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The Academy of Economic Studies
Faculty of Business Administration-English Section
Strategic and Operational Performance Assessment at SC Dobrogea SA
Business Quality Management Project
The gift of the earth this
is the slogan that can be seen on every product made by SC Dobrogea SA, one of
the most important producers in the Romanian milling and bakery industry and
the company that we have chosen as the subject of our project. Located in
As a company which capitalizes tradition by permanent innovation and care for people, over years Dobrogea has launched new products, new activities, brands and concepts on the Romanian market, being constantly a pioneer in the field. Dobrogea has permanently adapted its supply and organization structures to the changeable markets as well as to the demanding European standards.
The internal market of milling and bakery rises to almost 2 billion Euro. The main competitors of Dobrogea are Boromir,Titan,Vel Pitar and Pambac and according to Rompan, Dobrogea Group has a share of 7% of the milling market and 8% of the bakery market.
In 1961 , Dobrogea Milling and Baking Enterprise is born as 2 wheat mills, one bread production facility and one biscuit factory are brought into operation . Between 1966 and 1989 new production facilities are build : 5 bread factories in Constanta , Eforie Nord , Navodari , Harsova , Medgidia , a manufacturing division for sugary products , a corn mill and a short and medium pastes factory . Soon, the name of the company changed to Dobrogea Milling, Baking and Pastes Enterprise, a firm with over 2200 employees.
In 1991 the company, organized as a shareholding firm is recorded at the Commerce Register.
Between 1994 and 2007, Dobrogea has constantly improved its production, technology and equipment and launched various products (other than those already existing on the market): frozen pastry products, breakfast cereals Matina, biscuits Digesta, Saltza, Regally and Petit Beurre. In 1995 the company started production of premixes for bakery-pastry-confectionary industries and its privatization lead to a status of 100% domestically held equity.
Our project represents an enquiry in the depths of a successful company. In the next pages, we will be emphasizing the accomplishments and activity of this company and, of course, of the people that conduct the firm. We will present different aspects about the management and processes of the company, the way the company assesses the strategic and operational levels and some thoughts about the future. We had the chance to interview the marketing manager of the company Mrs. Stanciu Otilia and that is why all the information that you will read come directly from the source.
Process management
Dobrogea makes up a dynamic, full-fledged company, which is run by a 5-member board of directors: president general manager and 4 vice-presidents who are in charge with different functional areas. The group holds over 50% of the capital in 5 subsidiaries, as follows: Dobrogea Biscuit production, Transserv Dobrogea transport, Dobrogea Onix local distribution, Prodglobal Galati regional distribution and Fresh Dobrogea retail chain. Currently, the company has 862 employees, 9 production units, 145 specialized means of transport, 23 retail stores, over 300 products in 5 fields and over 52 million investment in modernization and re-engineering during the last 10 years.
45 years of activity in the milling and bakery industry may not look as important at first sight, but for Dobrogea SA they hold special connotations. The Company has gone through lots of phases and has continuously developed as times have changed, becoming a serious, trustworthy partner both in the national and international markets. Mrs.Stanciu is one of the persons that contributed to this achievement because she believes that for her company innovation represents a frame of mind and a key success factor.
As it was said, Mrs. Stanciu has
been managing the marketing department for 10 years and during this time she
helped modernize the production base by coming up with new, demand-driven
products. To briefly mention some of her ideas that had a tremendous success:
in 1997 Dobrogea launched the frozen pastry products and the Fresh selling
concept. This came as a result of Mrs. Stanciu and her staff form the
marketing department research: they discovered that
A very important step ahead was the implementation of Total Quality Management in all their activities, providing technical assistance both in the start-up phase of production lines and during normal operations and introducing functional products containing pre- and pro- biotic ingredients.
track in a competitive market like the one Dobrogea activates in, can be very
demanding and that is why they rely a lot on the very good communication
between all the departments in the company. Also, the strategic plan set years
ahead, is thoroughly followed. Like any other company, Dobrogea faces many
difficulties and threats but the competitive advantages and resources that they
have help them remain a leader. Dobrogea has indeed been a state company until
the 90 but it is after this moment that the firm really started growing. The
milling and bakery company, one of the main players in this field from
Strategic Level Assessment
The wish of every entrepreneur is to make its business grow. They all have a vision about growth in their mind, but few are those that actually formulate it in a strategic plan. In an ever-changing economic environment, a strategic plan is essential not only to assure a continuous growth of the company but also to survive in times of crisis, like the one we are facing nowadays. The strategic objectives are related to the business position of the company.
Dobrogea sets its strategic objectives on their processes and a very important method that they use to sustain the implementation of the strategy is BPR Business product redesign. By using this method they can clearly establish what are the critical processes that bring value to the client, what are the risks, the success factors and key performance indicators related to the processes. Also, in establishing a strategy by using BPR they take into account the analysis of the internal and external environment and the mission of the organization which is:
To provide their consumers with healthy food by
top quality and nutritionally balanced branded products.
To innovate and invest permanently in order to
bring added value in their consumers' lives and to keep the leading position in
the Romanian milling and bakery industry.
The analysis of the environment
includes, as we said, an internal analysis of the company, of the industry in
which they activate and of the macroeconomic environment. Dobrogea, like all
the other companies uses the
So, we come to the SWOT analysis that can give them a clear picture about the status and position of the company. The SWOT analysis of Dobroges group can be seen below.
the experience of the company in the production
and distribution of its products;
the existence of an efficient marketing
the advanced technology used in the company;
the brands notoriety;
the leadership position on the target market;
high coverage level of the target market;
the fast rhythm of
renewal and diversification of the range of products offered.
financial difficulties
of the company ;
the unfavorable image
of the products on the market;
price/quality report;
the lack of a clear
and efficient marketing policy;
the big number of
managerial levels in the company;
high costs of
the lack of a selling force.
the absence of a direct competitor in case of launching of
an innovative product on the market;
rapid rhythm of
development of the market;
the governmental
policy that favor investments in certain sectors of activity;
large potential of the
market or of the target segment;
the existence of an unfavorable potential on certain external
the low purchase power
of potential buyers;
the decline faze of
the life cycle of products on the target market;
the adoption of some
legislative provisions that limit or forbid the promotion of some sensitive
products such as baby products, alcohol, drugs;
the economic and
politic instability;
the market penetration
of some powerful competitors;
the inflationary
process in the economy;
the rise of the market share of some direct competitors.
The selected strategy is implemented by a set of programs, budgets and procedures and the actual implementation implies the organization of the resources and the motivation of the employees to reach those objectives. From this point of view, the management team of this society is to be admired because they believe in reward motivation and not punishment motivation and this makes work in this company very enjoyable. All the employees know what are the objectives and strategies of the company and they act likewise in order to fulfill them. Also, the management team uses performance targets to motivate the employees and achieve the preset goals.
Besides all the above mentioned indicators, Dobrogea Group also uses BSC balanced scorecard which is a management instrument for the implementation of the strategy. BSC examines the company from 4 different perspectives: financial, clients, knowledge and growth and internal processes. In this way, the company can analyze its financial performance for the last period (Dobrogea increased its sales and turnover with 23% in the last 9 months), their customer satisfaction (the company is customer orientated that is why they develop new products every 3 months), employees knowledge base and the internal environment.
All these methods used by the Group help them assess themselves at a strategic level, learn from past issues and develop new ways to improve quality, performance and customer satisfaction. By doing that, they raise awareness and this leads to an increase in sales and profit.
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