architect Toma T. Socolescu achieved a monumental portal on the separating side from which the main path of the graveyard starts. Looking under the portal, one can see the obelisk rising up in order to immortalize the heroes' memory.
In 1857 three international
events took place in
The first refinery in the world built in
In 1957, in
The main activity of the museum consists of illustrating the history of Romanian oil industry and the science and technique of petroleum. There is also mentioned the contribution of this industrial branch to the economic and social progress of the country.
The subject matters of the museum consist of:
History of exploitation and petroleum utilization, laws and rules, social and political events related to;
The beginning and evolution of geological investigations;
Evolution of techniques and tools for drilling, exploitation and processing.
Based on these aspects the main
exhibition was put in place and the museum was inaugurated on
The main exhibition displays in a modern arrangement its patrimony in a big hall having more than 500 m². Original documents, geological maps, technological documentation, photos and functional small - size copies are some of the most important exhibits.
The second exhibition consists of a park of tools in the open air nearby different equipment used in the oil industry over 80 years ago.
The third showroom is a hall presenting tools, small size equipment and apparatus used principally in extractive industry.
The museum has also got a storehouse of original documents, photos and videocassettes. The library consists of more than 3,000 volumes, an important collection of ancient books about oil technique and science. We notice there "Moniteur du Petrole Roumain", a very important bilingual publication (Romanian and French) issued in the period 1900 - 1948.
Among the most valuable exhibits, the museum has got a collection of oil lamps, original documents and documentation concerning great scientists of the oil industry. We mention some of them:
Gregoriu Stefanescu, Grigore Cobalcescu, Ludovic Mrazec, Valeriu Patriciu, from the geology department;
Ion Tanasescu, Virgiliu Tacit, Ion Basgan, Andrei Dragulanescu, from the drilling and exploitation department;
Lazar Edeleanu, Nicolae Debie, from the chemistry department;
Throughout its existence the museum had over 1 million visitors: students, foreign delegations, politicians, etc.
The History and
This institution started up
its activity in a different building on 25,
The present - day edifice housing the "History and Archaeology" Museum, formerly called the "Old Secondary School", conceived by the architect Alexandru Orascu and raised between 1865 - 1866, is a large building, with white facades whose forms cast subtle shadows and lights.
After 1968, as a result of prof. N. I. Simache's efforts, the building was assigned to the museum. The edifice has been repaired and restored several times, the latest being a radical restoration (1992 - 1997), giving back the whole authenticity to the exterior and the "aspect of palace" to the interior. In this excellent expositional space, there have been organized, pursuing the most efficient museological techniques, the numismatic and archaeology halls entitled "Michael the Brave", "1848", "I. A. Bassarabescu" as well as many other rooms containing other exhibitions.
The aesthetical and scientific value of the establishment has increased considerably due to the arrangement of its precincts and especially to the very inspired "Lapidarius" from the back yard.
The "N. Simache" Museum of the Clock
This is another example where a remarkable building has housed an exceptional museum, unique in the country and among the very few throughout the world. The "Luca Elefterescu" House had been built for the former MP and prefect Luca Elefterescu in 1885 - 1895, being afterwards bought by the English oil magnate Masterson.
The house, built in Austrian neo - Gothic style, conceived for the corner of the street, calls the viewer's attention to the extremely various relief of the facades, the dynamics of the adornments, the sumptuousness of the interiors.
institution came into being due to the professor N. Simache's efforts as a
permanent exhibition, housed by one of the exposition halls of the
museum bears his name to honour his memory. The museum exhibits only a part of
its very rich collections of more than 1000 pieces designed and made by well -
known craftsmen from all over
The Art Museum
The beauty of the landscape harmonizes to that of the architecture and works of art housed in the museum.
construction having the appearance of a palace was built at the same time with the
boulevard, for Ghita Ionescu, a businessman and the mayor of
neo - Classic building, embodying solidity and permanence, the nowadays Palace
of Culture began to be built before the World War I, on the projects of the
architect E. Doneaud, and was inaugurated only in 1933, on November 26, in the
presence of King Carol the 2nd. Until 1951 the
The huge "Column Hall" offers an excellent space for exhibitions (one of the best in the country) and the conference halls of the Palace have housed local and national prestigious cultural events.
Some important institutions are accommodated in there: the Museum of Ethnography of Prahova County, the Museum of Human Biology (developing extremely various themes, thus making up a vivid in sharp relief encyclopedia), and the School of Arts and Crafts (being founded over 50 years ago), with hundreds of students and thousands of former students.
the most impressive of all the institutions housed in the Palace is the
"Nicolae Iorga"
Having a book stock of more than half a million titles among which some being very rare on an on - line catalogue, a hard - working professional staff and thousands of readers, this library has also published valuable books and brochures and regularly publishes the "Magazine of Books".
Since the
Middle Ages Ploiesti has been a trade center, more precisely since 1597, when
Michael the Brave founded it as a borough. In the 19th century there
were few merchants (arrived from Transylvania and
The trade field has improved in time: for instance, the cattle market moved to the "Bucov" Turnpike in 1911, the Central Market emblematical building conceived by the architect Toma T. Socolescu was opened in 1935 and the first general store "Papagalul" was inaugurated in 1938.
1948, the trade field began to regress in
At present, trade has developed also in smaller or bigger companies in the private sector, keeping the up-to-date standards.
The banks
banks have revived in
The Education in
There are known just a few things
about the beginnings of education in
Most of our educational
institutions, although they had to pass through many changes (they changed
names, structure, premises), succeeded in creating a brilliant tradition. Most
of the local tutors were excellently well-trained people, passionate for their
work, who brought up many generations of capable hard-working citizens of
At present, the education in Ploiesti is strongly represented by
the two National Colleges "I.L. Caragiale" (the former "Sf. Petru si Pavel" High School) and "Mihai
Viteazul" (the former "Despina Doamna" High School), by 32 primary schools and
other 16 high schools, where over 60,000 students are learning under the
guidance of over 3,000 teachers. The most important high schools are: "Al. Ioan
Cuza" High School, "Nichita Stanescu"
High School, The Art and
The educational institutions of the highest level have
been recently set up in Ploiesti. In
1948, the "Petroleum and Gas Institute" was founded in
At present the "Petroleum and Gas" University of Ploiesti has over 3,600 students attending its courses and teaching staff (4 consulting professors, 42 professors, 46 associate professors, 131 assistant professors (lecturers), 38 teaching assistants and 13 tutors.
Theatre and Music
The Municipal Theatre "Toma Caragiu" celebrated, a little time ago, its fifty years of existence, though the concerns about this form of art have a longer tradition: most of the Romanian stage great actors, since Iorgu Caragiali, have been applauded in Ploiesti and unique talents such as Cazimir Belcot, Fory Etterle, Ion Manolescu, George Oprina, Zephy Alsec, Toma Caragiu were born here.
"Theatre of the Unified Trade Unions" was transformed into a professional
institution named the "State Theatre" which carried on its activity in a hall
Music is
another art very loved in
In 1960, the folk music orchestra "Flacara Prahovei", and the symphonic orchestra "Ciprian Porumbescu" (1955) were unified in the Philharmonic Orchestra of Ploiesti, under the initiative of its first conductor dr. C.N. Debie.
The Philharmonic Orchestra of Ploiesti was to become famous throughout the country and abroad, due to C.N Debie and those who continued his work, especially to Ion Baciu, one of the greatest Romanian contemporary conductors.
present, a great reputation is achieved by "I. Cr. Danielescu" Chorus, which
performed in
"Marama" folkloric ensemble composed by 24 dancers, vocalists,
instrumentalists, performed in
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