Arhitectura | Auto | Casa gradina | Constructii | Instalatii | Pomicultura | Silvicultura |
K1 --
VAG-COM Works fine.
There are four lighting modes:
Mode 0: Nothing lit until ext. light on
Mode 1: Pointers lit all the time
Mode 2: Scales lit all the time
Mode 3: Pointers and Scales lit all the time
Mode is changed in Adapation Channel 19. Standard value should be
11000 (or something close). The first (left-most) digit is the lighting
-Interior Monitor: K1 -- KWP-1281
VAG-COM Works fine.
Adaptation Channel 01 is sensitivity (default 100)
Central Convenience:
K1-- KWP1281
VAG-COM works
well. We've had some problems with errors while getting the
Door-Slave part numbers. If VAG-COM errors out while trying to display
the information in the 'Extra' fields, go to the Options Screen and
set 'Char Int' to 0.
There are numerous options/ features that can be set. These are controlled by the Coding and in Adaptation Channel 62. When we published a simple table, many people didn't understand it, so here's an explanation:
Let's look at Adaptation
Channel 62 first (it is simpler, fewer bits than the Coding). The original
value in a
Value: 01011111
Bit: 76543210
Now we can correlate the bits with the chart
for Adaptation Channel 62:
State Bit Dec. Function
ON 0 1 windows up
with remote
ON 1 2 windows down
with remote
ON 2 4 windows up
with key in lock
ON 3 8 windows down
with key in lock
ON 4 16 sunroof close
with remote
OFF 5 32 sunroof open with
remote (does not appear to work)
ON 6 64 sunroof close
with key in lock
OFF 7 128 sunroof open with key in
lock (does not appear to work)
Also, you will see if we add up the decimal values for each of the bits that
are ON, we can verify that we did it right because we got the original
Adaptation value of 95.
By now you're likely starting to wonder why 'Windows with Remote'
stuff doesn't work since the appropriate bits appear to be ON. To answer this
question, we need to look at the coding the same way. The original coding in
this car is 11788 (decimal). That's 2E0C in hex or 010111000001100 in binary.
Again, we can again correlate the binary bits with the function table, just
like we did above.
Central Convenience Controller Coding:
State Bit Dec. Function
OFF 0 1 Great
Britain- alarm system (only with bit 4)
OFF 1 2 flash on when
arming/unarming alarm system
ON 2 4 selective locking
1 door/all doors
ON 3 8 activate alarm
OFF 4 16 rear unlocking block via
OFF 5 32 locking via speed
OFF 6 64 comfort functions with
remote (adapt in ch 62!!)
OFF 7 128 right side steering
OFF 8 256 avant (glass break sensors in
rear side-and rear
windows (if error: safe-LED constantly lit ))
ON 9 512 1x flash when lock with
ON 10 1024 horn sounds when lock with remote
ON 11 2048 door/window-logic ( ignition off: No
open door
el. windows works 10 min )
OFF 12 4096 normal/????-alarm system
ON 13 8192 No SAFE-function USA only
OFF 14 16384 insulate-glass PR-nr 4KR/4KV
Again, we can verify that we did this correctly by adding up all the decimal
values for the bits that are ON:
Now notice that bit 6 with a value of 64 and function 'comfort functions
with remote (adapt in ch 62!!)' is OFF !!! So in
order to turn this ON, we need to add 64 to the original coding. 11788 + 64 =
11852. Recode the module with that number. Once you do that, the
options in Adaptation Channel 62 should take effect, and you can change the
value there to 'fine tune' the features
If you wanted to add 'locking via speed' (where the car locks itself
as soon as you reach some low speed), you would add 32.
If you wanted to turn Selective Locking OFF, (so the entire car unlocks with
one press of the unlock button on the remote) you
would subtract 4.
olkswagen Passat B5 VAG-COM Info Updated
Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions. They are to be used at your own risk.
Specific Modules:
-Engine: -- KWP-1281 , KWP-2000
VAG-COM works well with all engines available in the U.S. and most engines that
users have tested in overseas markets. See the function chart for
any limitations for KWP-2000.
Idle Speed Adaptation (see your Repair Manual): With engine warmed up, at idle:
[01 engine]
[Adaptation - 10]
Enter channel 01
Enter an adaptation value between 124 and 132
Throttle Body Adaptation:
Turn the key on but do not start the car.
[01 - Engine]
[Measuring Blocks - 08]
Group 060 or Group 98
[Switch to basic settings]
Once you do this you will see the top right display say ADP RUN. The TB
adaptation is being done as soon as you switch to basic settings. You will see
the values change and hear the TB cycle for the first few seconds then it will
stop. Leave it in basic mode for about 30 seconds, then switch back to normal
settings and you're all set.
Be sure not to touch the accelerator and make sure the engine is NOT running
when you do this!
Activating Cruise Control on a new ECU (DBW):
Factory fresh ECU's often come with
cruise control de-activated.
[01 - Engine]
[Login - 11]
Enter 11463 to activate cruise control
[Do It!]
-Auto Trans :
-- KWP-1281
VAG-COM works fine
-ABS Brakes: -- KWP-1281
VAG-COM works fine
-HVAC: -- KWP-1281
VAG-COM works fine
-Airbags: -- KWP-1281
VAG-COM Works fine.
K1 --
VAG-COM Works fine.
Immobilizer Procedures in the Ross-Tech Wiki
CAN Gateway -- KWP-1281
VAG-COM Works fine. This is physically located in the Instrument Cluster, but
functionally it controls communications on the CAN-BUS.
Look at the last digit in the coding. Add the values for the options together to get the correct coding.
0 - No available equipment
+1 - Automatic Transmission
+2 - ABS Brakes
+4 - Airbags
So, if you want to support Automatic Transmission, ABS Brakes, and Airbags, (add 1+2+4 = 7) = 00007.
-AWD - Purely Mechanical!
The quattro system in these cars is purely mechanical, no electronics at
all. This address is used by the Haldex system used in
transverse-engine cars like the TT, the A3, and various Golf/Bora models.
Central Locks -- KWP-1281
Only on non-US vehicles with manual crank windows. VAG-COM
Works fine.
Navigation -- KWP-1281
VAG-COM Works fine.
- Central Covenience: --
Only on vehicles
with power windows. VAG-COM fine. There are numerous
options/ features that can be set.
Selective Unlocking:
[46 - Cent. Conv.] (35 - Cent. Locking for manual window cars
[Recode - 07]
Write down the existing coding for future reference.
Enter 5-digit code from below
[Do It!]
Look at the existing Soft. Coding. If you have selective unlocking (press the unlock button on the remote once to open the driver's door, twice to open all the doors) the last digit of your coding should be an odd number. To make all doors unlock, add 1 to the coding.
Lock/Unlock Horn/Flash:
[46 - Cent. Conv.] (35 - Cent. Locking for manual window cars)
[Adaptation - 10]
Channel (03..08)
Adaptation Value (1 = on, 0 = off)
Channel 03 Auto Lock
Channel 04 Auto Unlock
Channel 05 Unlock, horn sounds
Channel 06 Lock, horn sounds
Channel 07 Unlock, turn signals flash
Channel 08 Unlock, turn signals flash
VAG-COM appears to work fine. This is the OEM Xenon HID system.
VAG-COM appears to work fine.
Radio Recoding:
[56 - Radio]
[Recode - 07]
Write down the existing coding for future reference.
Enter 5-digit code from below
[Do It!]
Look at the first two digits in the coding (sound field tuning):
00 - All models with Premium IV or
Premium V
04 - All models with Monsoon
Look at the third digit in the coding (radio/speaker system):
0 - Premium V or Premium VI
4 - Premium IV, Premium V, or Premium VI (non-Monsoon)
Look at the fourth digit in the coding (sound correction):
0 - Premium IV or Premium V
4 - Premium V (Monsoon)
Look at the fifth digit in the coding (CD player/changer):
1 - Without CD Player/Changer
3 - With CD Player/Changer
5 - Without CD Player/Changer with radio display in instrument cluster
7 - With CD Player/Changer with radio display in instrument cluster
So, if you have a Passat with Monsoon and a CD changer, 04,0,4,3 = 04043.
Level Control Calibration
Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions. They are to be used at your own risk. As always, you should refer to a Factory Repair Manual for your vehicle!
This procedure details how to lower/raise the zero position for the Level Control module in VW Phaeton (3D), VW Touareg (7L), Audi A6 (4F), Audi A8 (4E) and Audi Q7 (4L) vehicles.
This procedure does not apply to the old Audi A6 (C5 platform, 4B chassis) Allroad. For that vehicle, there is a different procedure.
There are certain test conditions that must be met before doing this procedure:
The default values:
Audi A6 (4F) (PR-1BK): 386 mm (front) and 384 mm (rear)
Audi A6 (4F) Allroad (PR-1BY):
388 mm (front) and 380 mm (rear)
Audi A8 (4E) standard suspension
(PR-1BK): 416
mm (front) and 398 mm (rear
Audi A8/S8 (4E) sport suspension
(PR-2MA/2MB): 396 mm (front) and 378 mm (rear)
Audi Q7 (4L): 449 mm (front) and 465 mm (rear)
VW Phaeton (3D) RoW (Rest of World): 407 mm (front) and 401 mm
VW Phaeton (3D) NAR (North American Region): 417 mm (front) and 411
VW Touareg (7L) standard: 497 mm (front) and 502 mm (rear)
VW Touareg (7L) offroad:
488 mm (front) and 498 mm (rear)
North American Phaeton owners: Please read a very detailed alternate procedure here
[34 - Level Control]
[Secutiy Access -
Enter 31564
[Do It!]
[Adaption - 10]
Channel 01 (front
Wait until the car goes into 2 different levels.
Measure the heights from wheel
center to the lower edge of the fender (see comments).
Enter 'new value' in Millimeters into Channel 01.
Channel 02 (front right)
Measure the heights from wheel center to the lower edge of the
fender (see comments).
Enter 'new value' in Millimeters into Channel 02.
Channel 03 (rear left)
Measure the heights from wheel center to the lower edge of the
fender (see comments).
Enter 'new value' in Millimeters into Channel 03.
Channel 04 (rear right)
Measure the heights from wheel center to the lower edge of the
fender (see comments).
Enter 'new value' in Millimeters into Channel 04.
Channel 05 (confirmation)
If all measured values are correct, enter 'new value' of .
Click the [Done, Go Back] button and you're all set.
Check for fault codes, if all procedures went fine there should be none.
The height of each wheel is measured between the center of the wheel (the space in between the V and the W) and the lower edge of the fender. All measurements have to be done in Millimeters (mm).
If a Channel is not accepting a value, put the 'new value' in again and click [Test] and [Save] again instead of starting the whole process from the beginning.
In some cases the controller says 'invalid value', start 'rocking' the car a little bit, this should solve problem.
Prerequisites (General):
Conditions (Driving Cycle):
Drive the car based on the above conditions until the Particle Filter Load is as low as possible (close to 0 %). In case the regeneration fails there can either be problems with the Driving Cycle Conditions or with the Engine Hardware.
[01 - Engine]
[Coding-II - 11]
[Do It!]
[Meas. Blocks - 08]
Select both Groups at once 070 and 075.
MVB 070.1: Regeneration Status (xxxxxxx1 =
MVB 070.3: Regeneration Counter/Timer
MVB 075.1: Exhaust Gas Temperature before Turbo Charger
MVB 075.2: Exhaust Gas Temperature before Particle Filter
MVB 075.3: Particle Filter Load
MVB 075.4: Exhaust Gas Temperature after Particle Filter
Now Start the Driving Cycle and keep watching the Measuring Blocks (2nd Person required).
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]
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