Comunicare | Marketing | Protectia muncii | Resurse umane |
Name: |
CMA Project |
Title: |
Contract Management & Administration Process Improvement Project |
Date: | ||
Release #: | ||
Project Manager: |
Name |
Project Role |
Signature |
Date |
Project Sponsor | |||
Steering Committee Chairman/ Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Steering Committee / Resource Manager | |||
Project Manager/ Steering Committee | |||
Project Manager Consultant |
The above signatures represent agreement with the attached plan including agreement with the activities, the risks, the effort and the cost of the associated project
Revision History
Table of Contents
Purpose of Project Plan
Project Plan Content
Project Scope Statement
Purpose of Project Scope Statement
Work Breakdown Structure - (WBS)
Purpose of WBS
WBS Information
Project Schedule
Major Milestones
Project Schedule
Project Organization Plan
Purpose of Project Organization Plan
Project Stakeholders
Stakeholder Directory
CMA Project Organization Chart
Project Communication Plan
Purpose of Project Communication Plan
Communications Plan
Scope Management Plan
Purpose of Scope Management Plan
Scope Management
Change Control Process
Change Analysis Framework
Risk Management Plan
Purpose of Risk Management
Risk Management Process
Risk Identification
Risk Identification Summary (Top Five Risk)
Tools and techniques for developing WBS. Decomposition
Role Description
Project Sponsor Role
Steering Committee Role
Project Manager Role
Development Team Role
End User
Change Request Form (Cerere de Modificare)
Risk Management Worksheet
Suggested Preventive and Contingency Measures
List of Figures
Figure 1. CMA Project Organization Chart
Figure 2. Change Management Process
1 |
The project plan is a formal, approved document used to manage project execution.
The project plan is used to:
The project plan is a document or collection of documents that should be expected to change over time as more information becomes available about the project.
The project plan commonly includes all of the following (these items are described in more detail elsewhere):
2 |
Project Scope Statement
The scope statement provides a documented basis for making future project decisions and for confirming or developing common understanding of project scope among stakeholders. As the project progresses , the scope statement may need to be revised or refined to reflect approved changes to the scope of project.
A. Business Need:
(the project justification, describe why the project was undertaken; more detail than in Project Charter)
Managementul contractelor nu satisface nevoile actuale de business - au fost situatii in care contractele semnate nu protejau interesele companiei, nefiind specificate:
- obligatiile clientului in cadrul proiectului,
- criteriile de acceptanta, calitative si cantitative,
- procedura de schimbare sau completare a cerintelor, permitand adaugarea de cerinte noi sau schimbarea cerintelor de catre client intr-un mod necontrolat,
- termenele si conditiile de plata,
- nu erau separate contractul cadru de contractele specifice (realizare soft, consultanta si analiza, implementare/integrare solutii etc) producand confuzii in privinta proiectului
Datorita lipsei unei proceduri aplicate de realizare a contractului, adesea faza de analiza a cerintelor si elaborarea specificatiilor este parcursa superficial cu consecinte negative asupra profitabilitatii proiectului, constatandu-se dupa semnarea contractului si demararea proiectului ca efortul necesar este mult mai mare decat cel estimat initial si cuprins in contract (piata romaneasca)
Lipsa unei proceduri clare de contractare conduce la situatii de indisciplina, in care un contract este trimis clientului inainte de a fi vizat de catre cei implicati, cum ar fi: responsabil tehnic, jurist, financiar, comercial.
B. Project's product:
(brief summary of product description, but more than in Project Charter)
Proiectul reprezinta o faza aplicata pe piata romaneasca, cu beneficiari: Vanzari Romania si BIS
1. Analiza situatiei actuale in privinta procesului si procedurilor de contractare
2. Designul procesului si procedurilor de contractare, configuration management
3. Analiza templateurilor de contrat folosite pana in prezent
4. Redactarea template-urilor de contract corespunzatoare unor situatii clar specifice
5. Realizarea si implementarea unui program de instruire cu privire la principiile de realizare a contractelor, procedura de contractare din Softwin, tehnici de negociere in contractare. Participatii sint : Departament Vanzari Romania, Account Manageri BIS, CRM, ePublishing, Director vanzari Softwin, Directori Divizii, Directori Comerciali Divizii
6. Desemnarea (selectia) unui owner al procesului de contractare din Softwin, a responsabilitiatii si autoritatii lui
7. Mecanism pentru a masura eficienta noului proces de contractare
C. Project deliverables
(list of summary-level subproducts whose full and satisfactory deliverables marks completion of the project)
1. Raport analiza situatie actuala contractare:
- descriere proces actual
- procedurile existente
- responsabili, autoritate si responsabilitati
2. Designul unui proces nou de contractare si proceduri de contractare si configuration management conform SACS
3. Raport de analiza a template-urilor existente
4. Template-uri pentru contracte in limba romana:
a. contract cadru integrare solutii
b. contract dezvoltare software
c. contract mentenata software
d. contract configurare
e. contract integrare software/hardware
f. subcontractare (outsourcing)
g. contract furnizare servicii
h. contract furnizare produse software (licente)
5. Instruire
5.1. Program instruire:
- principii in contractare
- procedura de contractare in SOFTWIN
- tehnici de negociere in contractare
5.2. Formare traineri
6. Desemnarea owner proces contractare
- job description
- task list
- sistem evaluare performanta
- recrutare si selectie
7. Mecanism masurare eficienta proces contractare
- modul de lucru (colaborare)
- viteza de lucru
- performanta contractelor (satisfactia celor implicati si afectati - comercial, tehnic, project management)
8. Project Charter
9. Project Plan
D. Project Quantifiable Objectives:
(quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered successful. Must include at least cost, schedule and quality measures. )
1. cost
- timp
- financiar
2. design si implementare proceduri contractare
3. livrare training contractare
4. templaturi
- redactare
- instruire
- comparatie cu contractele anterioare
E. Success Factors:
List factors that will be used to determine the success of the project. This part of the project statement should answer the question, "How do we know if the project was successful?" It is essential that the criteria be quantifiable and measurable. Short-term success factors are used to determine if a project is complete.
Short Term
existenta unui proces si a procedurilor care sa reglementeze contractarea
aceste proceduri sunt publicate in SACS, s-a facut instruire si sunt respectate
templaturile sunt folosite
cei implicati se declara satisfacuti cu privire la proceduri si template-uri (survey la care participa: echipa Vanzari Romania, Managementul BIS, CRM, ePUB, DSD)
Long Term
problemele datorate erorilor de contractare se reduc cu minim 80% (survey dupa minim 6 luni de la incheierea proiectului, in care se vor evalua nr si dimensiunea erorilor comparativ cu perioada de dinainte de contract). Evaluarea va fi realizata de catre Vanzari Romania si BIS.
F. Assumptions:
Proiectul beneficiaza de o atentie deosebita (prioritate mare) din partea celor implicati si a managementului companiei
Proiectul reprezinta o faza pilot aplicat la Vanzari Romania si BIS. In urma evaluarii rezultatelor pilotului se poate decide extinderea si la alte departamente sau la nivelul companiei.
G. constraints:
Resurse: timp, financiare si umane.
Rezistenta la schimbare a personalului
Neimplicarea managementului: lipsa suport, alocare personal
Lipsa personal disponibil
Lipsa buget dedicat
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WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project components that organizes and defines the total scope of project
Together wit the project scope statement, the WBS is used to develop or confirm a common understanding of project scope.
Work not in the WBS is outside the scope of the project and will not be performed.
Phase |
Activity Number |
Activity Name/ Deliverable |
Est. |
Initiere Proiect |
Faza Initiere Proiect | ||
' Steering Comitee, Initial' |
14h |
Pre- Planificare |
24h |
Creat Project Charter |
3d |
'Review, Project Charter' |
1d |
'Update, Project Charter' |
8h |
'Aprobare, Project Charter' |
2h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza Planificare Proiect |
1h |
Planificare Proiect |
Faza Planificare Proiect | ||
Consens Rezultate/Metode |
6h |
Creare formulare de lucru PM |
33h |
Project Plan | |||
Project Scope |
16h |
'WBS, Activitati necesare / Task List' |
54h |
'Estimari, duratele acticvitatilor' |
5h |
Schedule |
12h |
Plan Comunicare |
8h |
Project Organization Plan |
11h |
Scope management Plan |
6h |
Verificare Plan Proiect |
4h |
Pregatire Meeting Steering Comitee |
10h |
Meeting Constituire Steering Comitee Proiect |
2h |
Prezentare Draft Project Plan Steering Comitee |
5h |
Update Project Plan |
5h |
'Aprobare, Project Plan' |
4h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza de Start Proiect |
1h |
Start Proiect |
Faza - Start Proiect | ||
Kick - Off meeting |
5h |
Publicitate Project |
2h |
'Echipe de lucru, Organizare' |
4h |
Proiect Demarat |
0d |
Creare Templaturi pentru Contracte |
Faza - Creare Templaturi pentru Contracte | ||
'Replanificare Faza, Project Management Plan' |
4h |
'Studiu tipuri contracte, Best practices' |
80h |
Definire cerinte pt. templaturi contracte |
Meeting Analiza Tipuri de contracte |
6h |
Tipuri de contracte necesare in Softwin (Document) |
16h |
Forma contractelor |
8d |
Creare Templaturi | |||
Template Contract Dezvoltare Soft |
40h |
Template Contact Integrare Solutii |
40h |
Template Contact Mentenanta |
20h |
Alte tipuri de Contracte definite in etapa de Studiu |
40h |
Creare Ghid de lucru |
40h |
'Aprobare, Templaturi' |
8h |
'Aprobare, Ghid de lucru' |
8h |
Training utilizare template-uri | |||
Pregatire Training |
8h |
Training |
6h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza Urmatoare |
4h |
Training Negociere |
Faza - Training Negociere | ||
Instructors | |||
Selectie Instructori |
2h |
Training (Train the trainers) |
16h |
Dezvolatare Program Training pentri Negociere | |||
Draft Training Materials |
16h |
Review & Pilot |
16h |
Livrare Training pentru Negociere | |||
Selectie Useri |
4h |
Instruire Users |
10h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza Urmatoare |
2h |
Concepere Proces Contractare |
Faza - Concepere Proces Contractare | ||
'Replanificare Faza, Project Management Plan' |
4h |
Documentare of the State of The Art (Best Practices) | |||
Document Search / benchmarking |
40h |
Consultare experti interni |
40h |
Consultare experti externi |
20h |
Document Best Practices Ofertare- Contractare |
40h |
Documentare Stare Curenta (Process existent) |
8d |
Interviuri cu angajati Softwin |
8h |
Survey-uri |
16h |
Flowchart al procesului curent |
20h |
'Review, Document proces curent' |
16h |
'Update, Document proces curent' |
4h |
'Aprobare Steeering Comitee, Document Stare Curenta' |
2h |
Identificarea procesului imbunatatit de contractare |
15.25d |
Identificare Stare Dorita (Process Nou/Imbunanatit) |
40h |
Gap Analisys / Analiza procesului curent fata de cel dorit |
20h |
Solutiile cele mai probabile / Alternative |
5d |
Brainstorming |
8h |
Flowcharturi ale Variantelor Procesului Dorit |
16h |
Benefit/Cost Analisys al fiecarui process nou propus |
16h |
Prezentare Alternative Proces Nou de Contractare |
12h |
Selectare Recomanadare Proces Nou Contractare |
8h |
'Aprobare Steering Comitee, Process Nou Contractare' |
2h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza Urmatoare |
2h |
Implementare Process Contractare |
Faza - Implementare Process Contractare |
60.25d |
Replanificare Faza, Project Management Plan' |
4h |
Proces Contractare |
59.5d |
Documentare Proces de Contractare |
25.5d |
Draft Flowchart Proces Contractare |
8h |
Draft Process |
14d |
Draft Proceduri de lucru (SACS) (Work Instructions) |
64h |
Draft Formulare de lucru pentru proces |
48h |
Documentartie Process |
5.5d |
Asamblare Documentatie |
20h |
Review Document Steering Comitee |
24h |
Aprobare Documentatie Process, Sterring Comitee |
2h |
Publicare |
5d |
Printare si Distribuire |
8h |
Intranet |
16h |
16h |
Training |
19.7d |
Instructori |
5d |
Selectie Instructori |
24h |
Training (Train the trainers) |
16h |
Dezvolatare Program Training pentru proces |
12.5d |
Draft Materiale Training |
32h |
Apropbare materiale training |
4h |
Review & Pilot |
8d |
Livrare Training pentru proces Contractare |
2.25d |
Selectie Manageri si Useri implicati in procesul |
2h |
Instruire manageri departatemente Vinzari si BIS |
8h |
Instruire Utilizatori |
8h |
Lansare in utilizare Proces de Contractare Nou |
5.25d |
Alegere Responsabil Proces de Contractare |
40h |
Meeting Formal de lansare al noului proces |
2h |
Monitorizare performante |
9d |
Creare sistem de monitorizare a performantelor proces |
24h |
Monitorizare performante |
40h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza Urmatoare |
2h |
Evaluare proces de contractare |
Faza - Evaluare proces de contractare |
6.5d |
'Replanificare Faza, Project Management Plan' |
4h |
Evaluare performanta proces de Contractare nou |
5.75d |
Documentare a Noii Stari |
3.25d |
Interviuri |
5h |
Surveiuri |
5h |
Flowchart al Procesului nou asa cum este utilizat in practica |
16h |
Identificarea deficientelor |
2.5d |
Meeting de Analiza |
4h |
Recomandari pentru noi proiecte |
16h |
Decizie Go/No Go la Faza Urmatoare |
2h |
Inchiderea proiectului |
Faza - Inchiderea proiectului |
4.5d |
Aproval, Project Results |
16h |
List of lessons Learned |
16h |
Celebration |
4h |
4 |
Project Schedule
Summarize the Project Schedule by listing the Milestones or Events on the critical path of the Project Schedule. The critical path is: a series of activities, which determine the earliest completion time of the project. For each event, provide the Projected Date of completion and a brief description of the Significance of the Milestone or Event listed.
Milestone or Event |
Projected Date of Completion |
Significance |
Creat Project Charter |
TBD | |
Project Plan Construit |
TBD | |
Meeting Constituire Steering Comitee Proiect |
TBD | |
Aprobare, Project Plan |
TBD | |
Activitatea pe Proiect Demarata |
TBD | |
Document Sinteza Best Practices, Creat |
TBD | |
Template Contract Dezvoltare Soft |
TBD | |
Template Contact Integrare Solutii |
TBD | |
Template Contact Mentenanta |
TBD | |
Creare Ghid de lucru |
TBD | |
Training Strategii de Negociere |
TBD | |
Document Best Practices Ofertare- Contractare |
TBD | |
Documentare Stare Curenta (Process existent) |
TBD | |
Aprobare Steeering Comitee, Document Stare Curenta |
TBD | |
Prezentare Alternative Proces Nou de Contractare |
TBD | |
Process Nou Contractare, Aprobat Steering Comitee |
TBD | |
Documentatiea Procesului nou de contractare, Publicata |
TBD | |
Training process nou de contractare efectuat |
TBD | |
Responsabil Process de contractare numit |
TBD | |
Process nou de contractare lansat oficial |
TBD | |
Proces de contractare nou evaluat |
TBD | |
Proiect CMA incheiat |
An electronic version can be found at:
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Project Organization Plan
The Project Organization Plan identifies, documents, and assigns project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. Roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships may be assigned to individuals or to groups. The individuals and groups may be part of the organization performing the project, or they may be external to it.
The results of project organization planning should be reviewed regularly throughout the project to ensure continued applicability. If the initial organization is no longer effective, then it will be revised promptly.
PM - Project Manager
SC - Steering Comitee
PS - Project Sponsor
DT - Development Team
Stakeholders are those with a vested interest in the success of the project. The identification and input of stakeholders helps to define, clarify, change, and contribute to the scope and, ultimately, the success of the project.
To ensure project success, stakeholders are identified early in the project, their needs and expectations are determined, and we strive to manage those expectations over the course of the project.
Stakeholders on this project include:
The management of stakeholder expectations is potentially difficult because of conflicting goals and expectations.
The expectations may require more resources than are currently available.
Name/Title |
Department |
Project Role |
Phone |
DG |
Project Sponsor | ||
Adrian Purcarea /Director General Adjunct |
DG |
SC Chairman/ Resource Manager | ||
Stefan Diaconescu / Director BIS |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Claudiu Bulaceanu / Director dept. SAP |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Metodiu Mehmet / Director Vinzari Ro |
Vinzari Ro |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Elisabeta Nichifor / Director dept. CRM |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Mariuca Talpes / Director divizie ePublishing |
ePublishing |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Carmen Buzatu / Director Financiar |
Finaciar |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Ion Radoslovescu / Director Calitate |
QA |
SC / Resource Manager | ||
Mihail Mihailovici / Director Vinzari |
DG |
Project Manager/ SC | ||
Victor Mihail / Project Manager |
Project Manager Consultant | ||
Romanita Mateescu / Consilier Juridic |
Legal |
Development Team Member | ||
Tudor Zavulan / Responsabil Calitate |
QA |
Development Team Member | ||
Marcel Isaila / Business Solution Architect |
Vinzari Ro |
Development Team Member | ||
Octavian Cristea / Director Comercial |
Development Team Member | ||
Gabriela Nita |
HR |
Development Team Member | ||
Camelia Nicolau |
HR |
Development Team Member | ||
Figure . CMA Project Organization Chart
6 |
Project Communication Plan
This document addresses the Comunications Planning for the project.
Communications planning involves determining the information and communications
needs of the stakeholders:
The results of project communications planning should be reviewed regularly throughout the project and revised as needed to ensure continued applicability. If the initial communications plan is no longer effective, then it will be revised promptly.
The technologies or methods used to transfer information back and forth among project stakeholders.
1. Meeting-uri
2. e-mail - Outlook
3. Intranet - Microsoft Project Server and Web Access ( sau https://projsrv/projectserver )
4. Avizier dedicat Proiectului (TBD)
B. Information Description, Collection, and Reporting
For each Information Need, describe the information, the provider of the information, when and how is it collected, and how the information will be reported.
Information Need |
Description of Information |
Provider of Information |
How is Information Collected |
How is Information Reported |
Detailed Status of Assigned Tasks |
1. Work Performed Last Period 2. Work planned for next period 3. Hot Issues |
Team Member |
Project WEB site sau e-mail |
Detailed Status Report |
Project Status |
1. Major Accomplishments 2. Objectives for the Next Period 3. Hot Issues 4. Risks |
Project Manager |
Meeting |
Project Status Report |
Summary of project status |
1. Cost & Schedule Variations 2. Major Acomplishments 3. Future Milestones 4. TBD |
Project Manager |
Afisare la Avizier |
Project Dashboard |
List each report or document needed to communicate the information (in the first column) identified in the last column of Section C. Identify the primary and secondary distribution methods for each report or document (e.g., voice, electronic mail, spreadsheet, formal presentation). Specify the frequency or distribution for each report or document.
Report or Document |
Primary Distribution Method |
Secondary Distribution Method |
Distribution Frequency |
Detailed Status Report |
Web Site |
Saptaminal |
Project Status Report |
Meeting Steering Comitee |
La 2 saptamini |
Project Dashboard |
Avizier |
Web site, E-mail |
La 2 saptamini |
Organize into logical groups, stakeholders identified in section B, who have common information needs. List the stakeholder(s) for each group in the columns provided. Specify the common information needs for each group.
Group Name |
Project Sponsor |
Steering Committee |
Project Management |
Users |
Common Information Needs: |
Project Dashboard Project Status Report |
Project Status Report |
Detailed Status Report |
Deliverables |
Describe who, when, and how the Communications Plan will be maintained.
Managerul de Proiect va updata acest plan in cadrul activitatii de review al planului de la inceputul fiecarei faze de proiect
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Scope Management Plan (Change Control)
The purpose of Scope management Plan (Change Control) is to provide the standards and procedures for submitting, analyzing and approving or disapproving changes that occur after the official requirements have been agreed upon (i.e., 'signed off').
A scope change is any modification to the agreed-upon project scope as defined by the approved WBS. Scope changes often require adjustments to cost, time, quality, or other project objectives.
Project scope changes are fed back through the planning process, technical and planning documents are updated as needed, and stakeholders are notified as appropriate.
This process provides a framework for minimizing changes that impact the scope, schedule, and cost of the project, while facilitating project team members' ability to make simple improvements to the solution.
Changes in the project approach, business requirements, technology, and resources will impact key components of the implementation plan. Such changes must be managed and controlled by the project management team, in order to prevent increased customer cost, delayed delivery schedule, and decreased quality of the overall solution.
Figure . Change Management Process
eFORCE Project Management Methodology
The following describes the Change Control process (as outlined in the diagram above):
STEP 1: A project team member identifies the need for a change in an area where the requirements, approach, or plan has already been approved (i.e., 'signed off') by the project management team. He/she (i.e., 'Change Originator') completes a 'Change Request Form' (Annex) and forwards it to his/her project manager-either the Client Project Manager or Softwin Project Manager. The completed request describes the business, technical, or change management issue the request is trying to address, the desired outcome of the change, and detailed justification for the change.
STEP 2: The project manager analyzes the initial change request. If it is valid, he/she submits the request to the Project Manager, who logs the request in the Change Control Log. The Project Manager evaluates the priority of the request and arranges a meeting (via PM Review, Issue Management, or ad-hoc meeting) for the entire project management team to discuss and analyze.
STEP 3: The entire project management team analyzes the request and agrees to approve or disapprove. If the request is disapproved, the originating team member's project manager communicates the outcome, and reviews options/workarounds (as discussed in the project management review of the request). The Softwin Project Manager logs the request as is approved on the Change Control log. If the request is approved, the project management must thoroughly evaluate any impacts to the project scope, schedule, and cost. If there are any impacts to these stated areas, the request must be presented to the Steering Committee for approval. If there are no impacts to project scope, schedule, or cost, the change is communicated to the originating team by their respective project manager. The Software Project Manager logs the request as approved on the Change Control Log, and communicates it on the weekly status report.
STEP 4: If the request is approved, and there is an impact to scope, schedule, or cost, the Softwin Project Manager arranges for a Steering Committee review. The Steering Committee evaluates the request and makes a decision to approve or disapprove. If the decision is disapproval, the originating team's project manager communicates the outcome to his/her respective team members, and reviews options/workarounds (as discussed with the Steering Committee members). The Softwin Project Manager logs the request as disapproved on the Change Control Log. If the request is approved, the respective project manager communicates the change to their originating team. The Softwin Project Manager logs the request as approved on the Change Control Log and communicates on the weekly status report. The project plan is revised to reflect the change in scope and delivery dates, and the client authorizes the additional funding as necessary, often via a purchase order.
Listed below are the criteria that should be used to determine whether or not the change request should be approved or disapproved:
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Risk Management Plan
Risk management is the systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risk. It includes maximizing the probability and consequences of positive events and minimizing the probability and consequences of adverse events
Project risk includes both threats to the project's objectives and opportunities to improve on those objectives. It has its origins in the uncertainty that is present in all projects. Known risks are those that have been identified and analyzed, and it may be possible to plan for them.
The Risk Management Plan documents the procedures used to manage risk throughout the project. In addition to documenting the results of the risk identification and analysis phases, it must cover who is responsible for managing various areas of risk, how risks will be tracked throughout the life cycle, how contingency plans will be implemented, and how project resources will be allocated to handle risk.
Risk management deals with the following risk phases:
Risk identification
Risk analysis, quantification and prioritization
Risk mitigation planning
Risk response
Project risks are identified and carefully managed throughout the life of the project.. Risk identification is a recurring event at occurs at all stages of the project
Risk identification consists of determining risks that are likely to affect the project and documenting the characteristics of those risks. Not all possible risks that might affect the project are idenytified, but only those likely to affect the project's success.
All members of the project team can identify risk, but the project manager has overall responsibility
A Risk Management Worksheet (shown later in this section) is used to manage risks. The worksheet is updated to reflect further risks identified. Also during the project, risks identified earlier may be removed.
Risks are documented so that contingency measures can be taken to mitigate their effects. Risks to both the internal and external aspects of the project should be tracked. Internal risks are those items the project team can directly control (e.g., staffing), and external risks are those events that happen outside the direct influence of the project team (e.g., legislative action).
Risk identification, management, and resolution continues throughout the life of the project. New risks are developed as the project matures and external and internal situations change. Old risks may go away or decrease in likelihood
Contingency plans are developed as a result of a risk being identified. Contingency plans are pre-defined action plans that can be implemented if identified risks actually occur. If a problem actually occurs, the contingency plan must be implemented and reserves must be allocated.
As a guideline, contingency plans are developed for the top five risks associated with a project. To properly implement a plan, a reserve is usually required where dollars and/or time are held by a project manager to apply to the execution of a contingency plan
Category |
Prob |
Impact |
Risk |
Mitigation Approaches |
Management |
Personnel Availability |
High |
High |
Personnel is not directly managed by the Project manger | |
Schedule |
med |
Med |
The deliverable will not be ready on time |
Legend: Prob = Probability of Occurence
9 |
Decomposition involves subdividing the major project deliverables or sub deliverables into smaller, more manageable components until the deliverables are defined in sufficient detail to support development of project activities. Decomposition involves the following major steps:
Identify the major deliverables of the project, including project management.
Decide if adequate cost and duration
estimates can be developed at this level of detail for each deliverable. The
meaning adequate may change over the course of project. Decomposition of a
deliverable that will be produced far in the future may not be possible at this
For each deliverable, proceed to step 4 if there is adequate detail, or to step
3 if there is not. (Different deliverables may have differing levels of
Identify constituent components of the deliverable. Repeat Step 2 on each constituent component
Verify correctness of the decomposition:
a. Are the lower level items both necessary and sufficient for completion of the decomposed item? If not the constituents components must be modified (add, delete, redefine)
b. Can each item be appropriately scheduled? Budgeted? Assigned to a specific organizational unit (department, team, person) who will accept responsibility for satisfactory completion of item? If not, revision are nodded to provide adequate management control
One of the important project stakeholders is the project sponsor. The project sponsor should have the influence to ensure that the project has sufficient priority to enable success. The sponsor along with the Steering Committee is also responsible for providing the funding and staffing resources to complete the project successfully.
The project sponsor usually represents the recipient of the project's end result. A good project sponsor is a prerequisite for a great project manager. The sponsor is usually head of a program area and not normally a day-to-day user. The project sponsor is typically part of the organization's management and should be a strong advocate for the project.
Project Sponsor Responsibilities
General Functions |
Articulate program or executive requirements. |
Ensure that requirements are met. |
Concept Definition |
Define sponsor needs. Ensure user support of project. |
Planning |
Review and approve project plan. |
Participate in planning activities. Approve funding along with Steering Committee. |
Assign personnel through the Project Manger. |
Attend Kick-off meeting. |
Project Execution |
Attend requirements reviews. |
Provide written agreement to requirements. |
Attend Steering Committee meetings. |
Help resolve project problems. |
Close-out |
Attend lessons learned meeting. |
The management or the Steering Committee identifies the need of project, assesses project risk, and approves project commitments.
They are responsible for ensuring that project is consistent with organization strategic plan.
They are also responsible for developing the procedures to ensure that policies are followed.
The Steering Committee assists the project manager in planning the development effort and makes commitments to complete the project within established schedule and budget constraints.
Steering Committee Responsibilities
General Functions |
Prioritize project needs. |
Ensure that sufficient resources are available to conduct the project. |
Review/approve commitments to external entities (e.g., vendors). |
Concept Definition |
Assist in staffing effort. |
Review/approve Project Statement |
Planning |
Review/approve project plan |
Review/validate and approve risk analysis. |
Budget and establish financial reserves based on Risk Analysis Worksheet. |
Project Start-Up |
Ensure project staff availability. |
Ensure that funding is available. |
Project Execution |
Regularly participate in executive management reviews and/or Steering Committee Meetings. |
Approve changes to the project plan. |
Review risk mitigation plans and act on Project Manager recommendations. |
Review/approve changes in contract commitments. |
Review/approve project deliverables. |
Close-out |
Participate in lessons learned sessions. |
Accept and approve deliverables. Approve project/phase completion. |
The project manager has primary responsibility for the quality of a project's deliverables and its successful completion.
To succeed the project manager must work closely with the project sponsor to ensure that adequate resources are applied.
The project manager also has responsibility for planning and ensuring that the project is successfully completed on time and within budget. The project manager is assigned early in the conceptual and planning processes so the plan can be owned by the person responsible for its execution.
Project Manager Responsibilities
General Functions |
Implement project policies and procedures. |
Acquire resources through the Project Sponsor and Steering Committee. |
Maintain staff proficiency and productivity, and provide training where required. |
Establish and maintain quality in the project. |
Identify and procure tools to be used on the project. |
Concept Definition |
Develop Project Statement including success criteria and constraints. |
Conduct general cost/benefit analysis, if required. |
Planning |
Develop detailed project plan, tailoring methodology to reflect project needs. |
Ensure that management, users, affected state organizations, and contractors commit to project. |
Project Start-Up |
Finalize project baseline plan. |
Assign resources to project and assign work packages. |
Finalize project quality and Configuration Management plans. |
Project Execution |
Regularly review project status, comparing budgeted to actual values. |
Ensure that project plan is updated and approved as needed. |
Review the results of QA reviews. |
Participate in change control board to approve changes. |
Update project risks and establish prevention and mitigation procedures, as required. |
Close-out |
Develop an action plan for any product that does not receive user sign-off. |
Obtain user and management approval of final deliverables. |
Close-out open action items. |
Conduct lessons learned session. Celebrate success. |
The Development Team has responsibility for conducting project activities defined by the project life cycle.
The development team includes the specialists responsible for implementing the project solution. Stakeholders should interact with the development team to ensure that requirements are correctly implemented.
Development Team Responsibilities
General Functions |
Identify solution alternatives. |
Implement solution within budgeted cost and schedule. |
Coordinate with QA. |
Support project planning and tracking activities. |
Concept Definition |
Provide general estimates for developing deliverables. |
Conduct feasibility studies, if applicable. |
Planning |
Develop technical approach and associated estimates and schedules. |
Assist in the development of a QA/CM plan. |
Identify productivity tools for project. |
Project Start-Up |
Ensure that all members of the development team understand the project plan and requirements. |
Coordinate staff training efforts. |
Establish the project's development facilities and environments. |
Project Execution |
Submit status reports to the Project Manager. |
Conduct work using accepted Development Lifecycle Methodology. |
Coordinate with QA, review QA results, and correct any deviations. |
Help establish baseline documents. |
Develop project deliverables. |
Establish testing plan and coordinate test activities. |
Identify risks as they are found. |
Participate in change reviews including performing Cost Schedule Impact Analysis. |
Close-out |
Participate in lessons learned sessions. |
End users are responsible for ensuring that their needs are expressed and for verifying that a completed project meets those expressed needs.
End User Responsibilities
General Functions |
Articulate user requirements. |
Ensure that requirements are met. Ensure that staff are "ready to accept" the new system. Be proponents of new system. |
Concept Definition |
Define user needs. |
Planning |
Review project plan (as part of Steering Committee). |
Project Start-Up |
Assign user personnel to the project as required. |
Project Execution |
Assist in developing requirements. |
Review design. |
Provide written agreement on requirements and qualifying criteria. |
Assist in user testing. |
Approve delivery and implementation procedures. Review current business practices and the impact the new process or system will have on the practices. |
Develop procedures, policies, and processes to support the new system. |
Close-out |
Sign-off on deliverables. |
Attend lessons learned meeting. |
Cerere de Modificare
Modificarea Propusa: _____ _______ ______ _____________ Data: _____________
Initiator: __________ ______ ____ _ Organizatia: _______
Descrierea Modificarii Propuse si Referinte (documente, meeting, manager, etc):
Impactul in cazul in care modificarea propusa NU se implementeaza:
Alternative la aceasta propunere de modificare:
Proiect: _________________ Data: ________
Numar de Control: _________________
(Aceasta sectiune se completeaza de Managerul de Proiect Softwin)
Analiza Impactului Initial
Plan de Proiect (Baseline) Afectat: __________ ______ ____ ______
Componente (Module) ale Proiectului (Sistemului) care sint afectate:
__________ ______ ____ __________ ______ ____ __
__________ ______ ____ __________ ______ ____ __
__________ ______ ____ __________ ______ ____ __
__________ ______ ____ __________ ______ ____ __
Este necesara Analiza Impactului asupra Costului / Planningului ? Nu___ Da___
Analiza pregatita de: __________ ______ ____ _________________
Impact Cost: __________ ______ ____ _____ _______ ______ ________
Impact Planning (Schedule): __________ ______ ____ ___________
Impact Resurse: __________ ______ ____ _____ _______ ______ ______
Rezultatele Reviziei Finale: __________ ______ ____ ____________
Data Reviziei:___________
Clasificare Impact: ____MARE ____MEDIU ____SCAZUT
Rezultate Revizie:
Data Revizie:_____________ Atribuit lui: _______________ Organizatia:_________________
Decizia asupra implementarii modificarii cerute:
___Aprobare Implementare ___Rejectare ___Aminare (data): ___________
Semnatura Persoanei Responsabile:
A description of all risks identified for the project, the probability of the risk occurring, the impact of the risk on the project, and the suggested mitigation activities.
Last Risk Assessment Date: Prepared by:
Ref # |
Risk Category/ Event |
Loss Hours |
Probability |
Risk Hours |
Previous Risk Hours |
Preventive Measures |
Responsible Person |
Comments |
Personnel | ||||||||
Equipment | ||||||||
Customer | ||||||||
Customer | ||||||||
Logistics | ||||||||
Organization | ||||||||
Other | ||||||||
Risk Reserve:
Provide appropriate training.
Hire trained specialists.
Purchase additional equipment.
Implement product functionality in a phased manner.
Get agreement on who has decision authority; designate key user responsibility.
Negotiate better environment.
Ensure that all the resources are provided.
Adjust deadline and get our customer buy-in.
Do not commit to third-party performance.
Get third party commitment at least equal to (if not more than) our commitment.
Get customer commitment to participate in the project.
Increase estimates for the related tasks.
Do not commit to response time unless absolutely necessary and, then only if a study is done by knowledgeable persons.
Establish access to product support personnel.
Hold regular meetings with customer.
Maintain constant written and oral communication with remote personnel.
Demonstrate incremental results.
Divide staff into teams and assign team leaders.
Dedicate our management resources.
Establish final authority of our project manager.
Use proven hardware for development if possible.
Reduce functionality to meet deadline.
Document our assumptions and understandings and get Customer's sign-off before investing substantial resources.
Design an alternate (contingent) solution strategy.
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