Local Price in EPC net – Administration Guide
DaimlerChrysler DCAG Local Price in EPC net Admin Guide Author: Rainer Englisch Document History Version Date Comment [...]Read all ... 844 words
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DANGEROUS ANIMALS - Scorpions, Spiders
DANGEROUS ANIMALS Animals rarely are as threatening to the survivor as the rest of the environment. Common sense tells the survivor to avoid encounters with lions, bears, and other large or dangerous animals. You should also avoid large gr [...]Read all ... 3406 words
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Brown house spider or brown recluse spider
Brown house spider or brown recluse spider Laxosceles reclusa Description: Brown to black with obvious 'fiddle' on back of head and thorax. Chunky body with long, slim legs 2.5 to 4 centimeters long. Habitat: Under debris, rocks, [...]Read all ... 39 words
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Animal Communication
Animal Communication Throughout this course of study, the concept of language as the demarcation between animals and humans has prevailed. Further, as we have seen in our class readings, many claim that it is through language that our " [...]Read all ... 2478 words
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Corn Snake Care Sheet and Information
Corn Snake Care Sheet and Information Common Name: Corn Snake, Red Rat Snake Latin name: Elaphe guttata guttata =Corn Snake (Elaphe guttata guttata)' Native to: Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States (from the Pine Barrens of N [...]Read all ... 690 words
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Greek Art and Architecture
Greek Art and Architecture Greek Art and Architecture, the art and architecture of Greece and the Greek colonies dating from about 1100 bc to the 1st century bc. They have their roots in Aegean civilization, but their unique qualities have [...]Read all ... 672 words
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Beauty Through Geometry, The Appeal of Gerrit Rietveld, Architect
Beauty Through Geometry, The Appeal of Gerrit Rietveld, Architect Mathematics has long played a role in design. Straight lines, circles and squares are made-made devices; they make no appearance in nature. In many ways, mathematics is an [...]Read all ... 2253 words
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The Consolidation of Steel Bridges - Superstructures by pre-stressing
The Consolidation of Steel Bridges - Superstructures by pre-stressing Summary As a result of overloading as regards the bearing capacity as a result of the working load increase, the consolidation of the steel decks of bridges by incre [...]Read all ... 2821 words
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Concrete Mix Design
Concrete Mix Design Requirements: Assume a reinforced concrete building designed with a specific grade, with bearing walls located in definite location. Design the concrete mix in accordance to the following characteristics: 1. Spe [...]Read all ... 1003 words
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PAINTING IN ITALY, SPAIN, AND FRANCE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY An interesting characterization of the different ways of life in Italy, Spain, and France during the seventeenth century comes from the mouth of a fool in Lope de Vega's novel [...]Read all ... 47429 words
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THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH by William Shakespeare
1606 THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH by William Shakespeare Dramatis Personae DUNCAN, King of Scotland MACBETH, Thane of Glamis and Cawdor, a general in the King's army LADY MACBETH, his wife MACDUFF, [...]Read all ... 15791 words
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Neo Classical in France and England
Neo Classical in France and England • Return to symmetry • Use of columns and ancient ornament • Tall, slender elegance With the d [...]Read all ... 183 words
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English culture and civilisation
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Bacterial Paleontology
Bacterial Paleontology Paleontological Institute RAS, Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow, 117997, Russia Bacterial paleontology is rather young branch of paleontological studies. Bacteria (and microbes in general) could be perfectly preserved as [...]Read all ... 4038 words
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Environmental and Community Biology - Fern Sporebank at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh
Environmental and Community Biology Fern Sporebank at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Introduction Fern ‘dust’ was first investigated scientifically by Marcello Malpighi (1628 – 1694) who investigated microscopically the [...]Read all ... 1326 words
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The world seen in the eyes of the animals - The structure and the functions of the visual apparatus
The world seen in the eyes of the animals The structure and the functions of the visual apparatus The visual apparatus, the most important sensitive organ, informs the central nervous system about all changes that happen in the surr [...]Read all ... 5489 words
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Sowing Bed
Sowing Bed To have a good seed bed we have to: · Make sure that the seed bed has water and oxygen; · No hard crust that the seed bed cannot pass; · &nbs [...]Read all ... 788 words
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Anton Chekov - Lady With Lapdog
Anton Chekov Lady With Lapdog It was said that a new person had appeared on the sea-front: a lady with a little dog. Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov, who had by then been a fortnight at Yalta, and so was fairly at home there, had begun to take an int [...]Read all ... 6373 words
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Edgar Allan Poe - A Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Edgar Allan Poe - A Tale of the Ragged Mountains DURING the fall of the year 1827, while residing near Charlottesville, Virginia, I casually made the acquaintance of Mr. Augustus Bedloe. This young gentleman was remarkable in every respect, an [...]Read all ... 3751 words
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Edgar Allan Poe - Diddling
Edgar Allan Poe - Diddling CONSIDERED AS ONE OF THE EXACT SCIENCES. Hey, diddle diddle The cat and the fiddle SINCE the world began there have been two Jeremys. The one wrote a Jeremiad about usury, and was called Jeremy Bentham. He has b [...]Read all ... 3749 words
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Kenjutsu and the Art of Movement
Kenjutsu and the Art of Movement: Introduction Kenjutsu is often credited with being the premier martial art of Japan, an art preserving the finest qualities of the samurai, facilitating the deepest strategic and tactical insights, and providi [...]Read all ... 4363 words
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Studying the understory vegetation of Capitol Forest
Abstract In conversations on the subject of modern forest practices, the phrase “A tree farm is not a forest” often comes up. While it is true that a working commercial forest has a shorter life-span than one that is excluded from human i [...]Read all ... 6497 words
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Fern Spore Bank at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh
Fern Spore Bank at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh The aim of this project was to determine the viability of spores held in the fern spore bank in the Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh. The emphasis in this project was the [...]Read all ... 3312 words
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Woodsia Ilvensis
Woodsia Ilvensis Woodsia Ilvensis: is a rare fern, it has wintergreen leaves that are between 4 and 20 cm long. (Fitter R. et al, 1984) Spores were collected in 2002 from different sites including Feshie, Woodale and Moffat site 2. [...]Read all ... 311 words
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AROMATIC HERBS and PLANTS ABSINTHE: (or WORMWOOD) Absinthe, or Wormwood, is an aromatic plant containing an Alkaloid known since ancient times for its properties as a tonic and febrifuge. The plant was used to ma [...]Read all ... 8770 words
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A Wedding in Naples: Background Information on Our Case Study
A Wedding in Naples: Background Information on Our Case Study Here is the case study that forms the backbone of this handbook. It is a model situation around which we have built our guidelines for effective and successful project management, [...]Read all ... 2528 words
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Business Case DHL`s gatway from Bucharest
Business Case We grow up! New GTW Bucharest-Otopeni author/writer Version date of creation latest revision 1.1 15.01.08 15.01.08 documen [...]Read all ... 18988 words
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‘Businessplan’ Ontwerpen 5 Bedrijf Van Schagen BV - PERSPLEX
BPO 2005 Groepsopdracht 5, Groep 32 (herziene versie na de Fishbowl) ‘Businessplan’ Ontwerpen 5 Bedrijf Van Schagen BV PERSPLEX Inleiding Dit Businessplan is gebaseerd op de gegevens en aannames van het Ontwerpen 5 bedrijf Van Scha [...]Read all ... 2985 words
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Financial accounting and business management system in process of converge unique european curency
Financial accounting and business management system in process of converge unique european curency Abstract: : Most national changeover plans foresee a period during which the mandatory dual display of prices (both in national currency and in [...]Read all ... 1285 words
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FREEDOM AND POSTWAR MOBILITY: 1946-1958 - INDIAN CHIEF 1,206 cc, 1948, United States
FREEDOM AND POSTWAR MOBILITY: 1946-1958 INDIAN CHIEF 1,206 cc, 1948, United States Collection of Doug Strange The rocky homecoming of American World War II veterans enriched American motorcycle mythology. The [...]Read all ... 484 words
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Design and development of a smart vehicle for inspection of in-service water mains
Design and Development of a Smart Vehicle for Inspection of In-service Water Mains 1Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina, Regina, Canada. @uregina.ca 2School of Engineering, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, C [...]Read all ... 6676 words
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Installation Instructions for MERCEDES-BENZ
Installation Instructions for MERCEDES-BENZ EWA net 1. Megnyitjuk a Mercedes Benz EPC net 06 2008 disc 1of3 lemezt. 2. Elinditjuk a 'start.html'. 3. Allow blocked content. [...]Read all ... 292 words
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Step-by-step guide on how to derestrict a Baotian BT50QT9D
Big thanks to Billy Green for this step-by-step guide on how to derestrict a Baotian BT50QT9D. Firstly I must remind you that while it’s not illegal to de-restrict a scooter/moped, it is illegal to ride one without the correct licence and in [...]Read all ... 1128 words
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Conjugated Dienes and Ultraviolet Spectroscop
Conjugated Dienes and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Consider the reaction below to answer the following questions: 10. The nucleophile in this reaction is ____: Answer: 11. The [...]Read all ... 884 words
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Basic Properties of Petroleum
Basic Properties of Petroleum This Chapter describes the physical and chemical properties, which have the greatest bearing on the hazards arising from handling petroleum liquids. These properties are vapor pressure, the flammability of the [...]Read all ... 2262 words
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Esters, Organic
Full Table of Contents Esters, Organic 1. Introduction 2. Physical Properties 3. Chemical Properties 3.1. Hydrolysis 3.2. Transesterification 3.3. Ammonolysis 3.4. Reduction 3.5. Claisen Condensation 3.6. Pyro [...]Read all ... 9331 words
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Reactions of calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid
Jessica Svensson [...]Read all ... 641 words
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Software installation
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION **WDM driver does not support this application software.** This chapter will show you the installation steps of TViewer software. 1 Installation for Windows 95/98 1. Insert the applicatio [...]Read all ... 2192 words
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Coment ltd
Com-Sys (Description of System) I. General Review Introduction The primary task of the system is to register the events that arrive from the alarm center to the receiver unit and, after the receiver unit has preprocessed them, display t [...]Read all ... 12481 words
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Terminal Server - Simulated Client
Terminal Server - Simulated Client 1. Overview__________ ______ ____ _____ _______ ______ _______________ 3 How it works__________ ______ ____ _____ _______ ______ ____________ 3 Installation__________ ______ ____ [...]Read all ... 2699 words
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Proposal for a Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB
Proposal for a Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB Introduction HP and Microsoft propose the addition of support for a standard color space, sRGB, within the Microsoft OS's, HP products and the Internet. The aim of t [...]Read all ... 5314 words
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How to configure Litespan 1540 in Tellas network
How to configure Litespan 1540 in Tellas network STEP 1: Make a connection to a Litespan 1540 using a RJ11/DB9 cable (see next figure) connected to TAUP plug (Litespan 1540) and RS232 port (Laptop). Use the craft terminal ALCATEL FR2 [...]Read all ... 1741 words
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Making Friends - Evaluation of project 2008
Making Friends - Evaluation of project 2008 Operational sequence of program “Making Friends” is divided into different phases: application phase, matching phase, contact phase and the exchange. a) &nbs [...]Read all ... 782 words
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Project - Propagation Models in Wireless Systems
Technical University of Cluj–Napoca Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Semester Project: Antennas & Propagation Propagation Models in Wireless Systems Introduction [...]Read all ... 10355 words
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The importance of the television nowadays
Proiect: The importance of the television nowadays The importance of the television nowadays Communication is getting more and more important with each day, even if it is verbal or nonverbal. If we would to g [...]Read all ... 1417 words
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accidental pollution Accidental pollution is the result of the discharging of polluting substances in case of an accident in which vehicles transporting toxic or dangerous substances are involved. Polluting substances are those substances t [...]Read all ... 1622 words
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Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic substances in freshwater environment
Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic substances in freshwater environment Abstract: The carbon cycle in water systems is largely influenced by the photochemical degradation of dissolved organic substances. The aim of this study w [...]Read all ... 2492 words
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OIL POLLUTION Introduction Disasters on the scale of the TORREY CANYON, the AMOCO CADIZ, and the EXXON VALDEZ are rare. However, the resulting devastation of the environment and marine life has had such a far‑reaching effect on i [...]Read all ... 1928 words
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Coupled solution of oil slick and depth averaged tidal currents
Coupled solution of oil slick and depth averaged tidal currents on three-dimensional geometry of Persian Gulf ABSTRACT: In this paper, simulation of oil spill due to tidal currents in Persian Gulf is performed by coupled solution of th [...]Read all ... 3702 words
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Inspirion Romania - Annual Report
Inspirion Romania Annual Report Brief introduction The present report is structured in three chapters: I. Sales: includes the results comparison [...]Read all ... 4955 words
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Modern Capitalisms by Max Weber
Modern Capitalisms by Max Weber. Capitalism is present whenever the industrial provision of needs of a human group is carried out by the method of enterprises, irrespective of what the need is involved. The existence of modern-capi [...]Read all ... 1991 words
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Interview with an entrepreneur
Interview with an entrepreneur -ENTREPRENEURSHIP- Report 'Success is a journey, not a destination.' - Ben Sweetland Success is achieved when a stretch goal is met overcoming problems and diffic [...]Read all ... 2682 words
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Business Administration – Economic of the Firms Subjects for oral exam
Business Administration – Economic of the Firms Subjects for oral exam 1. Some scientists predict major changes in the earth’s climate, including a temperature rise of 1,5oC over the next 50 years. Should any companies be paying atte [...]Read all ... 523 words
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Communication Strategies for Visual Learners
Communication Strategies for Visual Learners Andy Bondy and Lori Frost One of the most serious problems for individuals with autism is their great difficulty acquiring and using speech. Almost 80% of preschool students entering one pu [...]Read all ... 9856 words
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Discrimination Learning
Discrimination Learning This chapter on discrimination learning is the most important chapter in this manual. Although every effort is made to present discrimination learning in a detailed and stepwise manner, the procedures involved i [...]Read all ... 9143 words
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Summary of Basic Treatment Steps
Summary of Basic Treatment Steps The preceding chapters provide a great deal of important information. For example, Chapter 9 on establishing cooperation and tantrum reduction introduces concepts basic to behavioural intervention su [...]Read all ... 7516 words
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Excessive Tantrums and Self-Injurious Behaviour
Excessive Tantrums and Self-Injurious Behaviour In Chapter 1, tantrums and self-injurious behaviour are introduced as examples of behavioural excesses often displayed by persons with autism. Such behaviours take several forms, such as screa [...]Read all ... 2238 words
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Combi CD Player for Windows
Combi CD Player for Windows Multi-Format CD Player Program Introduction Introduction: Combi is a combinational Compact Disc player for Windows personal computer systems. It provides the ability to play an [...]Read all ... 5895 words
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Analysis of the parasitic devices in bipolar IC technology
Analysis of the parasitic devices in bipolar IC technology supported by TCAD modeling and simulation Abstract. The implementation of TCAD process and device simulation of electrical properties of bipolar transistor cell for extraction of [...]Read all ... 1045 words
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Investigation Report Electronic Typeface Readability
Investigation Report Electronic Typeface Readability Introduction Readability is a major importance and concern to those who create any type of media that contains text. The use of the Internet has increased dramatically and [...]Read all ... 1677 words
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Electronics Laboratory - Diodes
Electronics Laboratory - Diodes 1. Measure td. We have taken the following hardcopy and measured td using the cursors; we can see that td. = 8.8 ns = 8.8 * 10s. 10X attenuation factor was used for the probes since such small delay tim [...]Read all ... 2308 words
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Guide to OptiX OSN 3500&2500 V001R001 Local Commissioning
Guide to OptiX OSN 3500&2500 V001R001 Local Commissioning 1.1 Preface Before beginning the single-station commissioning and system commissioning, take heed of the following points: 1.1.1 The single station must be tested ca [...]Read all ... 8737 words
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Variable Valve Actuation system
PATTAKON Greece Variable Valve Actuation system. A general view. If the VVA is still a mystery, a look at the 'VVA mechanism' and at the 'equivalent cam lobe' drawings below may help. The VVA mechanism [...]Read all ... 2968 words
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Project in pigs
PROJECT IN PIGS I have a land of 470 ha and for this land I make a farm with 2860 sows. I buy Landrace sows and I inseminate them with semen from Duroc that I bayed from Hatting. 470ha*1,4=658 DE 1̲s̲ [...]Read all ... 1530 words
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Indicativ p85-96 - reinforced concrete structural walls
INDICATIV P85-96 REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WALLS A). CALCULUS OF THE TRUCTURAL WALLS SECTIONS 1. Plastic zones There are considered plastic zones of the structural walls the following situations: - [...]Read all ... 2369 words
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Try ityou will be suprised
Try ityou will be suprised Here's something that you may enjoy: Have you ever wondered if your mind is normal or different?? Well, do this little mind exercise and find out at the end!! Free will or synaptic wiring [...]Read all ... 169 words
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LOVERS PHOTO CONTEST… 12th place goes to. 11th place goes to. 10th place goes to. 9th place goes to. 8th place goes to. 7th place goes to. [...]Read all ... 61 words
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Americans’ holidays and celebrations
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The Contribution of Salons to the Network and Cosmopolitan in the Enlightenment
The Contribution of Salons to the Network and Cosmopolitan in the Enlightenment That the salon was at the core of the Enlightenment has become almost a commonplace for the historiography of this movement.[1] The salon not only promoted [...]Read all ... 5537 words
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INSURANCE COVER AND DAMAGE OR FAILURE OF SHIP'S OWN EQUIPMENT Introduction Although there are no legal requirements to compel a shipowner to insure his vessel (provided his vessel is free of mortgage commitments), most owners trading [...]Read all ... 2815 words
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UNDERPERFORMANCE AND OVERCONSUMPTION CLAIMS Introduction In time charter‑parties, a vessel is usually described as capable of steaming fully laden, under good weather conditions, at about 'x' knots on a consumption of abo [...]Read all ... 2202 words
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Date : 02.05.08 Dear MR. Tiberiu STAN; Thank you for selecting Anadolu Medical Center for your healthcare needs.I will be pleased to assist you during your visit to The Anadolu Medical Center to ensure that you receive the highest level [...]Read all ... 1539 words
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Accounting - What is Accounting?
Accounting What is Accounting? Accounting is the system a business uses to identify, measure, and communicate financial information to others, inside and outside the organization. Because outsiders and insiders use accoun [...]Read all ... 3679 words
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Discus Classification
Discus Classification Discus are sold under a confusing variety of names. What are the different types of discus and how do we tell them apart? All colors and types of discus will interbreed and produce fertile fry. Some types like Pigeon B [...]Read all ... 1263 words
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Aftershaft Leech
Aftershaft Leech About 9 years ago I was fishing Whitetail Lake in southeastern British Columbia. Whitetail Lake has a reputation for large trout although its gin-clear waters and scenic beauty are reason enough to visit. Leech [...]Read all ... 1096 words
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Al's Catch All Sculpin
Al's Catch All Sculpin Photo Copyright ©1998 Al Campbell. Hook:Any streamer hook, size 14 to 5/0. Thread:Tan, 3/0 monocord. Body:6 mixed feathers from a pheasant saddle. (Other similar feathers can be use [...]Read all ... 486 words
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WHICH HOOK? There have always been two basic requirements for catching fish. In the old days it was a bent pin and a piece of string. Now it is high carbon hooks and advanced monofilament lines. Without doubt these [...]Read all ... 1129 words
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How to play Fruit Machines and win
The World of Secret Knowledge! 1) How to play Fruit Machines and win! Do you often feel that you are getting a really bad deal when you play on fruit machines and other gaming machines? Although you pile in hu [...]Read all ... 2291 words
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Dungeon Master Player Creation Guide - Table of Contents
Dungeon Master Player Creation Guide Table of Contents Introduction.. [...]Read all ... 2123 words
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Need for Speed: Most Wanted Tweak Guide
Need for Speed: Most Wanted Tweak Guide In-Game Settings The following are the main in-game settings for Need for Speed: Most Wanted which can be changed to alter image quality and performance. Each is covered in detail under the [...]Read all ... 3633 words
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Extended Championship Lode Runner Tips & Tricks
Extended Championship Lode Runner Tips & Tricks On disk 1A you can find short instructions, a list of all keys used in this game. Here now a few hints and cheats for all levels, which were written in summer 1985, while we´ve listened to a [...]Read all ... 3824 words
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BURUNDI –THE POOREST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD Burundi officially the Republic of Burundi, is a small country in the Great Lakes region of Africa. It is bordered by Rwanda on the north, Tanzania on the south and east, and the Democ [...]Read all ... 349 words
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INFLUENCES OF GLOBALIZATION UPON THE EVOLUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION ABSTRACT All around the world, higher education - while highly valued and acclaimed by all - faces great challenges at the millennium. It is incumbent upon the academ [...]Read all ... 3002 words
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Europe: London, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid
Europe Europe London Kings and Queens of England, the Rolling Stones, Charles Dickens, and Jack the Ripper all called London home and indeed this mighty metropolis does have something for everyone. Everywhere you turn is a landmark famou [...]Read all ... 9540 words
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Saint Ana Lake - Snapshot of a beautiful place from Romania
Saint Ana Lake Snapshot of a beautiful place Saint Ana Lake is a lake of volcanic origin, is the only such lake throughout Romania. The lake is situated on the bottom of the crater of an extinct volcano called Ciomatu (or, as o [...]Read all ... 177 words
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Modifying adjectives and adjective phrases
MODIFYING ADJECTIVES AND ADJECTIVE PHRASES 1.0 Adjectives are subordinate to nouns in their attributive use; they also form part of nominal predicates or function as predicative adjuncts; they may pass into nouns by the change kn [...]Read all ... 8287 words
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Issues specific to different types of writing
Issues specific to different types of writing: 1. the essay 1. Identify the structure and basic elements of the following essay and render them in the form of a diagram: Illegal Immigrants: A [...]Read all ... 4860 words
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Critical Reasoning
Critical Reasoning Critical reasoning questions appear in the Verbal section of the GMAT-exam.The Verbal section uses multiple—choice questions to measure your ability to read and comprehend written material,to reason and eval [...]Read all ... 20210 words
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SIMPLE PAST/ CONTINUOUS – complete the sentences
SIMPLE PAST/ CONTINUOUS – complete the sentences Simple Past / Past Continuous Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses. 1. A: What (you, do) when the accident occ [...]Read all ... 537 words
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CLINICAL EVALUATION OF HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS WITH HEART FAILURE TREATED BY IECA SUMMARY Considering the present conception on the pathogenical mechanismes in the heart failure, IECA(angiotensin converting enzyme [...]Read all ... 1692 words
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Diseases of Genetic Origin
Diseases of Genetic Origin Most of us do not suffer any harmful effects from our defective genes because we carry two copies of nearly all genes, one derived from our mother and the other from our father. The only exceptions to this rule are th [...]Read all ... 8493 words
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Abdominal Perfusion Pressure
Abdominal Perfusion Pressure E levated intra-abdominal pressure (LAP) is commonly encountered in the critically ill and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The 'critical IAP' that c [...]Read all ... 5691 words
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Butter and fat
BUTTER and FAT A fatty substance obtained from churned cream, containing at least 80% fat, 2% milk solids, and not more than 16% water. It is washed and blended to make it smooth. BUTTER hardens at low temperatures and melts [...]Read all ... 2949 words
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International Fascism - Theories, causes and the new consensus
International Fascism Theories, causes and the new consensus “International Fascism – theories, causes and the new consensus”, edited by Roger Griffi [...]Read all ... 2792 words
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Three major events that had a great impact in the 20th century
PROIECT ENGLEZA Three major events that had a great impact in the 20th century INTRODUCTION The 20th century is the most d [...]Read all ... 864 words
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Social trust and democratization in the post-communist societies
Social trust and democratization in the post-communist societies Recent assessments of the transformation processes in the ex-communist societies tend to agree on the increasing diversity in the quality and extent of their democratizati [...]Read all ... 5903 words
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History of British Trotskyism
History of British Trotskyism Introduction The present work is a unique contribution to the history of British Trotskyism. Ted Grant became the chief theoretician of British Trotskyism during the Second World War, and was responsi [...]Read all ... 102492 words
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Business Letter Writing: Writing a Cover Letter when Applying for a Job
Business Letter Writing: Writing a Cover Letter when Applying for a Job The cover letter should always be included when sending your resume or CV for a possible job interview. This letter of application serves the purpose or introducing yo [...]Read all ... 2578 words
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Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources Human Resource Management • Planning for staffing needs • Recruiting and hiring • &nbs [...]Read all ... 2699 words
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Employee Motivation, Today’s Workforce, and Labor Relations
Employee Motivation, Today’s Workforce, and Labor Relations Understanding Human Relations · Needs of Management · Needs of Employees [...]Read all ... 3415 words
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Jobs & Occupations Free Icons
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Do not write – official use only attach your photo here H-2B 2005 APPLICATION Personal Information [...]Read all ... 2599 words
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Common Marine Inspection Document
The International Marine Contractors Association [...]Read all ... 13255 words
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Audit objectives where we undertake a substantive approach
Audit objectives where we undertake a substantive approach A.1 Description of accounting activities Our documentation in this section may be in a narrative form using bullet points or paragraphs, or may be documented in a flow chart. [...]Read all ... 1395 words
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Law – multiple choise tests
Law – multiple choise tests 1. Complete each blank with the right word: Law, (1) of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and the (2), that is used to [...]Read all ... 10897 words
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The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Analysis of Major Characters - Symbols
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Analysis of Major Characters - Symbols Plot Overview The narrator begins her journal by marveling at the grandeur of the house and grounds her husband has taken for their summer [...]Read all ... 2980 words
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An Analysis of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's A New England Nun
An Analysis of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's A New England Nun One of the most common and important themes in women's literature is the idea of freedom and autonomy. Because the need and want for independence from men was a central issue in the [...]Read all ... 694 words
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Little Women - Analysis of Major Characters - Themes, Motifs & Symbols
Little Women - Analysis of Major Characters - Themes, Motifs & Symbols Louisa May Alcott Plot Overview Alcott prefaces Little Women with an excerpt from John Bunyan’s seventeenth-century work The Pilgrim’s Progress, an allegor [...]Read all ... 2658 words
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Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe - The Incompatibility of Slavery & Christian Values
Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe - The Incompatibility of Slavery & Christian Values Plot Overview Having run up large debts, a Kentucky farmer named Arthur Shelby faces the prospect of losing everything he owns. Thoug [...]Read all ... 3525 words
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Quality Improvement Plan
Quality Improvement Plan Introduction The Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board of Cuyahoga County (ADASBCC) has been committed to continuous quality improvement (CQI) since 1996. The Board’s 1997-2002 Strateg [...]Read all ... 6409 words
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Master Validation Plan - PharmaReady 4.1 Release
Master Validation Plan PharmaReady 4.1 Release DMS, TRMS, eCTD, & SPL Modules 1. Introduction The PharmaReady product suite encompasses four modules; a document management module (DMS), training r [...]Read all ... 4888 words
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Excellency in management
Excellency in management Are you a top or middle manager and you wish to fully understand the management processes and the business as a whole? Are you a successful entrepreneur and you wish to develop you business and fully acknowledge w [...]Read all ... 508 words
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Quality Assurance Plan
Quality Assurance Plan 1. GENERAL The Agreement Documents represent the minimum level of quality to be incorporated into the Project by the Contractor and define standard [...]Read all ... 2707 words
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Irxpress usb-irda installer guide
IRXPRESS USB-IrDA Installer Guide The following information will help you install the IRXpress USB-IrDA dongle. It will be installed on all of Windows, like Windows98, WindowsME and Windows2000. The installer will automatically insta [...]Read all ... 258 words
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Neocron manual
Neocron Manual Congratulations for having purchased Neocron! We, the developing team from Reakktor.com, have worked on this title for more than 3 years just to bring you the ultimate experience in massive multiplayer gamin [...]Read all ... 26293 words
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RemoteScope User’s Guide
RemoteScope User’s Guide Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of the RemoteScope network management program. Although this software is simple to install and use, its powerful set of features can save time, money and aggravatio [...]Read all ... 7865 words
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Magitech Portrait Editor Manual
Magitech Portrait Editor Manual The Magitech Portrait Editor is a tool used to make portraits for Takeda 2. This tool will allow you to replace portraits of your favorite characters with your own custom portraits. 1. Pr [...]Read all ... 354 words
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Distribution Strategies - Marketing Intermediaries
Distribution Strategies Marketing Intermediaries · Retailers · Wholesalers Think of all the products you buy: food, toiletries, c [...]Read all ... 3065 words
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Fundamentals of Marketing, Customers, and Strategic Marketing Planning
Fundamentals of Marketing, Customers, and Strategic Marketing Planning Marketing in a Changing World · Planning → New Product → Execution · & [...]Read all ... 3527 words
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Brand training material
BRAND TRAINING MATERIAL 1. Executive summary · Objectives · [...]Read all ... 9733 words
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How important is EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE for social an professional success?
How important is EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE for social an professional success? - MANAGER PROJECT - Introduction As I said before, I had the chance to discover E [...]Read all ... 1550 words
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NP-COMPLETENESS All of the algorithms we have studied thus far have been polynomial-time algorithms: on inputs of size n, their worst-case running time is O(nk) for some constant k. It is natural to wonder whether all problems can be solved [...]Read all ... 15487 words
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Engineering Mathematics - Random Signals Project
Engineering Mathematics - Random Signals Project Introduction: This project examines students’ skills in matlab applications in solving mathematical problems through the use of provided random data. In partic [...]Read all ... 879 words
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Worksheet - System of Linear equations
Worksheet - System of Linear equations The equation 2x – 3y = 12 is called a linear equation because it is graphed as a straight line in the xy-plane. All variables in a linear equation are of first degree. When we have a finite set of [...]Read all ... 1832 words
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Intersection of Surfaces
Intersection of Surfaces 1) Plot the surfaces defined by the cylinder z2 + x2=8 and the paraboloid z=0.2(x2 +y2 ) and show their intersection. //program for plotting cylinder deff('[z]=f1(x,y)','z=sqrt [...]Read all ... 837 words
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CELL INJURY, DYSFUNCTION, AND ADAPTATION Contents Definition of disease Etiologic factors Pathogenesis Risk factors Host defenses Ischemic cell dysfunction Cell aging Oncogenesis Cell death – necrosi [...]Read all ... 2452 words
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Teeth Radiography
Introduction Radiography involves the use of x-radiation and thus is potentially dangerous if mishandled. For your own sake, and that of the staff, patient, and public, it is essential that you gain adequate knowledge of radiographic technique [...]Read all ... 12636 words
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Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fractures of the Femur
Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fractures of the Femur Although not as common as femoral shaft or hip fractures, fractures of the distal femur present considerable challenges in management. Severe soft-tissue damage, comminution, fractu [...]Read all ... 6880 words
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Small bowel bleeding and capsule endoscopy
SMALL BOWEL BLEEDING AND CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY 1. What is the Small Bowel? The small bowel (or small intestine) is the longest portion of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It is called 'small' because it is thin or narrow compared to t [...]Read all ... 2315 words
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HISTORY OF HOLLYWOOD Table Of Contents: Introduction Location and Facts Chapter I Hollywood 1800-1922 The Early Days [...]Read all ... 8232 words
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Titanic Facts: Dimensions, Cost, Design
Titanic Facts Dimensions: At 882 feet, 9 inches long, Titanic stretched nearly four city blocks. She was 92½ feet wide and 11 stories tall. Titanic was the largest ship built prior to 1912 and the largest moving object built by man. C [...]Read all ... 311 words
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Brad Pitt William Bradley Pitt s-a nascut pe 18 decembrie 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Este cel mai mare dintre cei trei frati ai familiei lui Jane si Bill Pitt (mai are un frate Doug si o sora Julie). A avut o copilarie linistit [...]Read all ... 844 words
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ANIMATED CLASSICS - Titles are listed in order of theatrical release date
ANIMATED CLASSICS Titles are listed in order of theatrical release date. Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Released December 21, 1937 Not Currently Available I [...]Read all ... 7340 words
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LOUIS ARMSTRONG (1901-1971), jazz américain, cornet, et joueur de la trompette
Louis Armstrong Armstrong, Louis (1901-1971), jazz américain, cornet, et joueur de la trompette, chanteur, bandleader, et artiste de cabaret populaire. Armstrong a vaincu pauvreté, un manque d'éducation formelle, et racisme [...]Read all ... 956 words
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The works of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)
The works of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Catalogue of Works Without Opus Number Beethoven's Works Without Opus Number (designated WoO from the German) were first compiled by Kinsky in 1955. In parallel with this, Hess w [...]Read all ... 1608 words
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MICHAEL JACKSON LYRICS HISTORY PAST, P [...]Read all ... 3563 words
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Real-time Style Performer for Yamaha styles
Real-time Style Performer for Yamaha styles. The Real-time Style Performer (RSP) gives you the ability to play musical styles created for Yamaha PSR musical instruments through a PC sound card. The program is solely dedicated to real-time [...]Read all ... 2181 words
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Dill Production - Compounds influencing flavour
Dill 1 Introduction Dill (Anethum graveloens Linn.) is an annual aromatic branched herb known for culinary use since ancient times. It is a native of south-east Europe and is cultivated commercially in most parts of Eu [...]Read all ... 2516 words
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Bay leaves - Cultivation, production and processing, Functional properties
Bay leaves 1 Introduction The commodity, traded as sweet bay leaf, and true, Roman, or Turkish laurel, is derived from the leaves of Laurus nobilis L. (Family – Lauraceae). Because of the similarity in the leaves, severa [...]Read all ... 2913 words
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Cardamom (large) - description and Cultivation
Cardamom (large) 1 Introduction and description Cardamom are the dried seed capsules of a small group of species or plants belonging to the family Zingiberaceae which contain seeds possessing a pleasant characteristic arom [...]Read all ... 3014 words
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Facts about: caffeine
Facts about: caffeine Caffeine is the world's most popular drug. The white, bitter-tasting, crystalline substance was first isolated from coffee in 1820. Both words, caffeine and coffee, are derived from the Arabic word qahweh (pronounced " [...]Read all ... 1262 words
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ALFRED ADLER 1870 - 1937 - Biography
ALFRED ADLER 1870 - 1937 I would like to introduce Alfred Adler by talking about someone Adler never knew: Theodore Roosevelt. Born to Martha and Theodore Senior in Manhattan on October 27, 1858, he was said to be a particular [...]Read all ... 6581 words
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Elizabeth I (1558-1603 AD)
Elizabeth I (1558-1603 AD) Elizabeth I was born in 1533 to Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Although she entertained many marriage proposals and flirted incessantly, she never married or had children. Elizabeth, the last [...]Read all ... 1337 words
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Charlie Chaplin - Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977)
Charlie Chaplin Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr., KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977), better known as Charlie Chaplin, was an Academy Award-winning English comedy actor. Chaplin became one of the most fa [...]Read all ... 14714 words
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Christian Rakovsky - An Autobiography
Christian Rakovsky An Autobiography I was born on 1 August 1873 in the Bulgarian town of Kotel. As early as the first half of the nineteenth century, Kotel had become an important economic and political centre. The family in [...]Read all ... 5114 words
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Causal Laws and Effective Strategies
Essay 1 Causal Laws and Effective Strategies 0. Introduction There are at least two kinds of laws of nature: laws of association and causal laws. Laws of association are the familiar laws with which ph [...]Read all ... 7172 words
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How the Measurement Problem Is an Artefact of the Mathematics
How the Measurement Problem Is an Artefact of the Mathematics 0. Introduction Von Neumann's classic work of 1932 set the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.1 There are two kinds of evolution in the quantum theory, von N [...]Read all ... 15567 words
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The Reality of Causes in a World of Instrumental Laws
The Reality of Causes in a World of Instrumental Laws 0. Introduction Empiricists are notoriously suspicious of causes. They have not been equally wary of laws. Hume set the tradition when he replaced causal facts with facts about ge [...]Read all ... 3469 words
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Sub-symbolic to symbolic knowledge conversion
Sub-symbolic to symbolic knowledge conversion (1) Graduate School of Information Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, (2) Bio-Medical Engineering Centre, 'Politehnica' University of Bucharest, Ab [...]Read all ... 5215 words
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Renaissance - History and Politics
Renaissance Renaissance is the name of the great intellectual and cultural movement of the revival of interest in classical culture that occurred in the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries -- a period which saw the tran [...]Read all ... 1850 words
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ESSAY on Stalinism BIOGRAPHICAL DATA Robert C. Tucker (born 29 May 1918) is an American historian, with great contributions in the field of Sovietology. Born in Kansas City, Missouri, he was a prominent Sovietologist at Princeton [...]Read all ... 2661 words
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Syria between past experience and current trends of modernization
Syria between past experience and current trends of modernization In the majority of sources the Syrian culture is referred to as the cradle of civilisations because of its enormous variety of cultural reminiscences of ancient different [...]Read all ... 3033 words
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A Brief History of U.S. Marines on the Yangtze River
A Brief History of U.S. Marines on the Yangtze River 'A Brief History of the U.S. Marines of the Yangtze River' is a narrative of the 4th Marine Regiment since it played a key role during this period and is the key unit i [...]Read all ... 4575 words
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Emotional Intelligence and Deception Detection: Why Most People Can't 'Read' Others, But a Few Can
Emotional Intelligence and Deception Detection: Why Most People Can't 'Read' Others, But a Few Can In this chapter we will consider why most people seem impervious to the many nonverbal cues that they could use to understand the [...]Read all ... 16143 words
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No More Teachers' Dirty Looks: Effects of Teacher Nonverbal Behavior on Student Outcomes
No More Teachers' Dirty Looks: Effects of Teacher Nonverbal Behavior on Student Outcomes Teachers change lives. As the popular bumper sticker attests, the power of teachers to influence the course of a child's life is enormous, rivaling in some [...]Read all ... 13911 words
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Introduction to Applications of Nonverbal Communication
Introduction to Applications of Nonverbal Communication Few topics encompass such a rich and broad area of investigation as nonverbal communication. Researchers in fields as diverse as psychology, ethology, communication studies, sociology, a [...]Read all ... 547 words
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Communication in the Courtroom and the 'Appearance' of Justice
Communication in the Courtroom and the 'Appearance' of Justice When the jury revealed its verdict on Charles Ingram, he made no response other than pursing his lips and slightly shaking his head. But his wife reached down and took he [...]Read all ... 7603 words
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OYSTER SAUCE (Recipe) Open and poach 12 oysters. Prepare a white roux with 20 g butter and 20 g flour, and then moisten with 1 dl oyster cooking liquid, 1 dl milk, and 1 dl single (light cream). Adjust the seasoning. Bring to the boil and coo [...]Read all ... 58 words
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PRINTANIÈRE SAUCE (Recipe) Add 50 g green butter sauce to 2 dl ALLEMANDE SAUCE and strain. Serve with soft-boiled (soft-cooked) or poached eggs or poached chicken. [...]Read all ... 22 words
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ESPAGNOLE SAUCE A basic brown sauce, which is used as a basic for a large number of derivative brown sauces (ROBERT, GENOVOISE, BORDOLAISE, BERCY, MADEIRA, PÉRIGUEUX, etc.). It is made with a brown stock to which a brown roux and a mirepoix* a [...]Read all ... 111 words
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BASIC ESPRESSO COFFEE SKILLS Standard Training Manual for Espresso Drinks made onboard Princess Vessels The purpose [...]Read all ... 985 words
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social security PERSPECTIVES under the european integration Abstract. This article describes the Social Security Systems in the European Union member states in the light of their commune objectives, the strategies and implemented refor [...]Read all ... 5500 words
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Non-Marriages, Void Marriages and Voidable Marriages
Non-Marriages, Void Marriages and Voidable Marriages Difference between divorce and nullity: Annulled – law recognises there was some flaw in the establishment of the marriage, rendering the marriage ineffective. Divorce [...]Read all ... 2441 words
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Managing the english class
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Violence and Fanaticism
Pavel Hošek – Religions and violence Violence and Fanaticism In recent years, there has been a steep increase in religious terrorism all over the world. In the 1990s, the American public was shocked by a series of bomb attacks agains [...]Read all ... 675 words
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MACHPRO - Programming Software for AMD MACH® JTAG Devices
MACHPRO™ Programming Software for AMD MACH® JTAG Devices Version 1.3x 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 MACHPRO Basics 1.3 Requesting Assistance 2 Getting Sta [...]Read all ... 5990 words
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Physiology of the uterine muscle during labor The uterus in prepared for labor by progressive morphological and functional changes during pregnancy (chapter 13). Hypertrophy and dilatation (with limited appearance of new muscle cells) as w [...]Read all ... 1322 words
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American Football - rules
American Football Football, American, distinct type of football that developed in the United States in the 19th century from soccer (association football) and rugby football. Played by professionals and amateurs (gener [...]Read all ... 722 words
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AMERICAN FOOTBALL [...]Read all ... 14706 words
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Frank lampard - the both sides of fame
NATIONAL COLLEGE ‘’SPIRU HARET’’ TARGU-JIU Profile: Philology Section: Intensive English Course: British and American Culture and Civilisation FRANK LAMPARD The Both Sides Of Fame [...]Read all ... 13235 words
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Tupolev tu-95ms “bear”
TUPOLEV TU-95MS “Bear” Legendary Russian nuclear bomber, one of symbols of Cold war. The example of air longevity - created in 1954 he many times was modified and now stands on arms in Russia. Has many versions - M, K, KR, Tu-142, Tu-119 [...]Read all ... 990 words
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Cma cgm utrillo - life on a container ship
CMA CGM UTRILLO TWINNED WITH WILLIAMSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA LIFE ON A CONTAINER SHIP When did it all start? The first container ships were built [...]Read all ... 3443 words
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Tensometric Determination of the Pushing Forces Developed by the Sprinters
“Transilvania” University of Brasov Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Tensometric Determination of the Pushing Forces Developed by the Sprinters during the Start, through the Use of a Block Start That Records the Impulsion Forces [...]Read all ... 1093 words
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Safety Related Control Systems
Safety Related Control Systems First of all, what is a safety related control system (often abbreviated to SRCS)? It is that part of the control system of a machine which prevents a hazardous condition from occurring. It can be a se [...]Read all ... 4471 words
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ECOTOURISM IN ROMANIA AND THE DANUBE DELTA Did you know? ü More than 30% of the European population of brown bear, wolf and lynx live in Romania! ü More than 300 specie [...]Read all ... 768 words
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The castle Bran
The castle Bran Commonly known as Dracula 's Castle, the Bran Castle was originally a stronghold built by the Knights of Teutonic Order in 1212. The first documentary attestation of the Bran Castle is the act issued on November [...]Read all ... 186 words
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BURJ AL ARAB Built in the shape of an Arabian dhow sail and dominating the Dubai coastline,this is one of the world ’s most spectacular and luxurious hotels.It offers unparalleled standards of comfort and service in a unique lavish setting [...]Read all ... 2920 words
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Lights in London: Trafalgar Square, Tower of London
Lights in London Tower of London A historic fortress of the city of London on the most bank of the River Thames. It was used as a royal residence and a prison until the 19th century. It now folds the crown jewels of England [...]Read all ... 355 words
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The use of non-traditional working arrangements in firms in Latvia
The use of non-traditional working arrangements in firms in Latvia BSc. Thesis First Draft Stockholm School of Economics in Riga November 23, 2009 1. Introduction Providing solutions [...]Read all ... 3354 words
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Zak McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Zak McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders Hi all. I know there are already walkthrough for this game, but since this was my first point and click adventure and the one that really got me hooked on the other such games, I decided to write anot [...]Read all ... 4693 words
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Rhetoric of the Image
Rhetoric of the Image According to an ancient etymology, the word image should be linked to the root imitari. Thus we find ourselves immediately at the heart of the most important problem facing the semiology of images: can analogical repr [...]Read all ... 5582 words
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Content, Cognition, and Communication - Reflexivity, Reflections on Reflexivity, Demonstrating and Necessity
Content, Cognition, and Communication Abstract: This volume brings together Nathan Salmon's papers from the early 1980s to 2006 on closely connected topics central to analytic philosophy, on the theory of direct reference, names and d [...]Read all ... 140797 words
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The use of non-traditional working arrangements in firms in Latvia
The use of non-traditional working arrangements in firms in Latvia BSc. Thesis First Draft Stockholm School of Economics in Riga November 23, 2009 1. Introduction Providing solutions [...]Read all ... 3354 words
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Zak McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Zak McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders Hi all. I know there are already walkthrough for this game, but since this was my first point and click adventure and the one that really got me hooked on the other such games, I decided to write anot [...]Read all ... 4693 words
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Rhetoric of the Image
Rhetoric of the Image According to an ancient etymology, the word image should be linked to the root imitari. Thus we find ourselves immediately at the heart of the most important problem facing the semiology of images: can analogical repr [...]Read all ... 5582 words
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Content, Cognition, and Communication - Reflexivity, Reflections on Reflexivity, Demonstrating and Necessity
Content, Cognition, and Communication Abstract: This volume brings together Nathan Salmon's papers from the early 1980s to 2006 on closely connected topics central to analytic philosophy, on the theory of direct reference, names and d [...]Read all ... 140797 words
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