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LESSON PLAN GRADE: IV - What's the Weather Like?

didactica pedagogie

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TIME 50 min.

TITLE OF LESSON What's the Weather Like?

TYPE OF LESSON Consolidation


to enable students to say the date

to enable students to speak about weather

to enable students to use Present Continuous


coloured chalk









STRUCTURE: - question - tags

- brainstorming

TYPES OF INTERACTION teacher - whole class

- teacher - student

- student - student

- student - teacher

CLASS MANAGEMENT: - whole class

- individually

- pair


WARM - UP (5 min.)

T - asks the students what month it is and what day it is and what the weather is like and writes down on the blackboard.

T - writes on the blackboard a poem about weather and reads it several times together with the sts.

CHECKING (2 min)

T - checks the homework


Vocabulary: (15 min.)

T - gives the students some handouts with the title "My Weather Project"

T - writes on the blackboard the word "Year" and circles it and asks:

"Which are the four seasons of the year?"and

"What colour is spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

Sts. - are asked to write on their handouts the four seasons and the teacher writes them on the blackboard with different coloured chalk.

T - gives the sts. some handouts for weather and elicits the task.

Sts. - match the pictures with the words, then they unscramble the weather words.

T - gives the sts. some ...... with the days of the week and with the months of the year and one st. is asked to read the task, then the T makes sure that sts. have understood it.

"Put the days of the week and the months of the year in the correct order."

Sts. - in pairs, work on the given task..

T - checks the right order and writes on the blackboard the name of the two sts. who have finished first;

-- asks the sts. to stick the ..... on their project paper.

Speaking (5 min.)

T - asks: "What's the weather like in spring, (summer, autumn, winter)?"

Pre - reading (3 min.)

T - asks the sts. some questions about weather:

"Is it cold in summer?"

"Is it rainy in winter?"

Reading (5 min)

T - ask the sts. to read the text "The Seasons"

Sts. - read the text aloud on turns.

After reading (5 min)

T - asks the sts. to identify characteristics of weather for each season.

Sts. - after reading the words about weather put them down on the project paper.

Listening (5 min)

T - tells the sts. they are going to listen to a short text about weather, then he elicits the task for exercise 3 from their handouts.

Sts. - circle the right word, while the teacher is reading the text.

T - checks the right answers.

Feedback (3 min)

T - asks the sts.:"What do you think it's the weather like in Africa?"

Homework (2 min.)

T - tells the sts. they have to solve the crossword from the handout

The reading text:

The Seasons

It's spring. The sky is blue and the trees are green. Our garden is full of flowers. Outside it's warm and the wind blows slowly. The sun is on the sky.

It's summer. It's hot. The children are swimming in the lake. There are no clouds on the sky. The days are long and sunny. The nights are warm and starry. It's holiday and children are happy.

It's autumn. The school begins. It's raining. It's a chilly weather. The wind blows all day and the sky is grey. But there are lots of fruit and vegetables.

It's winter. It's cold and everything is white. It's snowing a lot. The children are skiing, sleighing and skating. They are playing with the snow. They are making snowmen and are playing with snowballs. Children love winter.

The season poem:


Weather is hot,
Weather is cold,
Weather is changing
As the weeks unfold.

Skies are cloudy,
Skies are fair,
Skies are changing
In the air.

It is raining,
It is snowing,
It is windy
With breezes blowing.

Days are foggy,
Days are clear,
Weather is changing
Throughout the year!

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