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Bazele relatiilor publice

Proiect 1 BRP

Oferiti 15 definitii ale relatiilor publice, cu indicarea sursei.

Termen: 4 noiembrie

Proiect 2 BRP

Reliefati contributia unuia dintre promotorii relatiilor publice  la impulsionarea activitatii de relatii publice, in perioada 1900 - 1945 (maxim 5 pagini).

Termen: 18 noiembrie

Ivy Ledbetter Lee

Ivy Ledbetter Lee este considerat ca unul dintre primii practicanti, poate chiar ca fondatorul stiintei Relatiilor Publice.

Absolvent al Princeton Ivy Ledbetter Lee si-a inceput cariera ca reporter de ziar la sfarsitul anilor 1890 insa o data cu inceputul secolului 20 si-a indreptat activitatea spre domeniul relatiilor publice devenind o figura marcanta in domeniu. Nu a fost doar un simplu practicant al Relatiilor Publice ci un promotor al acestora prin explicarea insistenta a scopurilor si prin apararea practicilor. Prin activitatea lui Ivy Ledbetter Lee a format opinia publica asupra domeniului relatiilor publice si a stabilit standarde pe care alti practicanti le-au urmat. A fost fondatorul celei de a treia societati comerciale avand ca obiect de activitate relatiile publice din Statele Unite in 1904. Noua societate comerciala promova " Acuratete, Autenticitate si Profit"

Cea mai longeviva contributie in profesia de PR este : " Declaration of Principles" pe care a distribuit-o in 1906 cand, impreuna cu partenerul sau George Parker, au inceput sa consilieze societatile de extractie a carbunelui cum sa respunda unei greve. Filozofia din " Declaration of Principles" reprezinta prima insumare a conceptelor aferente domeniului relatiilor publice si defineste responsabilitatea practicantilor de relatii publice nu numai catre client ci maiales catre public.

In acelasi an, in 1906, in urma unui accident feroviar, Ivy Ledbetter Lee a facut prima conferinta de presa cunoscuta in presa, convingand societatea Pennsylvania Railroad sa dezvaluie jurnalistilor informatii confidentiale, inainte ca acestia sa isi adune informatiile din alte surse.

Angajat in 1912 de catre societatea Pennsylvania Railroad Ivy Ledbetter Lee a fost considerat ca fiind prima persoana avand ca activitate relatiile publice, plasata intr-o functie de conducere

He evolved his philosophy in 1906 into the Declaration of Principles, the first articulation of the concept that public relations practitioners have a public responsibility that extends beyond obligations to the client. In the same year, after an accident with the Pennsylvania Railroad, Lee issued what is often considered to be the very first press release, convincing the company to openly disclose information to journalists, before they could hear information from elsewhere.[1]

When Lee was hired full time by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1912, he was considered to be the first public relations person placed in an executive-level position. In fact, his archives reveal that he drafted one of the first job descriptions of a VP-level corporate public relations position.

In 1919 he founded the public relations counselling office Ivy Lee & Associates.

edit] Impact on public relations

Ivy Lee's longest lasting contribution to the profession may have been the Declaration of Principles he distributed to the media in 1906 when he and his then-partner George Parker began advising anthracite coal operators on how they could respond to a strike. Together with George Parker he established the United States's third public relations firm, Parker and Lee, in late 1904. The new agency boasted of 'Accuracy, Authenticity, and Interest.

Ivy Ledbetter Lee has long been acclaimed as an early practitioner, perhaps even as the originator, of the explanatory approach to public relations. After graduating from Princeton, he began working as a newspaper reporter in the late 1890s but turned to public relations shortly after the turn of the century and became one of the defining figures of the fledgling profession. He not only practiced public relations, he aggressively explained its purpose and defended its actions. In doing so he helped shape the public perceptions of the field and set standards other practitioners felt compelled to meet.

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