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He was a pupil of Lagrene and was regarded as among the best painters of his generation.El a fost un elev al lui Lagrenee si a fost considerat ca fiind unul din cei mai buni pictori ai generatiei sale.
He was one of the first to re-apply the Classic principles of composition, in the manner of Poussin , while the prevailing fashion was in favour of rococo .A fost unul din primii care a adoptat din nou principiile compozitiei clasice ce erau specifice lui Poussin, in timp ce moda din acea perioada favoriza stilul rococo.
He won the prestigious Prix de Rome in 1773, ahead of David who was also a candidate.A castigat prestigiosul Prix de la Roma in 1773, aflandu-se inaintea lui David, care a candidat de asemenea. He spent the years between 1775 to 1782 in Rome , with the Academy of France in Rome . A facut parte intre 1775 si 1782 din Academia Frantei la Roma.
On his return to Paris , Peyron found that the career of David had taken its rise and has completely eclipsed his own, relegating it to a minor role in the history of art - which became evident in the exhibitions at the Salon of Paris between 1785 and 1787.La intoarcerea in Paris, Peyron a constatat ca pictorul David i-a luat-o inainte, cariera acestuia inflorind, ajungand chiar sa il eclipseze, arta lui David facandu-se remarcata in expozitiile din Salonul din Paris intre 1785 si 1787. David did, however, pay homage to Peyron at the time of his funeral, stating: "He had opened my eyes." La inmormantarea lui Peyron, David a facut omagii, declarand: "El mi-a deschis ochii".
Jump to: navigation , search King Perseus of Macedon in front of Aemilius PaulusRegele Perseus al Macedoniei in fata lui Aemilius Paulus
Muzeul Augustins, Toulouse
The Death of Seneca (1773) - a lost painting, which won Peyron the Prix de Rome
The Funeral of Miltiades (1782), The Louvre , ParisInmormantare de Miltiades
Muzeul Luvru, Paris
Moartea lui Socrate
Muzeul Statens Kunst, Copenhaga
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