Gradinita |
OBIECTIVE CADRU 1 Dezvoltarea capacitatii de receptare orala
2. Dezvoltarea capacitatii de exprimare orala
Unitatea de invatare |
Obiective de referinta |
Continuturi |
Activitati de invatare |
Perioada |
I "Familia mea" |
sa cunoasca denumirile gradelor de rudenie sa retina poezioare in care apar grade de rudenie |
Membrii familiei: Mother = mama Father = tata Brother = frate Sister = sora Son = fiu Daughter = fiica |
Father and mother (poezie) Father and mother Are happy, you see, They have a big son And a daughter, me. My family (poezie) . This is my father, short and stout, This is my mother, with children all about, This is my brother, tall you see, This is my sister with dolly on her knee, This is the baby, sure to grow, This is my family, all in a row. |
S1 (04 oct) S2 (11 oct) S3 (18 oct) S4 (25 oct) |
II" Toamna in gradina de legume" |
sa cunoasca denumirile legumelor sa stie cum se numesc anotimpurile sa retina poezioare despre anotimpuri si despre legume |
The seasons = anotimpurile Spring = primavera Summer = vara Autumn =toamna Winter = iarna Legume = vegetables Tomato = rosie Potato = cartof Onion = ceapa Carrot = morcov Cucumber = castravete Beans = fasole Peas = mazare Cabbage = varza Green pepper = ardei gras |
The seasons (poezie) Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. Winter brings us snowflakes, Spring, green buds and shoots, Summer brings us berries, Autumn, golden fruits. Five little peas (poezie) Five little peas In a pea-pod pressed One grew, two grew And so did all the rest. They grew and grew And couldn't stop Until one day, The pod went pop. |
III "Toamna in livezi si vii" IV Animale salbatice V Sa invatam sa numaram VI Obiceiuri de Craciun VII ' Iarna' |
Sa cunoasca denumirile fructelor care se coc toamna si ale altor fructe sa retina proverbe din care reiese importanta fructelor sa stie cum se numesc animalele care traiesc in padure sa stie cum se numesc alte animale salbatice sa le recunoasca de pe plansa sa retina poezii despre animale salbatice sa stie sa numere pana la 12 sa invete cantecele si poezii in care se numara Sa invete colinde de Craciun cunoasca denumirea anotimpului iarna retina cuvinte care au legatura cu iarna retina poezioare in care se vorbeste despre iarna si zapada |
Fructe = fruits Nut = nuca Grapes = struguri Apple = mar Pear = para Peach = piersica Cherry = cireasa Banana = banana Orange = portocala Pineapple = ananas Animale salbatice care traiesc in padure: Rabbit = iepure Fox = vulpe Wolf = lup Bear = urs Deer = cerb Alte animale salbatice: Lion = leu Monkey = maimuta Snake = sarpe Camel = camila Giraffe = girafa Elephant = elefant Tiger = tigru Tortoise = broasca testoasa Numerele de la 1 la 12 One = unu Two = doi Three = trei Four = patru Five = cinci Six = sase Seven = sapte Eight = opt Nine = noua Ten = zece Eleven = unsprezece Twelve = doisprezece Colinde de Craciun Winter = iarna Snow = zapada Snowflakes = fulgi de zapada Snowballs = bulgari de zapada Snowman = om de zapada |
Proverbs An apple a day, Sends the doctor away. An apple in the morning, Doctor's warning. Eat an apple going to bed Knock the doctor on the head. Bunny (poezie) When Bunny goes out to tea, She washes well, as you can see. She scrubs her paws, And then her toes, Her long, long ears And little nose. Little tortoise (poezie) Little tortoise goes so slow, He can't run at all, you know. When to sleep a tortoise goes, You can't see his head or toes. See him lying in the grass, Please, don't kick him as you pass! One, one, one (poezie) One, one, one, Please, cat, run! Two, two, two, The dog is after you. Three, three, three, Three birds on a tree. Four, four, four, Four cats on the floor. One, two, three, four (poezie) One, two, three, four Mike and John wash the floor. Five, six, seven, eight, Nick and Mary wash the plate. Nine,ten, eleven, twelve, Put your books upon the shelf. Jingle bells (colind) Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, Over the fields we go Laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight. Hey! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh. Deck the hall (colind) Deck the hall with boughs of holly Fa la la la la la la la la This the season to be jolly Fa la la la la la la la la Fill the mied cup, drain the barrel Fa la la la la la la la la Troll the ancient Christmas carol Fa la la la la la la la la.
I'm a little snowman Short and fat This is my broomstick, This is my hat. When the merry sunshine comes to stay Then I slowly melt away.
Snow, snow, Thick, thick snow, Winter is here, you know, And the temperature is low.
Snow, snow, pure, white snow, Over the fields the covering throw. Cover up the seed so warm Through the winter safe from harm.
When winter comes and snowflakes fall, A lot of snowballs begin to roll. They won't stop hopping and hopping Till many snowmen start popping. Let's count (poezie) One, one, one, This is the sun. Two, two, two, That is a shoe. Three, three, three, This is a tree, Four, four, four, That is a door. |
S5 (08 noi) S6 (15 noi) S7 (22 noi) S8 (29 noi) S9 (06 dec) S10 (13dec) S11 (20dec) S1 (10 ian) S2 (17 ian) S3 (24 ian) |
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II. 'Sa invatam sa numaram(II)' III. 'Primavara a sosit cu alaiul ei vestit !' IV. 'Animale domestice' V. 'Partile corpului' VI. Culorile |
1. sa stie sa numere pana la 12 invete cantecele si poezii in care se numara 1. sa cunoasca denumirea anotimpului primavara si denumirea ploii; 2. sa retina nume de flori; 3. sa retina poezioare in care se vorbeste despre primavara, flori de primavara si despre ploaie. 1. sa stie care sunt animalele domestice cunoasca denumirea lor in engleza retina cantecele si poezioare despre animale domestice 1. sa stie cum se numesc diferite parti ale corpului uman ; 2. sa raspunda la comenzi in care sunt folosite partile corpului ;
1. sa stie cum se numesc culorile in limba engleza ; 2. sa recunoasca ce culori au diverse obiecte |
Numerele de la 1 la 12 One = unu Two = doi Three = trei Four = patru Five = cinci Six = sase Seven = sapte Eight = opt Nine = noua Ten = zece Eleven = unsprezece Twelve = doisprezece Spring = primavara Flower = floare Pansy = panseluta Lily = crin Daffodil = narcisa galbena Cow-slip = ciubotica cucului Violet = violeta Tulip = lalea Rose = trandafir Daisy = margareta Cow = vaca Horse = cal Pig = porc Sheep = oaie Dog = caine Cat = pisica Duck = rata Hen = gaina Chicken = pui de gaina Hand = mana Arm = brat Fingers = degete de la mana Feet = picioare Toes = degete de la picioare Face = fata Nose = nas Eyes = ochi Mouth = gura Cheeks = obraji Ears = urechi Head = cap Hear = par Hips = solduri Knees = genunchi Teeth = dinti Orange = portocaliu Red = rosu Pink = roz Yellow = galben Blue = albastru Black = negru White = alb Brown = maro Green = verde Purple = mov |
S4 (31 ian) S5 (14 febr) S6 (21 febr) S7 (28 febr) S8 (07 martie) S9 (14 mar) S10 (21 mar) S11 (28 mar) S12 (04 apr) S13 (18 apr) S14 (25 apr) S15 (02 mai) S16 (09 mai) S17 (16 mai) S18 (23 mai) S19 (30mai) S20 (02 iun) S21 (09 iun) |
10 little indians (cantec) One little, two little, three little indians, Four little, five little, six little indians, Seven little, eight little, nine little indians, Ten little indian boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little indians, Seven little, six little, five little indians, Four little,three little, two little indians, One little indian boy. One for sorrow (poezie) One for sorrow, two for joy, Three for a girl, four for a boy. Five for silver, six for gold, Seven for a secret never to be told. 1,2,3,4 (poezie) One, two, three, four, Come in, please, and shut the door! Five, six, seven, eight, Go to school, you're very late! Nine, ten, nine, ten, Don't be late for school again! Mother's face (poezie) Mother's face, pretty face, Always lights my nights and days. All is right, all is bright When she comes to say 'Good night!' Spring is coming (poezie) Spring is coming, spring is coming, Flowers are coming too; Pansies, lilies, daffodils Now are coming through. April rain (poezie) Rain, rain, April rain, Bring the flowers back again! Yellow cow-slip, violet blue, Tulips, roses, daisies, too. Rain in the garden (poezie) Rain in the garden, Rain on the tree, Rain on the house, But not on me! Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day, Little Billy wants to play. 1.What a funny, little pig! (poezie) What a funny, little pig! All it does is sit and drink Coca cola, lemonade, I think you have to put the lid. 2.Happy pigs (poezie) We are happy brother pigs, We are happy piggy-wigs, We have time to jump and play We are happy all the day.
Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some chicks E, I, E, I, O, With a'chick-chick' here and a 'chick-chick' there Here a 'chick', there a 'chick' Everywhere a 'chick-chick'. Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some ducks E, I, E, I, O, With a'quack-quack' here and a 'quack-quack' there Here a 'quack', there a 'quack' Everywhere a 'quack-quack'. Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some cows E, I, E, I, O, With a'moo-moo' here and a 'moo-moo' there Here a 'moo', there a 'moo' Everywhere a 'moo-moo'. Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some pigs E, I, E, I, O, With an 'oinc-oinc' here and an 'oinc-oinc' there Here an 'oinc', there an 'oinc' Everywhere an 'oinc-oinc'. Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some sheep E, I, E, I, O, With a'beee-beee' here and a 'beee-beee' there Here a 'beee', there a 'beee' Everywhere a 'beee-beee'. Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some cats E, I, E, I, O, With a'meow-meow' here and a 'meow-meow' there Here a 'meow', there a 'meow' Everywhere a 'meow-meow'. Old McDonalds has a farm E, I, E, I, O, And on his farm he has some dogs E, I, E, I, O, With a'wow-wow' here and a 'wow-wow' there Here a 'wow', there a 'wow' Everywhere a 'wow-wow'.
I have a cat Her name is Tit And by the fire She loves to sit. And on my knee She oft will sit For Tit loves me And I love Tit. 5.My good dog Tray (poezie) Now I have a little puppy Who can do so funny tricks, He jumps to play with me And he runs after sticks. 1.'I've got ten little fingers' (poezie) I've got ten little fingers, I've got ten little toes, I've got two ears, I've got two eyes And just one little nose. 2. 'Hockey - Pockey' (cantec si dans) You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. You put your left foot in, You put your left foot out, You put your left foot in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. You put your left hand in, You put your left hand out, You put your left hand in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. You put your right side in, You put your right side out, You put your right side in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. You put your left side in, You put your left side out, You put your left side in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. You put your whole self in, You put your whole self out, You put your whole self in And you shake it all about. You do the 'hockey - pockey' And you turn yourself around. 3. 'Clap, clap' (poezie) Clap, clap, clap your hands, Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, Raise, raise, raise your arms, Wash, wash, wash your face. 4. 'If you're happy' (cantec) If you're happy and you know, clap your hands If you're happy and you know, clap your hands If you're happy and you know And you really want to show, If you're happy and you know, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know, stamp your feet, If you're happy and you know, stamp your feet If you're happy and you know And you really want to show If you're happy and you know, stamp your feet. If you're happy and you know, snap your fingers If you're happy and you know, snap your fingers If you're happy and you know And you really want to show If you're happy and you know, snap your fingers If you're happy and you know, come and dance If you're happy and you know, come and dance If you're happy and you know, And you really want to show, If you're happy and you know, come and dance If you're happy and you know, say OK If you're happy and you know, say OK If you're happy and you know, And you really want to show, If you're happy and you know, say OK. 1.'The colours' (poezie) Yellow is a pear, Green is the grass And brown is a bear. Purple is a plum, Blue is the sky, Black is a witch's hat And red is a cherry pie. Blue is the sea, Green is the grass, White are the clouds As they slowly pass. |
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